现在大家能拿到什么样的房贷利率 ?

2.1(P-0.9), 5 year variable from CBMR.
这几天bond yeild井喷,fixed rate应该也往下滑了不少。
哈哈,从朋友那里拿到 :5 年 固定 2.95% !!!

听说他的 5 年 浮动 2.1(P-0.9%)
really, if like that, other brokers and banks can close be closed!太低 了, 不能相信`
really, if like that, other brokers and banks can close be closed!太低 了, 不能相信`

Sorry that you did not get the rate. If you works in related erea, you shall know the bond rate reduced, I also know someone works for TD bank are going here for a low rate.

This is an information post, for people who needs it, getting a free quote to get a better mortgage rate will not hurt, right?
有做Home Equity Loan的rate推荐吗?


I do not have chinese input now, sorry have to type english.

Ok,His name is Moe Gagne, number is 613-7216843 ext 227. He will bring in chinese college if you prefer speaking chinese.
也想知道你的lender?, 能告诉我吗?
基于问的童鞋较多,我在这里一并回答,就不一一悄悄话了。我联系的是mortgage broker, 他可以联系大大小小的lender(银行什么的),根据你的情况提供合适个人需求的贷款。

每个人可以拿到的最低利率根据 个人的信用,贷款大小,是否自住房等等因素决定,好像不都一样的。

Good luck!