

昨天陪儿子去参加Executive Golf & Kevin Haime Golf School的活动,组织者给孩子们一人发了一本RCGA编写的小册子:RCGA Store - Easy Guide to the Etiquette and Rules of Golf。很清晰简明,并配附图。随手翻了翻,看到几条平时不确定的,写下来与大家分享。
Rule 12 Identifying your ball

a. you may lift your ball to identify it anywhere on the course. however, you must tell your opponent or fellow-competitor before you mark it, lift it and replace it.

b. the ball must not be cleaned beyond the extent necessary to identify it.

读了上面的Rule 12,好像球是随便可以拿起来的,其实不然。只有当确实无法辨认时才允许辨认球。因为事后发现打错球要被罚杆或直接取消比赛资格,所以确认自己的球是很重要的,这也是严格的比赛要求两人在球上签名的道理。下面Rule 13是关于NO TOUCH原则的。


Play the ball as it lies and the course as you find it, unless the Rules permit otherwise.

a. You must play the ball as it lies. Do not touch it or move it unless permitted under the Rules.

b. Do not press anything down behind your ball.

c. You may not do anything to improve the lie of your ball, the area of your intended stance or swing or line of play, including bending or breaking grass, weeds or branches of trees.

d. You may not touch the ground in a hazard or water in a water hazard with your hand or club.

a. You may only ask for advice from your caddied or partner. Do not ask your opponent or fellow-competitor for advice.

b. You may only give advice to your partner. Do not give advice to your opponent or fellow-competitor.

c. It is okay to ask about positions of flagsticks, hazards, sprinkler heads etc., or the distance between any two objects.

在OCGO比赛中,由于比赛规则规定,打到长草的球,大家都报不可打,拿出来在长草边缘一杆之内罚一杆,所以同时签球意义不大。但如果在正式比赛中,在长草中找到球并从长草中直接打球(这里还有Rule 13的限制,打球时须请同伴监督),双人签球就是必要的,以免不必要的猜测和争议。比如一位球友报称在长草中找到球,并打了出来。由于球上无现场其他球友签字,其他球友有理由怀疑该球友使用另一个自己的备用球,将出现争议。


a. Your ball is on the putting green when any part of it touches the green.

b. You may mark and lift your ball when it is on the putting green. You should use a small coin or ball-marker placed behind the ball.

c. You may repair ball marks anywhere on the putting green, but you may not repair marks made by spikes or shoes before you putt.

d. You must stand on one side of the line of putt. You may not use a croquet-style stance.

f. You must not make a stroke when another ball is in motion.

规则13.a:当球落在putting green和putting green fringe之间时,如果球的任何部分接触到putting green,可以mark ball,否则不可以动球。

规则13.d:当球离球洞很近时,球友往往单手隔洞将球tap in。这时的站位很可能是违规的。
1) 球员在putting green fringe上推球,要求旗杆插在洞内,无人护持,球碰到旗杆,是否犯规?
2) 球员在putting green上推球,要求旗杆插在洞内,无人护持,球碰到旗杆,是否犯规?
3) 球员在putting green上推球,要求旗杆插在洞内,并请球童或同伴持旗。球碰到旗杆,是否犯规?
4) 球员在putting green fringe上推球,要求旗杆插在洞内,并请球童或同伴持旗。球碰到旗杆,是否犯规?


a. If you play a stroke when your ball is on the putting green, it must not hit the flagstick. Either remove the flagstick before you play or have someone else attend it and take it out before your ball reaches the hole.

b. You may have the flagstick attended wether your ball is on or off the putting green.

c. If your ball strikes the flagstick when played from the putting green or when attened, in match play you lose the hole and in stroke play you add a two-stroke penalty.
Tee box

A golfer should choose the correct tee for their skill level, regardless of where the other members of the group are playing. The different tee lengths are one way to help even the playing field. A golfer should tee the ball between the two markers for their given distance. The ball must be even with or behind the markers. Should a golfer address the ball, swing and miss, the golfer incurs no penalty (but the stroke counts). If the ball is moved, anywhere off the tee at address, a one-stroke penalty will be incurred.
USGA Rules and Decisions

14/1.5 Intent to Strike Ball Ceases During Downswing; Club Not Stopped But Path of Clubhead Altered to Avoid Striking Ball

Q. A player begins his downswing with the intention of striking the ball but decides during the downswing not to strike the ball. The player is unable to stop the club before it reaches the ball, but he is able to swing intentionally over the top of the ball. Is the player deemed to have made a stroke?

A. No. The player is considered to have checked his downswing voluntarily by altering the path of his downswing and missing the ball even though the swing carried the clubhead beyond the ball.

If the player had not successfully checked his downswing (i.e., he had struck the ball), he is considered to have made a stroke.

Any doubt regarding the player's intent must be resolved against the player.
USGA Rules and Decisions

14/1.5 Intent to Strike Ball Ceases During Downswing; Club Not Stopped But Path of Clubhead Altered to Avoid Striking Ball

Q. A player begins his downswing with the intention of striking the ball but decides during the downswing not to strike the ball. The player is unable to stop the club before it reaches the ball, but he is able to swing intentionally over the top of the ball. Is the player deemed to have made a stroke?

A. No. The player is considered to have checked his downswing voluntarily by altering the path of his downswing and missing the ball even though the swing carried the clubhead beyond the ball.

If the player had not successfully checked his downswing (i.e., he had struck the ball), he is considered to have made a stroke.

Any doubt regarding the player's intent must be resolved against the player.

A “stroke”is the forward movement of the club made with the intention of striking at and moving the ball, but if a player checks his downswing voluntarily before the clubhead reaches the ball he has not made a stroke.​

跟踪观看高中高尔夫比赛,看到了这样两个案例与大家分享:一名选手开球进了长草,我帮她找到了球,小女孩看到球后的草很长,就用脚踩了一下,跟组纪录成绩的洋人老师小声对我说:" This is one shot penalty". 然后,小女孩准备击球瞄准时,用杆头拨了球后的长草并压在草上,她击完球后,此老师马上过去告诉她要罚两杆.
(Meadows West 5) 一名选手开球,球落在右边长草然后滚进了边上的灌木丛,她大概找了几分钟没找到,我也开始帮她找,我在一个树下发现了一个球,她打出来后发现不是她的球,结果同组的“大姐大”马上告诉她,这是遗失球,须回开球台重打算第三杆,不过这名选手的情绪控制的很好,在后一组已经在球台的压力下还打了双Bogey. 这名选手在下一场球,遇到不确定球位时,都打暂定球。看来吃一堑长一智,对小孩来说,早点儿付代价对以后成长还是值的。