Tried writing this out a month or so ago and it got deleted after collecting a few other comments. Apparently, while living up to the standards of the Yahoo ToS it was deleted... maybe because someone "in power" did not like the content. So, here is a slightly expanded version:
Steps the banks and Fed can take to enslave a nation and create a depression:
- Create a financial system where all money is created out of thin air by banks and all money put into circulation is put there with an obligation to pay back both the principal and interest (mathematically impossible).
- Regardless of what it takes, ensure that the banks have a monopoly on the creation and distribution of money, providing money to those who do as the banks say and denying money to those who do not do as the banks say.
- Create an incentive for manufacturing companies (such as higher stock prices and higher executive pay) to ship manufacturing jobs out of the US and to other countries and so there is little way for the US to create value, little way for people to control their destiny and little place for people to work, even if we can no longer buy from countries such as China.
- As the manufacturing jobs are being exported, created a series of bubble sectors where those previously employed in manufacturing can work, hiding the loss of manufacturing jobs and creating dependencies on those economies to keep people employed
o Internet bubble
o Housing bubble
- Make credit easily available to people and convince them that it is free money that they can afford to take out loans on their houses because housing prices never go down.
- Create a consumer economy whereby people feel compelled to overspend to keep up with the Joneses and have the latest gizmos, then suck high levels of money from each transaction through credit card fees and interest payments while putting the consumers into irrecoverable debt.
- Create a rapid rise in housing and other real estate prices that makes people pay high prices and locks people into high levels of debt.
- Create an environment where the highest paying and most secure jobs are in nonproductive (non-value adding) fields such as government and financial services. This will decrease the country’s ability to grow out of a recession through value creation.
Tried writing this out a month or so ago and it got deleted after collecting a few other comments. Apparently, while living up to the standards of the Yahoo ToS it was deleted... maybe because someone "in power" did not like the content. So, here is a slightly expanded version:
Steps the banks and Fed can take to enslave a nation and create a depression:
- Create a financial system where all money is created out of thin air by banks and all money put into circulation is put there with an obligation to pay back both the principal and interest (mathematically impossible).
- Regardless of what it takes, ensure that the banks have a monopoly on the creation and distribution of money, providing money to those who do as the banks say and denying money to those who do not do as the banks say.
- Create an incentive for manufacturing companies (such as higher stock prices and higher executive pay) to ship manufacturing jobs out of the US and to other countries and so there is little way for the US to create value, little way for people to control their destiny and little place for people to work, even if we can no longer buy from countries such as China.
- As the manufacturing jobs are being exported, created a series of bubble sectors where those previously employed in manufacturing can work, hiding the loss of manufacturing jobs and creating dependencies on those economies to keep people employed
o Internet bubble
o Housing bubble
- Make credit easily available to people and convince them that it is free money that they can afford to take out loans on their houses because housing prices never go down.
- Create a consumer economy whereby people feel compelled to overspend to keep up with the Joneses and have the latest gizmos, then suck high levels of money from each transaction through credit card fees and interest payments while putting the consumers into irrecoverable debt.
- Create a rapid rise in housing and other real estate prices that makes people pay high prices and locks people into high levels of debt.
- Create an environment where the highest paying and most secure jobs are in nonproductive (non-value adding) fields such as government and financial services. This will decrease the country’s ability to grow out of a recession through value creation.