

8年的nissan,coolant 降到Min以下了,请教一下是自己买coolant加进去,还是应该去车行整个换新的。如果换的话哪里比较好?
If your car doesn't have regular coolant leaking problem, you can basically buy a small bootle of coolant and refill in your car,s coolant reservor; or, if your car,s next maintenance is coming very soon, you can ask garage to top up it for you...

If you go to store to buy coolant, make sure you check your car,s service manual to get the correct type for your car... If you are not getting pre-mixed type, please mix coolant with certain percent of water by following coolant,s instructions...

8年的nissan,coolant 降到Min以下了,请教一下是自己买coolant加进去,还是应该去车行整个换新的。如果换的话哪里比较好?
If your car doesn't have regular coolant leaking problem, you can basically buy a small bootle of coolant and refill in your car,s coolant reservor; or, if your car,s next maintenance is coming very soon, you can ask garage to top up it for you...

If you go to store to buy coolant, make sure you check your car,s service manual to get the correct type for your car... If you are not getting pre-mixed type, please mix coolant with certain percent of water by following coolant,s instructions...

If your car doesn't have regular coolant leaking problem, you can basically buy a small bootle of coolant and refill in your car,s coolant reservor; or, if your car,s next maintenance is coming very soon, you can ask garage to top up it for you...

If you go to store to buy coolant, make sure you check your car,s service manual to get the correct type for your car... If you are not getting pre-mixed type, please mix coolant with certain percent of water by following coolant,s instructions...

I partially agree.

Something to keep in mind, if you have never replace your engine coolant in 8 years, it should be changed instead of a top up. If you have replaced you coolant in the last couple of year, then follow Teddy's instruction.
check the minim freeze point.
Last winter my coolant turned into ice.