

孩子在外省(BC)上大学, 交了全年的房租给学校. 报安省2010年税时,如何填表(ON479,ON-BEN)才能有PROPERTY TAX CREDIT, 将房租费用退回一点来?
常住地址是安省父母的地址, 所以用的是安省的表格. 实际是全年在学校(BC)租房,仅回家过节几天.
请专家指点. 先谢谢了!
For which province do I file a tax return?

Under normal conditions, a person files a tax return for the province in which they are residing on December 31 of the taxation year. Sometimes, a person may be considered to be a resident of a province even if they have temporarily relocated to another province. This could happen if the person was employed in a temporary job, or was a student in a province where they do not normally reside.

For details: CRA IT221
Student Residence

Claim $25 only on line line 4 of on479
(you paid to univ for rent, that is Student Residence)
Claim $25 only on line line 4 of on479
(you paid to univ for rent, that is Student Residence)

是的,如果是student residence地址应该用安省地址,算安省居民。。
Under normal conditions, a person files a tax return for the province in which they are residing on December 31 of the taxation year. Sometimes, a person may be considered to be a resident of a province even if they have temporarily relocated to another province. This could happen if the person was employed in a temporary job, or was a student in a province where they do not normally reside.

For details: CRA IT221

My understanging for this lawyer-style long sentence, welcome correct

which province do I file a tax return?

Under normal conditions, a person files a tax return for the province in which they are residing on December 31 of the taxation year. (BC) Sometimes, a person may be considered to be a resident of a province (ON)even if they have temporarily relocated to another province.(BC) This could happen if the person was employed in a temporary job, or was a student in a province (BC)where they do not normally reside.

For details: CRA IT221
用了ON省地址报税。 但学校的(BC)Rent是BC的地址,在表上不知如何填报。要想 Claim 25 dollar, 学校的地址是否也须是安省的?
Student Residence

Not 专家, Thank you for being kind.
My opinion: use ON to file, use BC as rental address.

Like your motto.

One more suggestion: All students (Incl. Visa Student without income should file their return in order to...)