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Zoom Player是由inmatrix公司开发一款加强型Windows Media Player外壳播放器.拥有最强大的Direct Show滤镜/分离器控制系统,使您可以随心所欲的定义播放环节中的每一个技术细节.强大的OSD屏幕状态显示功能,丰富的细致的系统细节设置考虑到了几乎所有人使用习惯问题.丰富的DVD章节控制和编辑功能使您充分享受到DVD的互动乐趣.
下载:Zoom Player Home MAX 7.00 Final(5.32 MB)
下载:Zoom Player Home Premium 7.00 Final(5.30 MB)
下载:Zoom Player Home Professional 7.00 Final (5.26 MB)
下载:Zoom Player Free 8.00 RC2 (5.30 MB)
下载:Zoom Player Home MAX 8.00 RC2(5.32 MB)
下载:Zoom Player Home Professional 8.00 RC2(5.26 MB)

--- What's new in v7.00:

Legend :

"*" = New
"+" = Change
"-" = Fix

New :

* Zoom Player can detect a Blu-Ray disc structure, parse the Blu-Ray
playlist and automatically load the longest video in the playlist
(which is assumed to be the main movie). Thanks Christophe.

This feature can be accessed through several ways:
1. Switching to DVD Mode and pressing Play.
2. Opening the Drive (through the right-click menu).
3. Opening the BluRay folder.
4. Opening the "index.bdmv" file, which is now listed
in the various file browsing dialogs.

This feature is limited to Zoom Player Home MAX.

* Zoom Player now notifies you of new versions automatically
(can be disabled under "Adv. Options / System").

* The Audio TAG display system has been rewritten and includes the
following new features:
1. Enhanced scripting of displayed data.
2. Text Background with customizable translucency levels.
3. Additional text color for additional clarity.
4. Selectable background color.

* New Mini-WebServer support (Adv. Options / System), allowing you to
control Zoom Player through any web browser. The Mini-WebServer is
fully HTML scriptable.

* Zoom Player can now control FFDShow's DeInterlacing setting, allowing
you to Enable/Disable deinterlacing support from the keyboard
(ctrl+shift+"D"), right-click context menu and the fullscreen navigation
interface (through the Adjust Image interface).

Make sure to use the latest version of ffdshow (at least beta 6)
for this to function.

* Zoom Player can now control FFDShow's Sharpen setting, allowing
you to Enable/Disable sharpen support from the keyboard
(ctrl+shift+"S") and fullscreen navigation interface (through the
Adjust Image interface).

* Support for MadVR Video Rendering technology.

* Support for FLAC Vorbis Audio TAGs, including display of embedded
image (as folder image, PNG/JPEG formats supported).

* Support for ID3v2 embedded image display (mostly in MP3 files)
(displayed as folder image, PNG/JPEG formats supported).

* Support for APE TAG embedded folder image (PNG and JPEG image formats
are supported).

* New Fullscreen Information Navigation interface, showing you information
on the currently playing media (Name, Resolution, TAGs, Folder Image
etc...). This interface uses the new TAG display script system to display
more advanced information.

* If a fullscreen navigation interface is visible, right-clicking it will
show a "Close Navigator" option.

* New position value for the TAG display allowing you to set it
to "Animate".

* Support for the new QuickTime v7 ActiveX control.
The new QuickTime control seems better and has better stability.

QuickTime v6 (and older) ActiveX control is no longer supported.
By default, the ActiveX control is not used for playback, but rather
DirectShow is used (as it's more responsive and supports more features),
ActiveX mode is for compatibility with QuickTime content that may not
play properly through DirectShow.

You can enable ActiveX support for QuickTime under:
Adv. Options / Playback

* You can now use the Microsoft Windows Media Player ActiveX control
to stream Windows Media content (mms://, rtsp:// and
http://www.website/stream.asx type links). Using the ActiveX control
means you'll be losing any advanced DirectShow based features (such as
color-controls and video renderer selection) but bypassing any
microsoft bugs in their DirectShow bridge to Windows Media Streaming
(such as streams suddenly stopping of their own).

