股票买卖探讨: 我的经验和教训,出路在哪里


我做过长线、短线好几年,都没赚到什么钱。主要做法是: 买了, 等它涨;卖了,等它跌。 这是“守株待兔”法。 教训是: 守的不一定是株, 兔, 即使有,也不一定等得到。几年下来, 受着贪婪和恐惧的煎熬,徒给broker交了几千刀的手续费而已。

我一直在想, 其实知道一只股票在近期内会不会涨很难。 即使围绕某个股有极好的消息发布, 等我们这些屁民知道要买入的时候,那只股的价位已经上去了。 相对来讲, 知道某个股票要跌比较容易, 而且一只股票一旦进入跌势, 往往会跌跌不休, 这时候我们会有较大的机会。


keep going

Yes, yes. Valuable experience. Keep going.
The reason why stock price goes up in the long term is all about company's profit and growing profit.
I think you're thinking short selling. Not my cup of tea, I am always long. If I am investing in a real business, I won't speculate that it'll go down hill and make a profit from its misfortune. I think it's easier to tell if a business will prosper in 10-20 years than to tell a business's profit will go down in x amount of time.
The reason why stock price goes up in the long term is all about company's profit and growing profit.
I think you're thinking short selling. Not my cup of tea, I am always long. If I am investing in a real business, I won't speculate that it'll go down hill and make a profit from its misfortune. I think it's easier to tell if a business will prosper in 10-20 years than to tell a business's profit will go down in x amount of time.

Yes, you are right. I am thinking short selling.

I do not agree with you. Life is short, we cannot wait for 10 - 20 years for a stock to grow.
If you invested Dow Jones Industrial Average in Last 10 Years, you got almost nothing:

It should be much easier to predict a stock which will be in downstream than predicting a stock will grow, but one person's time and intelligence is limited. If we can have a group to discover, analyze and work together, our task should be much more profitable.
Yes, you are right. I am thinking short selling.

Life is short, we cannot wait for 10 - 20 years for a stock to grow.

It should be much easier to predict a stock which will be in downstream than predicting a stock will grow, but one person's intelligence is limited. If we can have a group to discover, analyze and work together, our task should be much more profitable.

看你是老ID, 就顶你一把。


在股市,做的好的就Follow Market , if market goes your prediction,这就蒙对了。 Best traders always follow market , not predict market .

有人在股市为什么能稳定挣钱?不说都能猜得出,就是一个好的strategy, RISK CONTROL 和Money Management, Win/Loss or reward/risk Ratio is higher than most individual investors.

哎。。。不想打字了。。。。 :)
Yes, you are right. I am thinking short selling.

I do not agree with you. Life is short, we cannot wait for 10 - 20 years for a stock to grow.
If you invested Dow Jones Industrial Average in Last 10 Years, you got almost nothing:

It should be much easier to predict a stock which will be in downstream than predicting a stock will grow, but one person's time and intelligence is limited. If we can have a group to discover, analyze and work together, our task should be much more profitable.

在股市要做 “Do what you feel confortable 。。。。。"
Yes, you are right. I am thinking short selling.

I do not agree with you. Life is short, we cannot wait for 10 - 20 years for a stock to grow.
If you invested Dow Jones Industrial Average in Last 10 Years, you got almost nothing:

It should be much easier to predict a stock which will be in downstream than predicting a stock will grow, but one person's time and intelligence is limited. If we can have a group to discover, analyze and work together, our task should be much more profitable.

I suppose the chart doesn't include dividend. If dividend was reinvested during the down turn, it won't be 0% after 10 years more likely 7% per year. And the index includes all the good and bad companies listed on the exchange. As investor, I choose what I invested in: Good companies. With careful selected basket of stocks, 10%~12% per year is not unrealistic. With some leverage, 15% is achievable in the long term meaning double every 5 years. But different person got different strategy, if it works in the long term good for you.

在股市要做 “Do what you feel confortable 。。。。。"

Exactly, imagine million is at stake..
看你是老ID, 就顶你一把。


在股市,做的好的就Follow Market , if market goes your prediction,这就蒙对了。 Best traders always follow market , not predict market .

有人在股市为什么能稳定挣钱?不说都能猜得出,就是一个好的strategy, RISK CONTROL 和Money Management, Win/Loss or reward/risk Ratio is higher than most individual investors.

哎。。。不想打字了。。。。 :)

听你的口气, 你应该早大发了啊。

我没听说有人在股市稳赚钱, 巴菲特也有做亏的时候。 多伦多那个华人巴菲特更是亏的底掉。

你说的“Follow Market", 你不预测market, 你怎么Follow Market? 你说说现在的market是要升,还是要降。 如果你不预测你怎么知道要买还是要卖?
听你的口气, 你应该早大发了啊。

我没听说有人在股市稳赚钱, 巴菲特也有做亏的时候。 多伦多那个华人巴菲特更是亏的底掉 ?

HAHA, 你没听说, 并不等于没有人不能从市场稳定挣钱. 今天喝了一点酒,多和你你掰几句, BUFFET 只有一个,那是一个大坑,是为绝大多数散户准备的. " 多伦多那个华人巴菲特更是亏的底掉"---有本事的人都是从市场挣钱, 不是靠呼悠挣钱. 看见一天到处吹牛的能把握市场拐点的人,怎么就不能用自己的钱来挣钱呢? 中国有句古话--"闷声发财".

你说的“Follow Market" 说:
看你是老ID, 就顶你一把。


在股市,做的好的就Follow Market , if market goes your prediction,这就蒙对了。 Best traders always follow market , not predict market .

有人在股市为什么能稳定挣钱?不说都能猜得出,就是一个好的strategy, RISK CONTROL 和Money Management, Win/Loss or reward/risk Ratio is higher than most individual investors.

哎。。。不想打字了。。。。 :)

You are drunk and better stop typing any more!