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美遭重创 利突然发现383具美军特种兵尸体
送交者: 赤松子5 2011年10月10日07:09:25 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
【Only this week 383 bodies of US Special Forces and Airmen were recovered by the Libyan Authorities from Ras Lanuf where the 82nd Airbourne Division suffered a tremendous and humiliating defeat, complete with Hercules aircraft blown up full of those who were sent to kill。】
【是否有人还记得我前几天说有82名美国空降兵在利比亚的RAS LANUF被打死。刚才看的这个消息更猛,其实不是82名,82是指美国82空降师的番号。下面是我截的图,说本周有383具美国特种兵的尸体在RAS LANUF被发现,82空降师遭受惨重失败,塞满了送死士兵的大力神运输机被爆。可怜这些美国士兵的家属都不知道奥巴马把他们的亲人送到利比亚去送死了。
10.08.2011 Libya War News 10月8日利比亚新闻战报
Submitted by admin on 2011, October 8, 10:09 PM
Sirte 苏尔特:
Reuters admits that todays attack failed again. 路透社承认反对派今天的进攻再次失败。
Clashes from Behind the rebels frontlines at "South of sirte" as some of the Green resistance reinforcements arrive. 绿色抵抗武装在苏尔特南部从后方攻击了反对派,同时一些绿色抵抗武装增援到达苏尔特。
Report alarabia: Rebels are at outskirts of city. they tried incursions but many died. alarabia播报:反对派在苏尔特城郊,他们试图进入,但多人死亡。
Benghazi 班加西:
200 bodies arrive in Benghazi from Friday fighting at Sirte in Libya. bodies belong 2 eastern rebel brigades. 200具尸体运抵班加西,这些尸体是从周五苏尔特的战斗开始后东部战线的反对派士兵。
Zawiyah 扎维亚:
Green resistance of Baniwalid has Arrived and pushed rebels back and killed many and freed zawiyah. 拜尼沃利德的绿色抵抗武装到达扎维亚,反对派撤退,许多反对派士兵被击毙,扎维亚解放。
Tripoli 的黎波里:
Tripoli report:Continued fighting in gurji and near abu salim. clashes also at hai al Damasque. gurji和abu salim附近的战斗在持续,hai al Damasque同样发生了冲突。
Live TV Rebel commander asks "NATO to do more or we cant push further."电视直播反对派指挥官要求“北约应多做一些工作,否则我们难以进一步推进。”
12 bel haj fighters executed by Zintan brigade near dahra. Qatar is trying to Bribe Zintan brigade in doha talks.12名BEL HAJ士兵在Dahra附近被Zintan旅处决,卡塔尔正试图在多哈谈叛上贿赂Zintan旅。
10.07.2011 Libya War News 10月7日利比亚新闻战报
Submitted by admin on 2011, October 8, 2:27 PM
Sirte 苏尔特:
Rebels suffered over 700 injured on all Fronts of sirte combined have been flown to Benghazi the hospitals of misrata are too full. 苏尔特各条战线反对派已有超过700人受伤,已用飞机送往班加西,米苏拉塔的医院已满。
100 NTC ALQAEDA have been killed and the ALQAEDA commander Al-Asad Al-Liby.一百名反对派ALQAEDA旅的士兵被击毙,包括ALQAEDA旅的指挥官。
Green resistance let in 120 rebel into the city. then they trapped them and shot them from all directions all died.绿色抵抗武装让120名反对派进入城市,然后将他们包围并从四面射击,他们全被击毙。
alarabia Live report "26 dead and 134 injured at another Field hospital front" in another field hospital he reported 22 dead tens injured.半岛台现场报导一野战医院26死、134伤,另一野战医院22死、数十人受伤。
libya caller from Inside sirte "Helicopter and jets have bombed and killed many civilians and people could not save people due to bombing" 苏尔特城内来电“直升机和喷气式飞机轰炸和杀死许多平民,因轰炸的持续很多人得不到及时的救助”
NTC ALQAEDA are using Children as human shields as a tactic against snipers. NTC反对派ALQAEDA旅使用儿童作人盾应对狙击手。
An iraqi doctor has been killed in the hospital of Sirte as Rebels use with the help of NATO heavy artillery , destroyed many houses.一名伊拉克医生在苏尔特医院被杀害,反对派在北约的帮助下用重炮摧毁了很多房屋。
all mosques and hospitals and all Public places have been closed. as NATO targets. all buildings in the city.NATO genocide continues.所有清真寺、医院以及所有公共场所都已关闭。城市中所有的建筑,都是北约轰炸目标,北约在继续种族灭绝。
NTC rebels have hit civilian house with Grad rocket on sirte. and killed 7 civilians and 6 civilians. 反对派用火箭弹袭击苏尔特民居,分别造成7名和6名平民死亡。
Report Sirte caller "many rebels have been killed in heavy fighting. But civilians are being slaughtered by NATO warplanes" 苏尔特内来电“许多反对派在激烈的战斗中丧生,同时平民也被北约战机屠宰。”
libya on frontlines caller "there are many people among "NTC ALQAEDA" that cannot even speak arabic and many more are egyptians".利比亚前线来电“反对派ALQAEDA旅中很多不会讲阿拉伯语,很多是埃及人。”