This feature is enabled by default, you can disable it under :
Adv. Options / Playback / Windows Media

* The resize fullscreen navigation interface now allows you to directly
set the current Aspect Ratio as well as see the aspect ratio values for
all Aspect Ratio modes.

* Right-Clicking the Equalizer's bars will now reset each bar
clicked to its default value.

* Hovering the mouse cursor over an Equalizer bar now shows
its exact value.

* The equalizer fullscreen navigation interface now allows you to set
the volume level.

* Pressing Left on the Main Navigation interface now brings you into a
system function menu allowing you to close the navigation interface,
start the screen saver, blank secondary screens or close the player
entirely. This menu is not accessible if you are using Safe Mode

* You can now choose from three screen saver modes:
1. Plasma Cloud CGI.
2. Image Slideshow
3. Blank power-saving ode.

* You can now select if the Internal Screen Saver covers the entire
monitor or only the active video area.

* You can now specify the slideshow value for the internal screen saver.
The Default value is 15 seconds (previously it was once per minute).

* You can now select a transition effect for the internal screen saver.

* The play history fullscreen navigation interface now allows you to
play back web addresses (mms streams for example) and such links
are now identified by the URL icon.

* You can now Right-Click the volume bar to the left/right of the current
volume level to increase/decrease the volume in small steps instead of
directly setting the volume level with the mouse cursor position (which
is done with the left mouse click).

* New "Save Playing file as ..." Function accessible through the Playlist
right-click context menu or by using the Alt+Shift+"S" keyboard macro.
When used, a save dialog will pop-up allowing you to save the currently
playing media file to a new location on your computer.

* New Function (Alt+Shift+"Z") which compensates for badly encoded
widescreen (16:9) content that is encoded in fullscreen (4:3) format
by Zooming 33% into the Video (and returning to the previous video
position when called a second time).

This function will also view widescreen (16:9) content as fullscreen on
fullscreen (4:3) Monitors/TVs by Zooming in and cropping the left/right
sides of the video.

* New Function (Ctrl+"E") allowing you to create Ring Tones by selecting
a start and a stop position in many supported audio/video formats and
extract the selected section in MP3/ACC formats supported by most mobile

This feature requires the FFMPEG components installed on your system
(which is available through the Install Center application).

* New Function (Alt+Shift+"W") to activate the White Wash screen-burn
repair directly instead of accessing the function through the patterns

* All Subtitle settings have moved to "Adv. Options / Playback / Video /

* Opening a subtitle file with a media playing will try to display the
subtitles within the playing media.

* The file-open dialog now has a "Subtitles" filtering category.

* You can now select the preferred subtitle renderer filter. Options are
1. DirectVobSub, also known as "VSFilter" (default).
2. FFDShow.

When selecting FFDShow, Zoom Player will try to use the FFDShow video
decoder filter to render the subtitles. If the FFDShow video decoder
is not used, the FFDShow subtitle renderer filter will be used instead.

Please note that this feature requires FFDShow build 2998 or newer to
function and wont work on versions of Windows older than Windows 2000.
Previous FFDShow builds had a bug that limited subtitle functionality.

* The "Remember the last Media Position" setting has now been overhauled
into its own separate "History" sub-section under the "Playback" section
within the advanced options dialog.

* The "Remember the last Media Position" setting has been split in two,
with a setting for "Retain Media Playback History" and a setting for
"Automatically restore last media position on replay". This gives more
flexibility as to which aspects of playback should be restored when
replaying a media file.

* The Play History fullscreen navigation interface implements a new
function interface (accessible by clicking right). The functions are:
1. Erase
Completely erase the selected item.
2. Hide
Hide the selected item, but keep media information
to maintain functionality (Last media position, volume).
3. Go to top of list
Moves the focus to the top of the history list.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface) allowing you to select the
active player mode (Previous/Media/DVD/Audio) that Zoom Player should
start in.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface) allowing you to set the player
to stay on top of other applications when switching to audio mode (and
restoring a normal window state after returning to media mode).

