For those tired of Meloche Monnex


Hi, Guys

I joined Meloche Monnex's auto insurance a year ago as a FCSPC member. Recently many people, include me, are asked raising AUTO RATE no matter how good my driving record is. I was raised by unbelievalbe 50%. I had no demerits at all.

Base on the Email sent by FCSPC that the Monnex increased FCSPC member's rate based on higher than normal accident rate in the Chinese Association. I am amazed. For sure, there are some touch dispute between FCSPC and Monnex.

Right now I have switched to TD Auto insurance. The rate I got is even lower than the last year level of Monnex. You may try access Their service is really good.

Anyway, low rate is not everything. We do need to change some driving behaviour when we drive in this country. I failed three time in the road test for unsafe intention and act. I was very upset. But I appreciate those failings which make me highly alerted and tender when driving that since then I didn't have any issue on the road.

It happened many times when I saw many Chinese people disobey basic driving rules, even in some high tech garage and drive way. Be careful, for you and for your family.
agree, but I heard if you switch to a new company before renewal date, Monnex will charge you quite some money, is that right?
最初由 A2Z 发布
Good news!

But as far as I know, Meloche Monnex is under TD Insurance's flag. Is that right?
Anyway, I need to renew my contract with MM in July.

As far as I know, they are different.. Monnex is only a broker. While TD insurance handles directly.
最初由 J.C 发布
agree, but I heard if you switch to a new company before renewal date, Monnex will charge you quite some money, is that right?

In my case, I cancel renew at Monnex, I still stay with Monnexe in the remaining month. Normaly, they won't charge you more during the time when policy is still active.
so I can inform them that I won't renew after one year, and they'll charge me nothing, is that right?
monnex 狂恶心,多收我很多钱打好多电话都不给退,monnex是brokor 不是保险公司,看看你的保单多数是位于麻您吐吧省的小破保险公司,最好别用它,