What is P/E Ratios?

P/E = Stock Price / Earning

Let's say stock price is $10,

it earned $1/share a year.

So its P/E = 10.

P/E is good to evaluate matured business, but not for growing and hi-tech company, whose P/E ratio would be much higher than those 百年老店.

For any stock, the key reference values are: “Price”, “P/E Ratio”, and “52 Week H/L” on a previous date. We need to compare these previous values with the current values, to determine how the stock is performing.
Any one can give me an example to explain? Thanks!

PE of 10 means one expects to earn back the original investment in 10 years. So.. think about it, with PE of 50,or 100, One will need 50,or 100 years to earn back the original investment. :eek:
现在个股的P/E ratio, 没有太大参考意义, bear stern, 李曼兄弟,两房,WORLD COM在申请破产前P/E很好看, 都在10以下, 有的在6,7.

而好的科技股票, P/E 100还有得涨.
现在个股的P/E ratio, 没有太大参考意义, bear stern, 李曼兄弟,两房,WORLD COM在申请破产前P/E很好看, 都在10以下, 有的在6,7.

而好的科技股票, P/E 100还有得涨.

例如,Google? Google的P/E ration 也只不过25吧? Any others?
例如,Google? Any others?

我不喜欢高p/e的成长性公司, 我喜欢赚小钱.每天听着硬币落下的声音鼾然大睡.:lol2:
我不喜欢高p/e的成长性公司, 我喜欢赚小钱.每天听着硬币落下的声音鼾然大睡.:lol2:




每个人特点不同, 投资策略也会不同.

咱没那么灵通的消息和扬剑对决的勇气, 智力一般般,比我聪明的人多的是, 我承认玩不过他们. :D:D