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / Control Bar), allowing you to
auto-hide the control bar after the specified number of seconds even
when playback is paused.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / Position & Size) affecting
the "Auto-Size User Interface to fit Source Video Resolution".
When enabled, only the user interface height is adjusted.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / On Screen Display / Audio Tags)
allowing you to choose whether the Folder (Background) image is drawn.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / Fullscreen Navigation) allowing
you to set the navigation scroll acceleration speed. After some tweaking,
the default value has been sped up to "Very Fast" scrolling. The previous
default value was "Average".

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / Fullscreen Navigation) allowing
you to set the navigation scroll acceleration reset time in MS.
The new default value is 300ms, in v6 the fixed value was 500ms.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / Fullscreen Navigation) allowing
you to specify if keyboard searches are matched against the start of the
line or any position in the line.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / Fullscreen Navigation)
allowing you to set the keyboard input timeout (a value in MS
indicating how much time should pass before the search query
is reset).

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / Fullscreen Navigation / Settings)
controlling whether subtitle files are listed in the Media Libary and File
Browsing fullscreen navigation interfaces.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / Fullscreen Navigation /
Settings) allowing keyboard input to be used for Quickly Searching
in many of the navigation interfaces. This setting is enabled
by default.

* New Settings (Adv. Options / Interface / Mouse) allowing you to change
the functionality of the mouse right-click button. You can choose
between Disabled, Context Menu (default) and a Custom function.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback) allowing you to control
whether loading entire directories also loads image files
(Used by Open Directory function, Play all files in this directory
navigation function and when opening archives).
Does not have an affect on Media Library image categories.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback) allowing you to choose whether
to interact with QuickTime content or treat it as a media file.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback - On Playlist Complete) allowing
you to play the next file in the directory with the same file extension.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / Smart Play) which determines
if Zoom Player falls back to DirectShow graph creation mode if
Smart Play fails to create a media file graphic.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / Video) allowing you to disable
Zoom Player control over FFDShow's video Sharpening values.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / Video) allowing you to disable
Zoom Player control over FFDShow's video DeInterlacing values.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / Video) allowing you to disable
VMR7's mixing mode (can fix VMR7 issues with some hardware).

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / Video / Color Control) allowing
you to instruct Zoom Player to try use FFDShow as the preferred
color control interface (overriding any hardware supported controls).

Please note that this feature requires FFDShow to be used as either
the Video Decoder or as a Post Processing filter.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / Video / Subtitles) allowing
you to select whether Zoom Player disables FFDShow subtitle rendering
when DirectVobSub is used as the Preferred Subtitle Renderer.
By default, FFDShow subtitle renderer is disabled when using

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / Video / Subtitles) allowing
you to specify the subtitle synchronization adjustment value used
by the subtitle synchronization functions.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / Video / Colors) which allows you
to select whether FFDShow should be used for software color control.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / BluRay) allowing you to specify
when a detected BluRay playlist containing HD content of a specified
duration will be detected as the main movie over an SD (DVD quality)
of longer duration.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / DVD / DVD Settings) that
determines whether Zoom Player searches only CD devices
(CD/DVD/BluRay/etc...) or all drives for content when pressing play
in DVD Mode. Default is to only scan CD devices, but if you
map network-shares as drives, you may want to turn this setting off.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / Audio) allowing you to link
the 'Volume Up'/'Volume Down' functions to the Equalizer PreAmp
function so when the volume level reaches 100% and you continue
using the 'Volume Up' function, the Equalizer PreAmp value is
increased. Clicking volume down will first reduce the PreAmp value
and when the PreAmp value reaches its previous level, the volume level
is reduced. Setting the volume level through other means, will reset
the PreAmp value to its previous level.

PreAmp is a digital amplifier function which can reduce audio quality
if the audio recording volume is normal, but can be very useful if
the original recording volume is low.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / History) which controls whether
the last play time and date is saved for the playing media. If disabled,
the play date is not saved and the playing item will not be listed in
the play history and play history navigation interfaces.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / History) which controls whether
the audio volume should be restored to its the previous level when
replaying the media file.

With this setting enabled, the audio volume level is retained
for every media file played within the Playback History retention
period (default is 30 days).

