



Issues in Europe probably will get worse. Greek default probably will hit pretty soon ...

Issues in Europe probably will get worse. Greek default probably will hit pretty soon ...

The Fitch ratings agency downgraded Italy and Spain’s debt
rating today (Friday) and this followed the downgrade in
several of Europe’s weaker banks. Moody’s Investor’s Service
downgraded NINE Portugese banks and the latest story
developing is Moody’s put Belgium’s credit rating on review for
possible downgrade. The Belgium story is brand new late in
the session in the last 30 minutes and stocks sold off as
computer programs turned on the sell programs.

Hopefully you closed long positions and opened short
positions today 像我一再唠叨的那样。我好像成了祥林嫂了。呵呵。:blowzy:
I have not committed to anything, but some interesting stocks for shorting.

Here is a list of stocks to consider opening a Very small initial SHORT position. Remember to stay small and don't get leveraged.

TSO, Tesoro Consider very small SHORT position next 1-2 days.
CSTR, Coinstar Consider very small SHORT position next 1-2 days.
EDU, New Oriental Consider very small SHORT position next 1-2 days.
JOYG, Joy Global Consider very small SHORT position next 1-2 days.
KRO, Kronos Consider very small SHORT position next 1-2 days.
IRF, Internat Rectifier Consider very small SHORT position next 1-2 days. (Could be a slow mover that takes a couple weeks)
MPEL, Melco Crown Consider very small SHORT position next 1-2 days.
FISV, Fiserv Consider very small SHORT position next 1-2 days.
WHR, Whirpool Consider very small SHORT position next 1-2 days.
SWK, Black & Decker Consider very small SHORT position next 1-2 days.
GT, Goodyear Tire Consider very small SHORT position next 1-2 days.
MPC, Marathon Petroleum , Consider very small SHORT position next 1-2 days
I have not committed to anything, but some interesting stocks for shorting.

Here is a list of stocks to consider opening a Very small initial SHORT position. Remember to stay small and don't get leveraged.

TSO, Tesoro Consider very small SHORT position next 1-2 days.
CSTR, Coinstar Consider very small SHORT position next 1-2 days.
EDU, New Oriental Consider very small SHORT position next 1-2 days.
JOYG, Joy Global Consider very small SHORT position next 1-2 days.
KRO, Kronos Consider very small SHORT position next 1-2 days.
IRF, Internat Rectifier Consider very small SHORT position next 1-2 days. (Could be a slow mover that takes a couple weeks)
MPEL, Melco Crown Consider very small SHORT position next 1-2 days.
FISV, Fiserv Consider very small SHORT position next 1-2 days.
WHR, Whirpool Consider very small SHORT position next 1-2 days.
SWK, Black & Decker Consider very small SHORT position next 1-2 days.
GT, Goodyear Tire Consider very small SHORT position next 1-2 days.
MPC, Marathon Petroleum , Consider very small SHORT position next 1-2 days

Why not long on FAZ ? Individual stocks are risky - unless a company is cornered, otherwise ...
I also bought some SLV to hedge the short position. HEHE.:D
The Fitch ratings agency downgraded Italy and Spain’s debt
rating today (Friday) and this followed the downgrade in
several of Europe’s weaker banks. Moody’s Investor’s Service
downgraded NINE Portugese banks and the latest story
developing is Moody’s put Belgium’s credit rating on review for
possible downgrade. The Belgium story is brand new late in
the session in the last 30 minutes and stocks sold off as
computer programs turned on the sell programs.

Hopefully you closed long positions and opened short
positions today 像我一再唠叨的那样。我好像成了祥林嫂了。呵呵。:blowzy:

If Greek truely defaults with control, the market may turn around in a major way.

This is possible based on lessons from Lehman.

If you find a way to bet on such tail risk, it is probably a nice idea too.
Good idea. Do you think oil is better than silver ?

最安全的操作 (我一高手朋友的操作):
在26以下买入ERX,然后在36做COVER CALL (还持有ERX,因为长线看,油在70多还
最安全的操作 (我一高手朋友的操作):
在26以下买入ERX,然后在36做COVER CALL (还持有ERX,因为长线看,油在70多还

Thanks for ERX. This is a very smart play... Is ERX the only oil 3 x bull ?
Thanks for ERX. This is a very smart play... Is ERX the only oil 3 x bull ?

ERX是能源股的3X 做多,OIH是能源的ETF。
Index will open higher after this good news from EURO

默克尔会见萨科齐:德法将共同保卫欧洲银行安全http://www.sina.com.cn 2011年10月10日 03:18 中国新闻网微博
  中新社柏林10月9日电 (记者 黄霜红)德国总理默克尔9日晚在柏林会见了来访的法国总统萨科齐。在会见结束后的新闻发布会上默克尔说,德国将联同法国一起保卫在欧债危机中遭受损害的欧洲银行。两国决定尽一切努力保障银行的再资本化。



