wow, we were planning a trip to that area but didn't get it done in this summer. Will it be too hot? Is fall the better season to visit there? Any other suggestion? Did you fly to SanF then drive to this park?
Nice blog! 28 KM and 12 hours, I am glad we didn't go this year. Did you see any kids on the dome? The longest day hike we did so far is only 16km on Mount Marcy. I don't think my daughter can handle the 28km trail yet.
Love to do it next year! I would not bring any kids under 16 there unless they are physically strong and fit. I am over 60 but consider myself fit but still I will start some strength training especially my upper arm this winter.
I am so glad that many people in "渥村" are interested in this trail. 我们越来越深入核心的一些问题了。呵呵。这个trail我看见了老外的kids。Yes!两位夫妻带两个孩子,大的女孩约9-10岁,小的男孩约7岁。但是他们不是day hike。他们在Dome顶camping了一晚。所以如果把trail分成两段,带小孩成为可能。但是,大人身上得要背负很多的水加帐篷等。Dome顶是很冷的。有时候都会下雪的。所以帐篷还得是ok帐篷。当时上山时正好看到他们下来,没有啰啰嗦嗦的怨言,大人每人身上一个80L的backpack。小孩也是一个40L的backpack。当时我就下定决心什么时候再带我的boys杀回来。
Love to do it next year! I would not bring any kids under 16 there unless they are physically strong and fit. I am over 60 but consider myself fit but still I will start some strength training especially my upper arm this winter.
Mont Tremblant is kind of easy compare to what you listed above. Our group did a 10 mile (1000m elevation gain) day hike at Mount Marcy early July, 3 kids in the group (11, 10 and 8) were doing pretty well. But it is still far from the Half Dome. So I guess we need couple of more years to get ready for this decent trail.
Camping at the top? Could be too challege to ourselves. I don't think I can handle a 14km hiking plus 1600m elevation with a 80L backpack in one day.