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Playback / History) which controls whether
the audio volume should be restored to its the previous level when
replaying audio-only files.

* New Settings (Adv. Options / System / Events) allowing you to execute
an external program when Zoom Player is starting and closing
(with an option to wait for the starting program to close).

Usage Example:
Set a custom monitor resolution using an external command line tool and
then set the resolution back when Zoom Player closes.

* New Settings (Adv. Options / Playback / Paths & Files) allowing you to
hide the archive extraction window (the external program executed to
extract the archive).

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / Fullscreen Navigation / Settings)
allowing you to display file sizes.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / Fullscreen Navigation / Settings)
allowing you to pause the video when opening a navigation interface while
a video file is playing (audio playback is unaffected by this setting).

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / Fullscreen Navigation / Settings)
controlling whether right-clicking the navigation interface closes it.
This was the previous default behavior, but the new default action is to
display the context menu. Enable this setting to restore the previous
default behavior.

* New Setting (Adv. Options / Interface / Fullscreen Navigation / Settings)
controlling whether the new Fullscreen Information navigation control
routes keyboard input to the player (using the keyboard arrow keys to
control the player rather than the fullscreen interface).

* New "/DATAPATH:[PATH]" command line parameter which can be used to
specify an alternative path to any user-changeable configuration
files used by Zoom Player, including:
1. "MediaAutoGraph" directory (Controls which decoders are used)
2. "DVD-Bookmarks" directory (DVD Bookmarks and Last Position data)
3. "zplayer.playcache" (Play History and Last Media Position)
4. "zplayer.library" (Media Library paths)
5. "zplayer.radio" (Streaming Station list)
6. "zplayer.eq" (The Audio Equalizer values)
7. "default.zpl" (The last active Playlist)


When using this parameter, it's vitally important that at the very
least, the "MediaAutoGraph" directory exists in the Data Path,
otherwise, playback may fail.

* New "/DEINT:[0/1]" command line parameter to enable/disable

/DEINT:0 - DeInterlacing disabled.
/DEINT:1 - DeInterlacing enabled.

DeInterlacing requires the use of FFDShow as either the Video
Decoder or as a Post-Processing filter.

* New "/CLOCK:[n]" command line parameter that allows you to set the
media synchronization timer for DirectShow playback.

/CLOCK:0 - Default (same as not using the parameter at all)
/CLOCK:1 - Disables Synchronization entirely
/CLOCK:2 - Sets Synchronization to the System Timer

* New "/WinName" command line parameter allowing you to set the
Zoom Player Window Name.

For example:
zplayer.exe "/winname:ZoomPlayer2"

* The Playlist Fullscreen navigation interface now allow you to
enable/disable the Random Play state.

* New File Association and Smart Play profiles for the MOD/TOD/MTS
camcorder file extensions.
(MOD = MPEG2 Program, TOD/MTS = MPEG2 Transport Stream).

Sadly, when JVC, Panasonic and Canon came up with the ".MOD" file
extension, they didn't take into account its existing use as
an Audio Tracker format. Due to this, ".MOD" extension is no longer
associated with the MOD Audio Tracker format. You can change this
default behavior by modifying Zoom Player's Smart Play profiles.

* Playback support for the AMR audio format and file association of the
".AMR" extension.

* Playback support for the VP7 video format and file association of the
".VP7" extension.

* Playback support for the Theora video format and file association of
the ".OGV" extension.

* Playback support for the AIFF audio format and file association of the
".AIFF" extension.

* Playback support for the MPEG2 Transport Stream media format and file
association of the ".M2TS" extension.

* Playback support for LPCM audio in M2TS files.

* Smart Play profile support for the latest DivX filters:
MPEG4.AVC (H.264)
AAC Audio
MKV Splitter

* Support for the Gabest MPEG2 Splitter audio stream switching using
the keyboard macro Ctrl+"A".

* New Open Web Page function (Ctrl+"W") accessible from the right-click
context menu, allowing you to open web pages in Zoom Player.

* New "Prune History" button (Adv. Options / Playback) which erases any
play history entries that are no longer pointing to an existing file.

