然后就看到战士论坛骂声不断。 今天下班后我上来看看。。。。
Well after alot of tinkering with reforging, gems, gear and glyphs, my dps on the target dummy is quite comparable to what I am able to do live. Basically I have taken any gear with haste and reforged it to hit, gemmed str and str/crit where the bonus was str and changed a few peices of gear. As it stands now I am losing between 300-500 dps on the target dummy. However I do not have the BT glyph nor the Slam gylph and berserking was removed from my OH during 3 seperate copies. So perhaps the difference is not as large as I initailly thought.
It was a bit of a challenge but also fun to test out reforging and to re-gem and change my gear. I enjoy the new rotation and having HS on a seperate CD. I imagine during a raid encounter I would have more incoming rage and be able to use HS more often, perhaps every cd once I improve my gear. All in all I am less concerned and more interested to get into ICC and play it out.
Thanks for all the posts, let's keep the discussion going