in Jumail area caller said "refugees return to Libya and fight we have with small number defeated larger number of rebels" 利比亚Jumail地区的民众来电,难民重返利比亚参与战斗,并击败了人数众多的反对派。
Bani walid 拜尼沃利德:
Report Baniwalid : large clashes far in the desert area. as 3 brigades approach to the direction of Baniwalid. Green resistance attack them.反对派3个旅向拜尼沃利德方位前进,在沙漠中遭到绿色抵抗武装的攻击。
Tripoli 的黎波里:
the Green resistance has saved many Political prisoners and resistance volunteers from AL jadeeda Prison in Tripoli。绿色抵抗武装从的黎波里的AL jadeeda监狱中救出了许多的政治犯和抵抗志愿者。
Huge Numbers Of Tripoli Population Unite for Friday Prayers Against NATO Bombing In Libya.众多的黎波里民众在周五礼拜共同抗议北约轰炸利比亚.
Zuwara 祖瓦那:
Green resistance volunteers from Ragdaline went to Zuwara and killed 30 rebel and rebel commander. 绿色抵抗武装志愿者从Ragdaline前往祖瓦那共击毙30反对派,还有反对派指挥官。
Jufrah 朱夫拉:
confirmed reports that entire jufrah region is under green resistance control.they can move to sirte.绿色抵抗武装已经解放了整个朱夫拉JUFRAH省, 他们会前往苏尔特。
Tarhuna 塔尔胡纳:
confirmed report that Tarhuna is now under full control of Green resistance.and Reports of Volunteers heading to sirte. 经确认消息塔尔胡纳现在完全控制在绿色抵抗武装之下,志愿者正前往苏尔特。
Others 其他:
Thousands of Arabs and africans have passed border and entered libya to support libyan people fighting NTC ALQAEDA.数以千计的阿拉伯人和非洲人已经越过边境进入利比亚,帮助利比亚人民与NTC反对派ALQAEDA战斗。
5 cars of NATO rats were bombed, the cars were filled with weapons.北约反对派5辆装满武器的汽车被炸毁。
Deputy of Military council has resigned.军事委员会代表辞职。
Mahmoud jibril arrived in IRAQ to search for Security company "further supporting reports of attempted assassination on him" .he has called for Assassination of jumhuri of ARRAITV and For CLosing of Syrian based channel.马哈茂德.贾布里勒抵达伊拉克寻求保安公司进一步调查暗杀他的事件,且意图暗杀ARRAITV的老板jumhuri,以达到关闭叙利亚电视台ARRAITV的目的。
NATO 北约:
French paper reveals Libyan rebels promise French firm 36% of oil fields.法国报纸揭示利比亚反对派承诺给法国公司36%的油田。
383 bodies of US Special Forces & Airmen were recovered by the Libyan Authorities from Ras Lanuf where the 82nd Airbourne。383具美国82空降师特种兵的尸体在RAS LANUF被发现。
Muammar Al Gaddafi speech 10.06.2011 卡扎菲10月6日的讲话
Submitted by admin on 2011, October 7, 11:49 AM
"4 tribes of Bani Walled, Surt, Warshfana tribe and Nawhi are well armed and they will never be defeated because honorable people can not be subjected.拜尼沃利德的四个部落、苏尔特、Warshfana部落和Nawhi都已经武装起来,他们永远不会被打败,光荣的人民不能被奴役。
All the people in LIBYA and true Libyans will not agree with the invasions and colonization.所有在利比亚的人民和真正的利比亚人都不会同意侵略和殖民统治。
We will fight for our freedom and ready for more sacrifices, the traitors, colonizers and as well as NATO will be going to defeated soon.我们将为我们的自由而战,并做好了更多牺牲的准备,叛徒、殖民者、北约都将被击败。
They all lost the confidence between each other and their masters as well, the traitors are unable to continue because they are basically vulnerable.他们相互间,同他们的主人之间都失去了信任。叛徒是无法继续的,因为他们本质上是脆弱的。
If the power of their fleets give legitimacy, then let the rulers in the Third World be ready.如果他们的军事打击具合法性,那么第三世界国家领导人要做好准备。
To those who recognize this council, be ready for the creation of transitional councils imposed by the power of fleets to replace you one by one from now on.那些承认这个委员会的国家,现在开始,他们将强行使用军事打击,建过渡委员会一个个取代你们。
I urge all Libyan people to go out and march in their millions in all the squares, in all the cities and villages and oases. Go peacefully ... be courageous, rise up, go to the streets, raise our green flags to the skies.我鼓励所有利比亚人民走出去,到数百万所有的广场、城市、村庄、绿洲游行示威。勇敢的反抗,走向大街,让我们的绿旗在空中飘扬。
How did it (NTC) get its legitimacy? Did the Libyan people elect them? Did the Libyan people appoint them? NTC的合法性从何而来?是由利比亚人民选举?还是由利比亚人民委任?