* New "VolumeWindow" Skin Script code, allowing you skin the
new pop-up volume bar associated with the "fnVolumeWindow"

* New "" dynamic script variable that is used to display
the current position in a playlist.

* New "" dynamic script variable that stores the currently
playing media file path.

* Some of the fullscreen navigation interfaces have a new right-arrow
on the active line indicating additional functionality when clicking

* Zoom Player now uses uTorrent's WebUI Token authentication for
an additional security layer.

* The Station fullscreen navigation interface now indicates if a station
is a TV or Radio station.

* The Station fullscreen navigation interface now remembers the last
selected station when exiting the player.

* The Media Library and File Browsing Fullscreen Navigation interfaces
now support sorting by file size.

* The File Browser, Media Library and Playlist fullscreen navigation
interfaces "Select" function has been expanded to allow selecting
"Select all matching multi-part files", "All Audio", "All Pictures",
"All Video" and "All matching the currently highlighted file Type"
(file extension).

* The File Browser and Media Library fullscreen navigation interfaces
can now access a "View" function which brings up a selection of
files/information to view in the file list:
1. File Size
2. File Extension
3. Subtitle files
4. Archive files

* Pressing Right with the "Add to Playlist" function highlighted in the
File Browser or Media Library fullscreen navigation interfaces will
now take you to the Playlist navigation. Pressing left from the
playlist navigator will take you back to the original navigation
interface (either file browser or media library).

* New "Go to top of list" fullscreen navigation function (Applies to
the Playlist, File Browser and Media Library interfaces).

* The default skin's Control Bar now includes a pop-up volume window,
allowing you to more accurately and easily set the volume levels
while fullscreen.

* Support for UTF8 encoded skin files (which can include UTF8 encoded
text for button hints and other skin text elements).

* The Folder image base name (Adv. Options / System & Files /
Paths, Folders & Files) can now accept multiple values for the
base name separated by the "|" character. For example, setting
the Folder image base name to "folder|album" would cover image
files starting with "folder" and "album", such as:

* Zoom Player will now save FFDShow's color control values in
Zoom Player's media definition files (".df" file extension).

* New Menu script command allowing you to execute external programs
through the right-click context menu. See "English.Menu" in the
"Language" Zoom Player directory for more information.

* New "1100" CommAPI command which enables/disables timeline updates.

Changes :

+ The default video renderer has been changed to VMR9 Windowless
for Windows XP and EVR for Windows 7/Vista.

+ Scroll Acceleration is now active system-wide in all fullscreen
navigation interfaces (where appropriate), making navigation
faster and easier using remote devices and keyboards.

+ The media library fullscreen navigation interface now remembers
the sorting order for each category independently.

+ The DirectShow filter registration options dialog feature
(Adv. Options / System / Filter Management) has been rewritten
to support configuration of popular DirectShow filters directly
from the options dialog. Older unused filter profiles were
removed and new updated profiles have been added.

+ You can now used Keyboard input with the GoTo navigation dialog
to directly set the GoTo time. This requires that Keyboard Input
for navigation be enabled.

+ Improved Screen Saver image selection randomness. No image will
appear twice until all images were displayed first, even after
the screen saver restarts.

+ Pressing PgDn/PgUp to play the next/previous media file in the
same directory now works even after erasing the currently playing
file, making it much easier to browse through a media or image
collection to erase unwanted files.

+ Using the Next/Previous playlist track with random play enabled
and only one file in the playlist no longer plays the same file
again, but rather plays the next file in the directory.

+ The Advanced Options "Fullscreen Navigation" pages have been moved
under the "Interface" section (previously it was within the "On Screen
Display" section).

+ By default, the Media Library Filter Selection fullscreen navigation page
will no longer appear when pressing Left on the Media Library category
page (user-selectable through the options dialog).

+ The "Windows Media Video" Smart Play profile has been split into two
distinct profiles:
1. Windows Media Video (used in WMV files)
2. VC1 (used in BluRay discs)

+ For clarity, the "Auto Segment Load" feature has been renamed
"Multi Part file loader".

