df9575 知名会员 注册 2006-10-21 消息 133 荣誉分数 3 声望点数 178 2010-10-22 #1 洗窗时,发现没有水喷出,打开车前盖,发现管子断了,自己试图找胶布连接,失败。 请问,我的车是2002 Ford taurus,到哪里换洗窗水管子比较实惠?一般多少钱?
ccc 难得糊涂 管理成员 VIP 注册 2003-04-13 消息 239,448 荣誉分数 37,503 声望点数 1,393 2010-10-22 #2 去宠物用品商店,在卖鱼缸附近的货架上,找个连接胶管的接头(AQUARIUM AIRLINE CONNECTOR),买回来试一下。如果接头直径(0.32")大小合适的话,一刀两刀解决问题。
S SPEEDMAN 新手上路 注册 2007-05-18 消息 203 荣誉分数 2 声望点数 0 2010-10-26 #3 ccc 说: 去宠物用品商店,在卖鱼缸附近的货架上,找个连接胶管的接头(AQUARIUM AIRLINE CONNECTOR),买回来试一下。如果接头直径(0.32")大小合适的话,一刀两刀解决问题。 点击展开... No. those tubes are not heat resistant. do not try otherwise you are wasting your money and time. simply go to any car dealer and ask for tubes. you can ask for the length that you want. they are cheap.
ccc 说: 去宠物用品商店,在卖鱼缸附近的货架上,找个连接胶管的接头(AQUARIUM AIRLINE CONNECTOR),买回来试一下。如果接头直径(0.32")大小合适的话,一刀两刀解决问题。 点击展开... No. those tubes are not heat resistant. do not try otherwise you are wasting your money and time. simply go to any car dealer and ask for tubes. you can ask for the length that you want. they are cheap.
ccc 难得糊涂 管理成员 VIP 注册 2003-04-13 消息 239,448 荣誉分数 37,503 声望点数 1,393 2010-10-26 #4 SPEEDMAN 说: No. those tubes are not heat resistant. do not try otherwise you are wasting your money and time. simply go to any car dealer and ask for tubes. you can ask for the length that you want. they are cheap. 点击展开... 洗窗水是热的?多少度? 我上面说的,是用那个接头,不是换管子。
SPEEDMAN 说: No. those tubes are not heat resistant. do not try otherwise you are wasting your money and time. simply go to any car dealer and ask for tubes. you can ask for the length that you want. they are cheap. 点击展开... 洗窗水是热的?多少度? 我上面说的,是用那个接头,不是换管子。
A alacarte 新手上路 VIP 注册 2009-03-09 消息 536 荣誉分数 50 声望点数 0 2011-01-30 #5 我和楼主同样的问题。是因为天太冷,打开前车盖力气过猛,开得太大。不是管子断了,而是链接管子的塑料接头断了。 找原配是不可能的。去canadian tire 买通用的塑料街头,hose connectors, universal 1/4"(6.35mm). 货号47012. 一包两个。税后$3.15.
我和楼主同样的问题。是因为天太冷,打开前车盖力气过猛,开得太大。不是管子断了,而是链接管子的塑料接头断了。 找原配是不可能的。去canadian tire 买通用的塑料街头,hose connectors, universal 1/4"(6.35mm). 货号47012. 一包两个。税后$3.15.