If you did not hear my voice , do not stop fighting." 即使你没有听到我的声音,也不要停止战斗。“
10.06.2011 Libya War News 10月6日利比亚新闻战报
Submitted by admin on 2011, October 7, 12:52 AM
Sirte 苏尔特:
Red Cross succeed to enter 2 large trucks of food in Sirte.红十字会成功向苏尔特送入2大卡车食物。
Green resistance from Baniwalid and Sabha other areas of libya are making their way to Sirte.拜尼沃利德和塞卜哈及其他地区的绿色抵抗武装正向苏尔特前进。
Sirte Sources:Rebel on all frontlines made full retreat. 各条战线上的反对派全面撤退。
Report from aljazeera admitted "battle of for sirte will not be 2 days but a very long time. defenses and fighting is very heavy,rebels move in and out.and cannot hold any position." 亲反对派半岛电视台报导,苏尔特战事不可能两天内结束,而是需要很长一段时间,战斗非常激烈,反对派进进出出,但不能控制任何区域。
There were a total of 5 fronts around Sirte. 2 Fronts have been destroyed. Now 3 fronts remain. 苏尔特周围共5条战线,2条已经被消灭掉,还有3条战线继续。
ARRAITV confirmed that Caller inside sirte said : Mautassim Gaddafi and General hassan are bothon Frontlines fighting.ARRAITV经苏尔特内来电证实:穆塔西姆.卡扎菲和哈桑将军都在前线战斗。
all elderly are in frontlines they cannot walk. they told us we want to die by bullets instead of youth.所有老人在前线战斗,他们不能走。他们告诉我们,我们想替年轻人挡子弹,代他们死。
Shelling of sirte continuing throughout the night.北约对苏尔特的炮击持续整晚。
Tripoli 的黎波里 :
Rebel speaker Confirmed : khamis Gaddafi is in Tripoli and that he is planning operations to take back all of tripoli.反对派发言人证实:哈米斯.卡扎菲在的黎波里,他正在计划夺回的黎波里.
refugees from Sirte 1000 of them have arrived in Tripoli and went to Gaddafi controlled neighborhoods.1000名苏尔特难民抵达的黎波里,他们将前往卡扎菲控制的街区。
Benghazi 班加西:
Green resistance made attack on Checkpoints in Benghazi and also attacked Hotel controlled by rebels. 绿色抵抗武装攻击了班加西的检查站,同时还袭击了反对派控制的酒店。
Clashes between rebels in Benghazi. More 10 dead rebels. 班加西的反对派发生冲突,超过10名反对派士兵死亡。
Confirmation from that city of Yufra is now under green resistance control.Yufra市现在绿色抵抗武装控制之下。
Sabha 塞卜哈:
ArraiTV confirms that Sabha Green resistance has shoot down a Transport plane with 200 rebels in middle of desert. ArraiTV证实塞卜哈绿色抵抗力量在沙漠中击落了一架载有200反对派的运输机。
NTC's Zintan brigade issues arrest warrant for Tripoli Military Council leader Belhaj.NTC的Zintan旅正式向的黎波里军事委员会领导人Belhaj发出逮捕令。
NATO 北约:
NATO spokesmen says : "we will make large decision on Libya operation on 10th of October or 15 October"北约发言人称:"我们在10月10日或15日对利比亚行动上做出一个决定"。
10.05.2011 Libya News 10月5日利比亚新闻战报
Submitted by admin on 2011, October 5, 6:53 PM
Sirte 苏尔特:
NTC rebel Fire mortars into Sirte but the mortars landed on their own Brigades in East sirte outskirts. NTC反对派向苏尔特发射迫击炮,但迫击炮落在苏尔特东郊他们自己的旅。
Latest reports show that hundreds of NATO rats are being evacuated from southern Sirte as they faced a devastating trap. 最新报告因遭遇一个大陷阱,数百名北约反对派正从苏尔特南部撤离。
Green resistance lured rebels into Low residential area east Sirte on outskirts and now killing many from higher level.绿色抵抗引诱反对派进入苏尔特东郊的低矮住宅区,并从高处击毙了很多反对派。