+ For clarity, the Multi Part file loader's "Segment Script" setting has
been renamed "Name Masking" .

+ The "Multi Part file loader" feature has been disabled by default due to
user confusion over files being added to the playlist automatically.
You can re-enable this feature through the options dialog.

+ Pressing the ESC key with a fullscreen navigation interface enabled and
secondary monitors are blanked will now remove the blanking first
(In previous versions, the navigation interface was closed first).

+ Pressing the ESC key in the options dialog is now treated as if the
Cancel button is clicked.

+ Frame Capture (Alt+"F") now works with the EVR video renderer.

+ Starting the screen saver from the main fullscreen navigation
interface no longer pauses if an audio file is being played
(only pause on video file).

+ To maintain backward compatibility, the Zoom Player chapter
(bookmark) file extension has changed from ".chp" to ".zpchp".
Zoom Player will still look for the ".chp" file when the newer
format file doesn't exist.

+ The Color Control interface (Adv. Options / Playback / Video /
Color Control) has been rewritten and now supports FFDShow as a mode
of color control.

Zoom Player will first try to use Hardware Color Control (Overlay Mixer,
VMR9 and EVR). But if a certain function isn't supported, it will try
using FFDShow to supplement the functionality.

For example, neither EVR or VMR9 support Gamma controls, when these
video renderers are in-use, Zoom Player will try using FFDShow to control
the Gamma while the other color control remain hardware based.

Please note that FFDShow must be used as a decoder or post-processor for
this modified feature to work.

+ Using Windows XP SP3 or Windows Vista SP1 should improve the open file
dialog responsiveness.

+ The Media Library path editor has been further streamlined for simplicity.

+ All browsing for directory dialogs now allow you to specify a path
through an edit box, making it easier to specify direct IP network paths.

+ When detaching the Control Bar, it now snaps to other interfaces such
as the Video Window, Equalizer and Playlist Editor.

+ Opening the Main Navigation interface should now be faster, especially
on multi-core CPUs.

+ The internal screen saver is now capped at 50fps.

+ Previously, when enabling text display for the internal screen saver,
you had both the time and playing information displayed. You can now
choose to display each individually.

+ The Station Editor interface has been redesigned for simplicity.

+ The Advanced Playlist Control interface has been redesigned to be
more intuitive.

+ Random Play now remembers the random order of play so that you can
go to a previous random track in the same order as it was played.

+ Support for more Flash Video and VP6 sub-types.

+ The Media Last Position database (used in play history and restoring
the last position of a played media file) is now automatically saved
every 30 minutes and a backup file is kept in case something goes
wrong (previously it would only save when exiting the player, which
could cause position data to be lost in cases where the computer or
player crashed).

+ The Play History interface has been restructured to make it a bit
easier to use.

+ The Search function within the play history dialog now filters
the item list and only shows items that match the search value.

+ The "Adv. Options / System & Files / Paths, Folders & Files" page has
been divided into more logical areas:
1. Adv. Options / Playback / Path & Files.
2. Adv. Options / Interface / On Screen Display /
Fullscreen Navigation / Paths.
3. Adv. Options / Interface / On Screen Display /
Audio Tags / Paths & Script.

+ The Frame Capture (screenshot) feature has been moved to:
Adv. Options / System & Files / Screen Saver & Capture

+ Drives with no volume name no longer display empty brackets in the
fullscreen file browsing navigation interface.

+ Playing a single file with random play enabled no longer plays that
file in a loop if the "On Playlist Complete" setting is set to do
something else.

+ The Volume Up/Down keyboard macros have been changed from Shift+"Home"
and Shift+"End" to "+","=" (volume up) and "-" (volume down).
The Previously associated Video Zoom-In/Zoom-Out functions are still
accessible through the keypad "+" and "-" keys.

This should make it easier to control volume, especially on
netbook/laptop type devices which don't have access to the keypad
without using a special function button.

+ The active playlist is now automatically saved every 15 minutes
(to prevent data lose in case windows crashes).

+ The "5000" CommAPI command used for seeking in time can now accept
a fractional value indicating MS. For example, "122.500" will seek
