送Oxford Learning Centre or Kumon 的家长们,想问问你们觉得怎样?Thanks。
应该是grade 1 吧,但我知道kumon作业有kingdergarden级别的,不管你上几年级,以他们给你的评估为准来给作业。这个从多大开始送?Grade one?
你在google上都能搜到,找沃太话的点就行了。kumon我知道的在centrepointe有一个,oxford learning在woodroff靠近meadowland有个咨询点,sylvain就在扬名buffet附近那个图书馆旁边有个咨询点,其它地点我就不太清楚了。谢谢GYGY。你小孩多大了?请问有关的这些联系可以找哪些网呢?
我也是google的,比如输入"grade 3 math exercises""grade 6 english reading comprehension",能有很多link,你自己去找题目好了。不过我觉得这对家长有一定的要求,你要知道孩子学的大概内容和进度难度,网上的那些同样年级的差别很大,因为国外孩子没有统一的课本,老师随便教,你起码得知道孩子学的topic才能给孩子找题目。谢谢。不好意思,我是指找网上的练习题是那些网页?
那儿大部分都是中国孩子,我知道的很多都是gift的。spirit of math,对这个感兴趣,请教GYGY,如果孩子上了GIFTED,
回楼主,oxford learning我去咨询过,价格我忘了,肯定比苦闷 贵很多.而且我怎么感觉他们重点是针对有学习障碍的孩子呢,不停的问我孩子有没有注意力集中的问题啊,有没有阅读障碍阿之类的问题,让我很困惑,感觉就不是很好.
同意。Kumon is not an interactive program. Students work on the reading or math on their own. No teachers will be there to explain any new concepts to the students. When at a lower level, it is fine, kids will do the booklets for fun. But once your child reaches a certain level, there are advanced grammars and vocabularies that no teacher at Kumon will explain to the students. The students learn from repeating the same work again and again to memorize them. At the end, they will pick the right answers without thinking but it does not mean they understand the concepts.
Oxford is very interactive. One teacher tutors 3 students and conducts plenty of discussions with students during each tutoring session. Oxford usually gives students an assessment – not only the academic level but also the way that the students learn, and then they will give suggestion to the parents what program the students should be in. It is very individualized and designed for each student’s unique circumstance. However Oxford is much more expensive than Kumon.
这个从多大开始送?Grade one?