[请求] Redhat driver

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I installed redhat 7.2, but it doesn't support my network card d-link DFE 530 TX. Who knows how to find the correct driver, or is there any other card that is easy to be found to support this version of redhat?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Dlink DFE 530 TX Ethernet Card Driver
Borek Lupomesky (Borek.Lupomesky@ujep.cz)
Fri, 12 Nov 1999 08:19:06 +0100 (CET)

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On Fri, 12 Nov 1999, Arshad Mahmood wrote:

> Hi every one,
> I am using Redhat 6.0. The problem is that it does not have driver for
> Dlink DFE 530 TX Ethernet Card. From where I can get module for this
> network card. Is there any person there who is using this network card on
> Linux Redhat 6.0. Any help will be appreciated.

The driver is in Linux and is called "via-rhine". It works just fine
here. The other thing is, that it might not be available during
installation of RH 6.0.

Bye Borek


BOREK LUPOMESKY, network administrator University of J. E. Purkyne
Ceske mladeze 8
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I tried that one, it is a common one for linux, redhat 7.2 is a little bit special, though. I tried the precompiled rpm first, it doesn't work, and then i found out there is another one just for redhat 7.0 because of the "uniqueness" of that version. I also tried to compile the source code, somehow got the .o file, but i am not familiar with this kind of configuration, so I don't know what to do next...

Anyway, just want to know if someone did exactly the same thing so I can borrow it. otherwise dont' bother.

Thank you very much
