How to get marry in Ottawa?


Any body know how to get marry in Ottawa? If you have the experience. I contacted City of Ottawa, they only licence your marriage application and tell me to arrange the ceremony by my self. Is it to say it is not considered as 'married' without a ceremony?
yes. without ceremony, u r not married even if you have the licence. the licence is just to prove you are entitled to be married. you can either find a church or a lawyer from city hall to hold the ceremony.
best wishs.
Thank you, should I call City of Ottawa to find a lawyer to conduct the Marriage for me? Give me more detail if you have.
One more question, is it a must to have two witnesses on your marriage other then the 2 people licenced to marry and the person licenced to solmne/conduct the marriage?

PS, this system looks not as modern and democtrative as in China. Marriage is the business beteen 2 people, now we are licenced to get marry, but we can not register unless we pay and involve somebody else to solmn and witness our marriage, where is our freedom and privacy??????
I think they should arrange a day to take the ceremony for you. Usually it's 20 days later. You will change rings there, of course it's very short maybe 5 or 10 mins. There must be 2 witnesses in the ceremony
你应该问问city hall有没有专门给结婚用的wedding gallery。 它是用租的,半小时就够了,你就不用去专门找地方。还有cityhall也应该给你一个证婚牧师list如果你自己不认识什么人的话。两个证婚人是必须的。多伦多的north york city hall以上的服务都有。
先买个marriage license, 然后订日子和牧师,然后吆喝一帮朋友去就行了。
Thanks all the information poured in and the blessing from you guys. May be Ottawa is different, they told me to search on the yellow page under the title of 'Wedding"and said their are not responsible for it. Any way I will call them again to see how. The cost to marry is cheap even I am only planning one 'table' for ourself.
最初由 繁星 发布
One more question, is it a must to have two witnesses on your marriage other then the 2 people licenced to marry and the person licenced to solmne/conduct the marriage?

PS, this system looks not as modern and democtrative as in China. Marriage is the business beteen 2 people, now we are licenced to get marry, but we can not register unless we pay and involve somebody else to solmn and witness our marriage, where is our freedom and privacy??????

The presence of witnesses acts as a tool against fraud as it expands the circle of liability. Quite logical actually.
最初由 繁星 发布
One more question, is it a must to have two witnesses on your marriage other then the 2 people licenced to marry and the person licenced to solmne/conduct the marriage?

PS, this system looks not as modern and democtrative as in China. Marriage is the business beteen 2 people, now we are licenced to get marry, but we can not register unless we pay and involve somebody else to solmn and witness our marriage, where is our freedom and privacy??????

The reason is very very simple:

A marriage has to be witnessed. But you cannot be your own witness. So the involvement of third parties is inevitable. It has nothing to do with "freedom" and "privacy".
No, 过客 you are wrong, so far Canada is the only Commenealth Contry I ever know to require to go tru 3, or even 4 steps to get marry.

First you need to go to pay to apply for a Licence in the City; then you need to find and pay someone to solmn your ceremony and 2 witnesses are reuired; you get now got a piece of ceremony record, but the goverment now told you that this is even yet a legal marriage proof; you need to pay to apply a marriage certificate some time later, still now the goverment tell you they don't guarrantee your marriage is legal but just a record of evidence.

Remember that you got to pay 3 time but still got nothing, what a country is it? In most of the countries you two want to get marry just go to the registry, that is it, you both sign then you get the certificate. This countryjust make it trouble to restrict your freedom, my freedom to enjoy my life; and my freedom not to have other witnesses, also my privacy not to have other not related people related.
Just ask your two friends to be ur witnesses and it should be ok, I heard once my roommate acted as a witness for his brother.
最初由 繁星 发布
No, 过客 you are wrong, so far Canada is the only Commenealth Contry I ever know to require to go tru 3, or even 4 steps to get marry.

First you need to go to pay to apply for a Licence in the City; then you need to find and pay someone to solmn your ceremony and 2 witnesses are reuired; you get now got a piece of ceremony record, but the goverment now told you that this is even yet a legal marriage proof; you need to pay to apply a marriage certificate some time later, still now the goverment tell you they don't guarrantee your marriage is legal but just a record of evidence.

Remember that you got to pay 3 time but still got nothing, what a country is it? In most of the countries you two want to get marry just go to the registry, that is it, you both sign then you get the certificate. This countryjust make it trouble to restrict your freedom, my freedom to enjoy my life; and my freedom not to have other witnesses, also my privacy not to have other not related people related.

Getting married is more like a legal process so some degree of inconvenience is expected. After you go through it, you may find it is not really that bad. If you truly want freedom or privacy, you can alway chose common-law relationship :)
Abby, your advice tells me why some many people in this country just want to common law relationship instead of getting marry, the goverment is putting un-necessary restriction on it. I don't see any reason the goverment can not combine 3 steps in to one, it will still put enough legal resonsibility on people want to get marry. The only reason I think is, then the government can only charge you one time.

I checked with City of Ottawa yesterday, they said there is no more Wedding Gallary provited in this city. Any way, I still want to get marry, I care about ' Ming Fen'.
You can actually get married at home if you want to. So Wedding Gallary is not that important. It was pretty bad to get married in Ottawa a few years ago - had to wait for half year to reserve a ceremoney. We ended up getting married in some other place. I agree with you it is not a signing a paper and done process, but it is not really that bad considering the charge and everything. You have to go through it anyway, why not just cheer up and do it :). Bright side is you only need to go through this once in your life...:)
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Haha, Abby, I think you are the really 'experienced' in this issue so far I met in Ottawa, I beg you that most of people believe they can just get their marriage done by one step : go to register in the city hall. That is also what I believe a even a little bit somehow modern country will be doing. Ceremony and witnesses should be completely optional and to our choice. I am not prepared to have so many things compulsary.

Anyway, I will remember this un-easy marriage.