我前些时候在mall的停车场也被hit and run了。经验就是赶紧去城里那个警察局(24小时的那个)报案,警察会给你个case number,然后你把这个号给你的保险公司,那么你修车就不会收你的钱,你没这个号码去修车保险会认为你自己撞得修理费自付。我记得我保险公司说要在多少小时内得到警察的那个号码。你赶紧去吧。今天把车停在CU p1 停车位 被人hit and run 了
明天想去CU security 问问那个停车场有没有录像
车灯附近和 bumper 上都有很明显痕迹
bumper 上更严重 被刮掉了一条····
You also lost your NO CLAIM BONUSNot worth to report it to insurance. Painting will cost you about 100 to 200 bucks. But the new painting usually does not last very long (8-10 years?). If I were you I would just live with it and paint it before I sell.
Not worth to report it to insurance. Painting will cost you about 100 to 200 bucks. But the new painting usually does not last very long (8-10 years?). If I were you I would just live with it and paint it before I sell.