With NATO help NTC rebels moved in areas at Outskirts but were quickly pushed out including Hotel by green resistance.在北约的帮助下NTC反对派在郊区推进,但很快被绿色抵抗武力赶出去,酒店也已夺回。
NTC rebels lost hundreds to reach a Hotel.but quickly hotel was quickly retaken by Green resistance after nato bombing. NTC反对派损失数百人后推进至酒店,但在北约轰炸后,酒店很快又被绿色抵抗夺回。
Sirte civilians suffer starvation even eating cats. 苏尔特平民因饥饿甚至开始吃猫肉。
Benghazi 班加西:
Mahmoud jibril has survived a Assassination attempt by Misrata Brigade. 7 Body guards of jibril have died in attack.贾布利勒逃过一次米苏拉塔旅的暗杀,他的7个保镖在袭击事件中身亡。
Tripoli 的黎波里 :
Libya confirmed that Khamis brigade has captured Tripoli CIA headquarters and arrested 8 CIA agents and took many documents and files. 经证实哈米斯旅占领了CIA的黎波里总部,并逮捕了8名CIA特工,获得很多文件和档案。
Big fights at the Old tripoli Airport magapga 3 brigades attack Abdelhakim bel haj Group. After Bel haj told Brigade to disarm earlier.的黎波里旧机场发生激烈战斗,在Abdelhakim bel haj要其他的旅近快解武装后,NTC反对派的另3个旅攻击了Abdelhakim bel haj旅。
Tripoli used to have 3 small jails... Now NTC rebels have 27 jails near port and People screams are heard from jail constantly.以前的黎波里只有3座小监狱,现在反对派控制的港口附近就有27座监狱,而且经常听到人们的叫声。
Misrata 米苏拉塔:
Report Misrata: 7 large explosions and many civilians die as market place was turned into a Battlefield was once again by rebel infighting. 米苏拉塔发生了7次大爆炸,反对派的再次内讧,一度让市场变成了战场,许多平民死亡。
Baydah 拜达哈:
East of libya the city of Baydah has Made tribal meeting and has officially Rejected the NTC rebels as "corrupt". 利比亚东部城市Baydah拜达哈召开了部落会议,且正式拒绝NTC反对派的贿赂。
tripoli the rebels are making "shows" now and Pretending "army" is being created. Top NTC rebel himself stated "NTC army" is a media PR.的黎波里的反对派开始做秀,假装军队正在建立,NTC反对派高层自身宣称 "NTC军队"是一场媒体公关。
10.04.2011 Libya News 10月4日利比亚新闻战报
Submitted by admin on 2011, October 4, 7:53 PM
Sirte 苏尔特:
sirte the Rebels were Defeated at Outskirts and never made it inside,many weapons captured on EAST sirte. 反对派在苏尔特郊区被击败,并且在苏尔特东部缴获大量武器,反对派从未能进城。
ARRAITV confirm that NTC rebels are fighting at Outskirts.Sirte 100% under green resistance. ARRAITV证实反对派均在郊区交战,苏尔特百分百控制在绿色抵抗组织之下。
NTC fighters keep push against conference center today they advance on foot but had to stop after many mortars targeted them。北约战机今天不断轰炸苏尔特会议中心,反对派徒步火力推进,但被绿色抵抗以迫击炮还击阻止。
NATO is bombing Sirte 24/7 none stop and NATO helicopters shoot everything that moves. 100 children have died in few days in Sirte. 北约对苏尔特的轰炸从未停止过,北约直升机对一切移动物体射击,近日已有100名儿童死亡。
Many Callers from benghazi Tell ARRAITV there are many People supporting Gaddafi from Benghazi,they call Gaddafi the new Omar mokhtar and say NTC only in Hotels. 众多班加西民众致电ARRAITV,他们大多支持卡扎菲,并称他为新的奥马尔.莫赫塔尔拉,NTC反对派只有呆在酒店里。
Benghazi Callers confirm that AJA and AJE and BBC CNN are reporting from BENGHAZI near the HOTEL and claiming its TRIPOLI. 班加西的来电确认,AJA、AJE、BBC、CNN等媒体均在班加西附近的酒店,却声称其在的黎波里播报新闻。
Younis assassination report:Alokla Several of his fingers had been cut off, one eye gouged out, his stomach cut open and his body burned. 尤尼斯暗杀报告:他的手指被切断,挖出一只眼,他的肚子剖开,尸体被烧毁。
