诚征前台接待义工-行政办公室 (OCCSC)

Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre is looking for volunteers to fill out the position of Receptionist for 4004 Administration Office.

If you want to gain Canadian work experience in an office environment, and you are fluent in both English and Mandarin in speaking and reading, familiar with computer programs such as Word, Publisher, Powerpoint, Excel, please forward your resume to the Volunteer Coordinator, Doreen Ju by email at doreen.ju@occsc.org. Further inquiries please phone Doreen Ju at 613 235-4875 ext 144.

For this volunteer position, you will need to commit for at least one day a week from 9:00am-5:00pm for at least 3 month.

Report to: Program Coordinator, Wendy Tang
Job description:
• Answer phone calls when the main desk receptionist is busy;
• Direct the visitors to appropriate staff at suite 4004;
• Sit at the main reception desk at suite 4003 when the main
receptionist takes day off;
• Sort out the mails and faxes and forward to appropriate staff;
• Help the administration unit including ED, accounting
department, human resource, vlounteer mail letters;
• Help human resource organize documents and as requested; p
• Prepare Board meetings in terms of food and board room; and
• Help edit OCCSC’s monthly newsletter Chinese version