7 700 知名会员 注册 2008-02-21 消息 447 荣誉分数 16 声望点数 128 2011-05-19 #5 laroussefrance 说: 春季过敏 点击展开... 可能你是对的. 因为每年都要忍受这种折磨。已经买了抗过敏药了. 谢谢!
O OTA OTA 注册 2010-01-24 消息 86 荣誉分数 5 声望点数 18 2011-05-22 #6 700 说: 晚上睡觉鼻塞, 憋醒了就难再睡着了, 还伴随头痛. 点击展开... www.sunmaxcn.com
ekans 知名会员 注册 2011-05-30 消息 296 荣誉分数 5 声望点数 178 2011-06-03 #8 本人季节性过敏多年, 口服过敏药及注射都试过了, 效果不佳, 只有类固醇一类的喷雾剂管用, 但有副作用. 今年起试用一些功效营养品, 有一定程度改善, 大部分时间呼吸通畅, 不流泪, 夜里不会被憋醒.
H healthconsultant 新手上路 注册 2011-06-08 消息 1 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2011-06-08 #9 one of my friends had the same issue before , but he does not have that issue any more . please send me your email or telephone and we will talk in detail. lucyuanz@hotmail.com
one of my friends had the same issue before , but he does not have that issue any more . please send me your email or telephone and we will talk in detail. lucyuanz@hotmail.com