Top Test Scores From Shanghai Stun Educators


About 5,100 15-year-olds in Shanghai were chosen as a representative cross-section of students in that city. In the United States, a similar number of students from across the country were selected as a representative sample for the test.

In math, the Shanghai students performed in a class by themselves, outperforming second-place Singapore, which has been seen as an educational superstar in recent years. The average math scores of American students put them below 30 other countries.
PISA scores are on a scale, with 500 as the average. Two-thirds of students in participating countries score between 400 and 600. On the math test last year, students in Shanghai scored 600, in Singapore 562, in Germany 513, and in the United States 487.

Be sure to read the comments.

I don't know why people are so surprised at the relative standing of American and Chinese students. Chinese leaders are scientists and engineers who got to their positions--whatever you think of the Chinese political system--through a combination of intelligence, education and hard work. They and the teachers are the models emulated by students.

By contrast, our leaders are a cabal of greed driven bankers attempting to game our economic system using their vaunted degrees to carry out wholesale theft while our politicians, for the most part, are a gaggle of yahoos with law degrees trained in the use of obfuscating rhetoric, blowing smoke, veniality, self-importance and the art of pandering to a base only slightly more knowledgeable than farm animals.

The Chinese get down to learning math and science and much more from the getgo while our yahoos are busy with their bibles, jesus, guns and creationism. This what American exceptionalism is all about.

Well surprise you righteous believers, you're all going to heaven but forget about any earthly rewards. We're being foreclosed by our bankers.