

之前两部车都是二手车, 这次终于决定买辆新车开开, 囊中不太富足,只考虑30000(全部包括的价格)以下的车, 考虑mazda3, 这车我前不久刚租过开往多伦多, 感觉还行吧, 如果是标配的话22000能拿下来吗?

其次我也考虑现代 sante fe 2.4 GL PREMIUM AWD, 刚在rolia上看到有大虾28700拿下, 如果能拿到这个价格, 我就买这个了, 我偏好suv, 大车好, 坐的高, 望的远。

第三, 如果 toyota rav4 超过30000不太多的话, 也会考虑考虑, 还没有太多研究

另外, 如果现金买车, 有多少优惠啊
seems it's not the good time to buy a new car right now:

Car Incentives Are Terrible Right Now
May 5, 2011

Incentives on vehicles sold in April hit their lowest level since 2005, according to Edmunds.com, which estimates the average incentive paid by automakers was $2,118 per vehicle sold last month.

The reason incentives are so low right now is due to supply and demand issues.

Inventories of new vehicles are lower due to brisker consumer demand thanks to a strengthening economy, and shortages resulting from the recent Japan disaster.

As a result, automakers don’t need to offer rich incentives.

The decrease in incentive spending runs across the board by manufacturers regardless of country of origin, with the exception of Korean automakers Hyundai and Kia - least affected by the Japan disasters and clearly trying to capitalize on the situation.

Domestic automakers showed the largest decline in incentives from March, averaging $2,683 per vehicle sold in April, down $398 from March.

Japanese automakers had the second largest decline with $1,696 per vehicle, down $236 from March.

So what can you do as a car buyer? Should you wait a few months in hopes of getting a better deal? Not necessarily - these supply and demand issues are predicted to last until at least the end of summer and possibly until the end of the year.
A suggestion: if you are considering SUV, choose engine with least 6 cylinders or 3.0 liters... One of my friends is just trying to get rid of his one-year-old 4-cylinder SUV, which is so weak on hills...

其次我也考虑现代 sante fe 2.4 GL PREMIUM AWD, 刚在rolia上看到有大虾28700拿下, 如果能拿到这个价格, 我就买这个了, 我偏好suv, 大车好, 坐的高, 望的远。
第三, 如果 toyota rav4 超过30000不太多的话, 也会考虑考虑, 还没有太多研究

另外, 如果现金买车, 有多少优惠啊
A suggestion: if you are considering SUV, choose engine with least 6 cylinders or 3.0 liters... One of my friends is just trying to get rid of his one-year-old 4-cylinder SUV, which is so weak on hills...

ahhhhhhhhh, 我看中的这款就是4 cylinder , 2.4 L的呀!
$30K以内的选择应该不少吧。可以考虑Subaru的Impreza或Forester. 不嫌麻烦的话去US买可能会便宜更多。
THinking about your gas bill $, then your select your SUV. TUSON is six speed transmition now. If you don't drive crizy, I wouldn't go 6 cylinder.
之前两部车都是二手车, 这次终于决定买辆新车开开, 囊中不太富足,只考虑30000(全部包括的价格)以下的车, 考虑mazda3, 这车我前不久刚租过开往多伦多, 感觉还行吧, 如果是标配的话22000能拿下来吗?

其次我也考虑现代 sante fe 2.4 GL PREMIUM AWD, 刚在rolia上看到有大虾28700拿下, 如果能拿到这个价格, 我就买这个了, 我偏好suv, 大车好, 坐的高, 望的远。

第三, 如果 toyota rav4 超过30000不太多的话, 也会考虑考虑, 还没有太多研究

另外, 如果现金买车, 有多少优惠啊


你可以考虑一下前1年款的mazada 6, 一个月月供也就300不到。

之前两部车都是二手车, 这次终于决定买辆新车开开, 囊中不太富足,只考虑30000(全部包括的价格)以下的车, 考虑mazda3, 这车我前不久刚租过开往多伦多, 感觉还行吧, 如果是标配的话22000能拿下来吗?

其次我也考虑现代 sante fe 2.4 GL PREMIUM AWD, 刚在rolia上看到有大虾28700拿下, 如果能拿到这个价格, 我就买这个了, 我偏好suv, 大车好, 坐的高, 望的远。

第三, 如果 toyota rav4 超过30000不太多的话, 也会考虑考虑, 还没有太多研究

另外, 如果现金买车, 有多少优惠啊

另外建议你去试试新款的dodge journey 2011款,个人觉得内饰比toyota好太多了。。。。。另外这个价位上,性价比很高了。
另外建议你去试试新款的dodge journey 2011款,个人觉得内饰比toyota好太多了。。。。。另外这个价位上,性价比很高了。

在你这位Dodge忠实拥戴者的号召下,我有幸试驾驶了2011 Journey的Crew和SXT。发动机和传动都比以前强了很多,内饰也有了很大提高,在Affordable Midsize SUV这个类型里我个人感觉是相当不错的,美中不足的是2011款较以前外形变化不大,配备七座的话车偏窄,外观没有了Dodge威武的气质。3万的预算估计谈好了可以拿到SXT。不过发动机及传动是一样的。买这一款与你感觉一样,应该是个非常好的选择。
在你这位Dodge忠实拥戴者的号召下,我有幸试驾驶了2011 Journey的Crew和SXT。发动机和传动都比以前强了很多,内饰也有了很大提高,在Affordable Midsize SUV这个类型里我个人感觉是相当不错的,美中不足的是2011款较以前外形变化不大,配备七座的话车偏窄,外观没有了Dodge威武的气质。3万的预算估计谈好了可以拿到SXT。不过发动机及传动是一样的。买这一款与你感觉一样,应该是个非常好的选择。
