Must read----Quote from web

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---------------------By Victor Lee,
Like many other Chinese throughout the world, it is disappointing to learn of the massive cover up of SARS cases. Fudging statistical figures to maintain a veneer of stability and security, is definitely a bad miscalculation with terrible consequences. It reflects dishonesty, untrustworthiness and immaturity. Anti-Chinese critics particularly from America and the West will no doubt be gloating and have a field day putting down China and her people, damning her for both the best and worst reasons. This self assuring hubris will no doubt be celebrated among those China critics and haters. What a perfect distraction for those hawkish Americans who have just illegally invaded and occupied another nation after killing so many civilians. This time though, China's incompetent officials have only themselves to blame. Because of this dishonesty, any future economic and scientific achievements claimed by the Chinese government, genuine or not, will be scrutinised with deep scepticism. This is such a sad backward step for China!

Nevertheless, despite the gloom and doom, there are good lessons to be learnt that hopefully will strengthen China. Firstly, it is so essential and morally right to be transparent and honest. Tackle the other problems truthfully and work diligently towards it eg. AIDS crisis. There is greater shame in being dishonest. It is better to lose some face then to have no face at all.

Secondly, health care particularly in the area of primary and preventitive medicine in China should be a prime concern in her development. Does Shanghai really need the tallest (and very expensive) building in the world when the health care is in such pitiful state? This is such a wasteful vanity, robbing funds from important research and health planning.

Why are medical healthworkers like doctors, research scientist, microbiologists etc are paid a pittance when their role is so important? It is no wonder, the best and the most intelligent, often choose other careers. Why is medical research so poorly funded in China? Why does China with all her potential talent and resoucres, not produce a recent noteworthy significant advancement in medicine and other branches of Science.

I sincerely hope China will grow to be even stronger if she learns from this mistake. Two centuries ago, China went downhill because of vanity, pride and ignorance. Painful lessons may often be the best and lasting lessons.

For a better, More Truthful and stronger China,