

如题:妈妈们送孩子上幼儿园前都给小孩喂些什么作早餐,想咨询一下. 孩子刚找到一位置,发愁不知喂点啥好
我們家3岁半女兒,早上送上學前,有時間的話,在家吃點cereal加牛奶或是花生醬+jam on toast,來不及的話,就給個cheese stick在車上吃。:p

In your title you are asking all the moms, I call this a discrimination again all the Dad who work like mad cook for the kids and pack lunches in the morning.

It's a tough job to do the cooking, make them eat, pack lunch and drop them off to school/day cares.

my morning menu for my kids are.

egg X2 each, milk, toast. some kind of meat and vegs. usually takes 20 mins for my kids to finish. with constant reminder of stop talking and keep on eating. I usually reward them with a candy in the car once they finish the morning meals. some time I throw in some nuts.

My logic for the menu is, Protein from the Eggs, calcium from the milk, fiber and minerals from Meat and Veg.

I found reward them with a candy at the end really helps.

very rarely I let them have cereal , I don't think cereal is healthy.
In your title you are asking all the moms, I call this a discrimination again all the Dad who work like mad cook for the kids and pack lunches in the morning.

It's a tough job to do the cooking, make them eat, pack lunch and drop them off to school/day cares.

my morning menu for my kids are.

egg X2 each, milk, toast. some kind of meat and vegs. usually takes 20 mins for my kids to finish. with constant reminder of stop talking and keep on eating. I usually reward them with a candy in the car once they finish the morning meals. some time I throw in some nuts.

My logic for the menu is, Protein from the Eggs, calcium from the milk, fiber and minerals from Meat and Veg.

I found reward them with a candy at the end really helps.

very rarely I let them have cereal , I don't think cereal is healthy.


hehe thank you.

Following on my comment on cook my kids meals in the morning instead of give them cereals.

I did some research on cereals in the link below.

Also the fact, a box cereals, you can get them for $4, probably takes less than $1 to make. how healthy and nutrition can it be?

I agree with the article below


I’ve written several posts about this but I can’t stress enough that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and as the most important meal of the day, it should be healthy. So, why do so many people eat commercial cereals? WHY? WHY people!?? Those of you who eat those mass made cereals, do me a favor, ok? Open the cereal box and stick your nose inside at the top. Now. Take a big SNIFF. Really think about what you’re smelling. To me, it doesn’t really even smell like food. At BEST, it smells like dried dog food. Guess what? There are many common ingredients in cereal and dog food. All that aside, just think about how you’re eating something that isn’t very healthy for you. No matter how many are vitamin fortified, forget about it. They HAVE been fortified but the processing kills most of the nutrients leaving you with nearly nothing. Why do you want to eat THAT for your most important meal? Anyway, here are my suggestions.

Don’t be a lazy bastard.
Gah, you might be thinking, you don’t have to be such a biatch. Sorry. I can’t help it when it comes to important things. So many people I know ALWAYS use the excuse, “I don’t have enough time in the morning to prepare anything, so we (or my kids) eat cereals or protein bars. It’s easy, fast and…” – let me finish that line for you, “CRAPPY FOR THEM.” You can’t argue with me; it’s true. Now, get a conscience and get caring about you and your kids’ health! I just can’t believe I have to tell you this.

Make a yummy nutritious meal for breakfast.
Ok if you HAVE to use that stupid, lame excuse of not having enough time in the morning, then prepare some things the night before so you have little to prepare the next day. Here’s one example (but DO search online for a variety of ideas) Make some whole wheat or multi-grain scones the night before, then in the morning eat them with organic almond butter and some organic jam. Or simply with fruit. Make a quick side of scrambled eggs and voila. Yummy and healthy meal.

I cook eggs sunny side up.

Put some oil in the pan, put stove on medium. crack the eggs and just let it cook, in the mean time, I warm up the milk, toast, and vegs.

Takes me less than 5 mins to get the whole meal done every morning.

I spend 5 mins to finish my breakfast and 20 mins for the kids, so I had 15 mins to figure out what to bring them for lunch.
I cook eggs sunny side up.

Put some oil in the pan, put stove on medium. crack the eggs and just let it cook, in the mean time, I warm up the milk, toast, and vegs.

Takes me less than 5 mins to get the whole meal done every morning.

I spend 5 mins to finish my breakfast and 20 mins for the kids, so I had 15 mins to figure out what to bring them for lunch.

不麻烦。冷水下蛋, 煮开后关火,静置五分钟一个蛋(两个蛋十分钟),蛋就熟了。
我一般早餐提供一个白水煮蛋,buttered toast with sliced cheese,和半根香蕉,橙汁,牛奶随意。
俺家小的们是巧克力奶或者白奶一杯,toast with cream&cheeze。最近有一早就要吃全料三明治趋势,姥姥都能两分钟变出个带火腿片,奶酪生菜加dressing的三明治出来。反而,俺家的cereal是放学后零食。