X xiaoben 新手上路 VIP 注册 2006-12-01 消息 218 荣誉分数 75 声望点数 0 2010-12-18 #1 儿子两岁半了,白天可以自己去尿尿,但是晚上老尿床,请问妈妈们有没有什么好方法清理床垫上的尿迹?谢谢!
X xiaoben 新手上路 VIP 注册 2006-12-01 消息 218 荣誉分数 75 声望点数 0 2010-12-18 #3 幕天席地 说: 晚上戴pull up不就得了。 点击展开... 就是现在开始给他断diaper,所以只穿裤子了。
西西妈 禁言 VIP 注册 2004-10-24 消息 10,066 荣誉分数 1,888 声望点数 373 2010-12-18 #4 试试洗地毯的东西。 walmart什么的店里都有塑料的床垫罩,几块钱一个。 另外,弄个一面塑料一面绒的一元店里的桌布垫床罩上也能防止地图。
X xiaoben 新手上路 VIP 注册 2006-12-01 消息 218 荣誉分数 75 声望点数 0 2010-12-18 #5 西西妈 说: 试试洗地毯的东西。 walmart什么的店里都有塑料的床垫罩,几块钱一个。 另外,弄个一面塑料一面绒的一元店里的桌布垫床罩上也能防止地图。 点击展开... 谢谢了,赶紧到walmart去.
西西妈 说: 试试洗地毯的东西。 walmart什么的店里都有塑料的床垫罩,几块钱一个。 另外,弄个一面塑料一面绒的一元店里的桌布垫床罩上也能防止地图。 点击展开... 谢谢了,赶紧到walmart去.
ccc 难得糊涂 管理成员 VIP 注册 2003-04-13 消息 239,561 荣誉分数 37,530 声望点数 1,393 2010-12-18 #6 xiaoben 说: 就是现在开始给他断diaper,所以只穿裤子了。 点击展开... 不是个办法。还不如晚上穿上diaper。床垫问题即便解决了,床上其他的东西呢?
X xiaoben 新手上路 VIP 注册 2006-12-01 消息 218 荣誉分数 75 声望点数 0 2010-12-19 #7 ccc 说: 不是个办法。还不如晚上穿上diaper。床垫问题即便解决了,床上其他的东西呢? 点击展开... 我妈妈也叫我再重新给他穿上。谢谢ccc。跟我妈想的一样了。
QBoy&Girl^_^ 掌门人 VIP 注册 2003-11-08 消息 7,586 荣誉分数 910 声望点数 243 所在地 http://www.smartparent.lovablelabels.ca 2010-12-20 #8 Snap™ Nursery Magic(纯天然配方,蛮好用的) Primary Benefits of Snap™ Nursery Magic: Contains natural, safe and biodegradable enzymes that eliminate on contact all odors in the babys room. Instantly eliminates odors from the air, soiled diapers, diaper pails, hampers, crib and bed linens, and all sources of organic odors. Safe to use and non-irritating, Nursery Magic is not a cover-up product, such as those national brands that utilize masking agents and perfumes. Eliminates odors and stains caused by urine, feces, burp-ups, milk, baby formula and food juices. Can be applied directly to babys and mothers clothing. Will not stain water-safe fabrics. In addition to removing odors from soiled diapers and diaper covers, Nursery Magic is useful as a pre-soak before laundering to get out tough stains.
Snap™ Nursery Magic(纯天然配方,蛮好用的) Primary Benefits of Snap™ Nursery Magic: Contains natural, safe and biodegradable enzymes that eliminate on contact all odors in the babys room. Instantly eliminates odors from the air, soiled diapers, diaper pails, hampers, crib and bed linens, and all sources of organic odors. Safe to use and non-irritating, Nursery Magic is not a cover-up product, such as those national brands that utilize masking agents and perfumes. Eliminates odors and stains caused by urine, feces, burp-ups, milk, baby formula and food juices. Can be applied directly to babys and mothers clothing. Will not stain water-safe fabrics. In addition to removing odors from soiled diapers and diaper covers, Nursery Magic is useful as a pre-soak before laundering to get out tough stains.
X xiaoben 新手上路 VIP 注册 2006-12-01 消息 218 荣誉分数 75 声望点数 0 2010-12-21 #9 QBoy&Girl^_^ 说: Snap™ Nursery Magic(纯天然配方,蛮好用的) Primary Benefits of Snap™ Nursery Magic: Contains natural, safe and biodegradable enzymes that eliminate on contact all odors in the babys room. Instantly eliminates odors from the air, soiled diapers, diaper pails, hampers, crib and bed linens, and all sources of organic odors. Safe to use and non-irritating, Nursery Magic is not a cover-up product, such as those national brands that utilize masking agents and perfumes. Eliminates odors and stains caused by urine, feces, burp-ups, milk, baby formula and food juices. Can be applied directly to babys and mothers clothing. Will not stain water-safe fabrics. In addition to removing odors from soiled diapers and diaper covers, Nursery Magic is useful as a pre-soak before laundering to get out tough stains. 点击展开... 请问妈妈,这在哪里买?怎么用呢?
QBoy&Girl^_^ 说: Snap™ Nursery Magic(纯天然配方,蛮好用的) Primary Benefits of Snap™ Nursery Magic: Contains natural, safe and biodegradable enzymes that eliminate on contact all odors in the babys room. Instantly eliminates odors from the air, soiled diapers, diaper pails, hampers, crib and bed linens, and all sources of organic odors. Safe to use and non-irritating, Nursery Magic is not a cover-up product, such as those national brands that utilize masking agents and perfumes. Eliminates odors and stains caused by urine, feces, burp-ups, milk, baby formula and food juices. Can be applied directly to babys and mothers clothing. Will not stain water-safe fabrics. In addition to removing odors from soiled diapers and diaper covers, Nursery Magic is useful as a pre-soak before laundering to get out tough stains. 点击展开... 请问妈妈,这在哪里买?怎么用呢?