精华 一点小知识!Waterproof, Water Repellent & Water Resistant的区别!

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最近儿子参加scout的活动,去camping,要买防水的衣服,在网上研究了一下,搞清出了Waterproof, Water Repellent & Water Resistant的区别,在这里贴出来大家分享一下哈。

防水,疏水与抗水(Waterproof, Water Repellent & Water Resistant)

其实这些词汇,其来源都是3个英文词汇——Waterproof、Water Repellent和Water Resistant的不同译法。但是从一开始在不同的领域对这三个词就没有标准的译法,也就造成了后来混乱的局面。下面还是从这三个英文单词出发,来依次分析下这些词汇的内在含义。


相信肯定会有人马上指出,现在任何一件以防水为卖点的功能服装,都会标明“防水多少多少mm”这样的指标。但严格来说,所有“防水 … mm ”这样的面料,都只能算抗水(Water Resisitant,详见下文),而不是防水。
疏水——Water Repellent

Water Repellent常被译为防水、泼水、疏水、拒水、拨水、抗水等。个人意见,疏水和拨水这两个词较为准确的表达了这个词的真实意义。
疏水和下面要说到的抗水事实上常常混淆,尤其是在中文译名的使用上。为避免歧义,这里再次说明,本文中所用的“疏水”是指在AATCC(American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists,美国纺织化学师与印染师协会)技术规范(AATCC Technical Manual)里定义的Water Repellent,而“抗水”亦是指同一规范中定义的Water Resistant
按照AATCC的定义,“疏水性”是指面料防止被水浸湿的能力,而“抗水性”是指面料防止被水浸湿及防止水透过的能力。对于疏水性通常使用两种测试方法,AATCC TM 22(TM:Test Method,测试方法,下同)里定义的“喷雾测试(Spray Test)”和TM 70里定义的“滚筒动态吸收测试(Tumble Jar Dynamic Absorption Test)”。对于测试的内容,我们可以根据名字大概猜得出来是什么意思,具体的细节也没有必要去了解了。总之,我们知道通过测试,我们可以评估出面料相对的疏水性,通常用一个0~100的值来表示。一般来说,疏水性到80~90的面料,就可以挂上“Water Repellent ”的标签了。
抗水——Water Resistant

上面提到,“抗水性”是指面料防止被水浸湿及防止水透过的能力。AATCC定义了3种测量拒水性的方法:TM 35 “雨测试(Rain Test)”,TM 42 “冲击渗透测试(Impact Penetration Test)”和TM 127 “流体静压力测试(Hydrostatic Pressure Test)”。
但是在现在的用法中,通常把使用TM127测试的抗水性大于1500mm的面料称之为“防水面料(waterproof fabric)”。
这么说water proof比water resistant要防水了?
为什么手表都不说water proof,而说water resistant到xxx米?
这么说water proof比water resistant要防水了?
为什么手表都不说water proof,而说water resistant到xxx米?

Watch Water Resistant mark

W.W.W. - Watches Wristlet Waterproof

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top align=left>If asked is your watch water proof or water resistant you might get confused. Most of the watches are marked as water resistant up to a certain capacity and can also be said as water proof. So what is this comparison all about? This is to clarify the meaning of water resistant vs. water proof.
With the new ISO standards, the "Water Resistant" mark has come to replace the "Water Proof". Now if your watch is water resistant it is water proof to a certain extent. Actually both the marks mean the same thing to some extent. A water resistant watch is equivalent to water proof to a certain extent. This can be summarized with some figures

</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top align=left>Watches are usually marked with one of the following ratings:
  • 30 Meters/100 Feet
  • 50 Meters/160 Feet
  • 100 Meters/300 Feet
  • 150 Meters/500 Feet
  • 200 Meters/660 Feet
  • 1000 Meters/3300 Feet
These however, do not generally indicate the point at which a watch's resistance to pressure is expected to fail. For example, a watch rated 30 Meters would not be expected to survive Scuba Diving to 30 Meters, but would be expected to survive light splashing, for example wearing in the shower.


Is Your Watch Water Resistant or Waterproof?

When you're looking to buy a sports watch you will see the terms "water resistant" and "waterproof" repeatedly. Many people think these two terms are interchangable -in fact they are not.

There is a difference between watches that are water resistant and watches that are water proof. A water resistant watch will be fine if you leave it on and get in the shower or the swimming pool. Just remember to take it off as soon as you discover it.

A watch that is waterproof will be fine if you happen to take a shower or bath or you want to wear it to go snorkeling or scuba diving. However how deep you can go with a waterproof watch will vary from brand to brand. A waterproof watch is made to withstand the pressures of being underwater. Every 10 meters is another atmosphere of pressure and the gaskets holding the water back in a watch that is merely water resistant will simply give out when exposed to these types of extremes.

If you're going to be taking your watch underwater, make sure it can withstand the depths you like to dive. Sport diving is generally only to 35 or so feet but some divers prefer to go even deeper when exploring various ship wrecks and reefs. Citizen makes an outstanding diver watch that will go to 1000 meters or 10 atmospheres of pressure.

Now that you know the difference, choosing the watch that best fits your lifestyle is easy!

