How do you think about the future of .NET?


HI, guys

how your guys think about .NET? will it be popular in the near future?
Yes, because Mr Gates is pushing is very hard right now.
still feel confused

does anybody think that .net will be strong in the future, and at that time, more and more people will choose .NET instead of J2EE or something.
If you're doing or going to do Windows development, .NET is the direction/future.

As for J2EE vs. .NET, thinking about the underneath platforms and infrastructures for the future deployment/upgrading, Windows is still dominant on desktop (client side), It will increase its market quota on the server side, such as low-end server(departmental), small/middle size business, high-end server(intranet/internet data centre). Of course, the increasing on the server side makes more sense.

A guy even delcared that you will be out of business if you don't go with .NET. IMHO, this exaggeration may be true if you're doing develoment on windows and haven't been done it for an enough time(e.g. 2yrs) and you still wanna do it in the furture.

This gus is from Microsoft Camp, for sure.
FYI, Windows Server 2003 went RTM (i.e. GOLD) on 28/03/2003. It is scheduled for official release on April 24th.

RTM: Release to Manufacture - Copy Money!
最初由 Rationalist 发布
FYI, Windows Server 2003 went RTM (i.e. GOLD) on 28/03/2003. It is scheduled for official release on April 24th.

RTM: Release to Manufacture - Copy Money!

A lot of big companies have postponed their MS platform upgrade plan due to lack of fund.
I just have the different feeling. The Linux and J2EE vs. .NET will dominate the server side in future. The reason is that Linux is free and Java is OS indepedent. The three tech giant companys, Microsoft, Inter, and IBM were the successful examples of some kind of open standard at their begining (compare with Apple's privite standard). Java was slow and consumes more memory. But it's not the case any more. Bill Gates was not worry about Sun or Unix. But he is really worry about the open source. That gives you a clue.
I like using linux. I believe linux will have bright future as well.
First, technically speaking, .NET is a great software development platform. It's worthwhile study and use it, especially when developing software on windows platform now and in the near future.

.NET is just a marketing claim from Microsoft, the specification is officially called CLI(Common Language Infrastructure), it's ratified as standard by ISO this month, before that, it's ratified as ECMA standard last year.

.NET framework and SDK is just an implementation of CLI from Microsoft, it's free to use. Other vendors may provide a different implementation on windows or different OS platforms, e.g. the well-known project MONO - the open source implementation on Linux. Actually, there is a shared-source implementation from Microsoft named Rotor; you could have an inside look. The Rotor implementation can run on Windows XP, FreeBSD and Mac OS X. CLI has lots of similarities with Java technology with more strong points since it's a new-comer, but may not as mature as J2EE and this is going to be changed for sure.

.NET and J2EE will be two cooperating server technologies in the foreseen future.

Open-source is going to change software development greatly. In fact, software is more like service other than product, the ownership of software is going to be replaced by service from software. The open-source is one of the ways that promote this concept. Gates is worrying about this because it affects the current business model of Microsoft, the giant cash cow, however, who can say Microsoft won't change in the future from inside or outside push?

Linux is gaining and will gain more and more shares, but one cannot predict how long it will take for Linux to have a significant share. Moreover, the Linux gain most likely comes from the shares of all kinds of UNIX, won't affect Windows too much. Actually Windows will increase its share on the server end. Finally the TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) of Linux system is much higher than the TCO of Windows system.

In sum, free OS doesn't mean cheaper system. OS-independent is not a unique advantage any more.

Please have a close look of the performance of SUN. And Java programming language and J2EE specification are owned by SUN, don't know they are ECMA/ISO standards or not.

The current IT spending level will slow down OS platform upgrading, as Rock2008sz pointed out.
This will affect all aspects of IT as a whole.
no matter how windows lovers ( I was one)are boasting on windows.. the less stable core prevent Windows from occuping critical application market.. Windows may stay in Desktop for years.... and windows is also weak on remote access

and I agree that Linux is not a perfect solution for everything.. most of the population is computer dummy, they need support for daily computer usage. Windows will keep donminating the consumer market, that's for sure.