Tripoli 的黎波里 :
NTC fighters having trouble moving their armored trucks in Tripoli in the floods. Now things are even, all small arms. 因洪水原因,的黎波里的反对派不能移动装甲车,只能使用轻武器作战。
Green resistance in TRIPOLI has killed NTC representative and ALQAEDA third in charge of Abdelhakim bel haj brigade. his car was hit by Rpg. 绿色抵抗在的黎波里的击毙了NTC代表和ALQAEDA基地旅的三号人物,他的车被RPG袭击。
caller from TRIPOLI says his Green resistance group have killed 50 rebels in 2 days and Confiscated 4 pick up trucks with AA Guns. 的黎波里来电,绿色抵抗组织最近2天杀死了50名反对派,并缴获4卡车AA枪。
Caller from Inside Tripoli said Souq al Juma is not controlled by Rebels. Rebels pass sometimes highway.its in Green resistance. 的黎波里市内民众来电:朱马巿场区不在反对派控制之下,而是属于绿色抵抗力量,反对派偶尔从公路经过。
Baydah 拜达哈:
People of baydah are furious and are fighting at City center with NTC rebels. after Rebels confirmed the mass graves of their Sons. 在反对派确认了集体墓葬的是他们的儿子后,Baydah民众在城市中心与反对派开战。
DERNA 德尔纳 :
People of Derna have captured a large Supply of Food that was heading to Rebels fighting at Frontlines of Tobruk. 德尔纳民众截获了反对派运往图卜鲁格前线的大量食物。
Ajelat 阿杰拉特 :
The Town of Ajelat has Captured a NTC representative and Destroyed his convoy killing many rebels. 阿杰拉特市内的NTC的代表被逮捕,并摧毁了他们的车队,击毙许多叛军。
Fighting inside of Tobruk. The rebels have entered some areas. but People of Tobruk Green resistance are fighting the NTC in big clashes. 图卜鲁格正在交战,反对派进入部分区域,图卜鲁格民众和绿色抵抗力量与NTC反对派在冲突中交战。
Bani walid 拜尼沃利德:
That High Ranking Rebel Commander has Surrendered With 50 men after clash near Bani walid.反对派高级指挥官在拜尼沃利德交火后率50士兵投降。
Others 其他:
Top sheik of Libya made meeting Declared. They Support Gaddafi and They stated "NTC" creates bloodshed and Civil war.利比亚酋长开会宣称,他们支持卡扎菲。他们表示NTC制造了流血冲突和内战。
Partisans, heroic warriors from Arab countries,Russia,Serbia and USA (some ex-soldiers) are entering Libya to help people against NATO。一批英勇的来自阿拉伯、俄罗斯、塞尔维亚、美国的游击战士,进入利比亚,帮助利比亚人民同北约战斗,他们中一部分曾是士兵。
Libya's NTC has finalised a new cabinet that includes Mahmoud Jibril and Ali Tarhouni. Salem Joha, a Misratan, will be defence minister.利比亚NTC组成新内阁,成员包括哈茂德.贾布里勒、阿里.塔尔霍尼。Salem Joha将出任国防部长。
10.03.2011 Libya News 10月3日利比亚新闻战报
Submitted by admin on 2011, October 3, 7:15 PM
Sirte 苏尔特:
There used to be 5 frontlines. The Brave people of sirte have defeated 3 frontlines.Now only East and West are frontlines.最初的5条战线,勇敢的苏尔特人民在3条战线取得胜利,现仅有东、西2线战斗持续。
NATO UAE QATAR bomb with F16 etc #Sirte farm and City killing tens of civilians and injuring many. 北约、阿联酋、卡塔尔用 F16对苏尔特的城市和农场进行了轰炸,数十平民死亡,多人受伤。
Civilians Were told leave sirte from East gate or west Gate but were shot at By Rebels using Rockets and Snipers.反对派告知平民可以从苏尔特东门或西门离开,但当他们离开时却遭到反对派火箭和狙击手的射杀。
An Apache helicopter belonging to UAE shot down over Sirte while it bombed civilian areas.一架来自阿联酋的阿帕奇直升机在苏尔特被击落,他们轰炸了平民区。
benghazi,very very heavy fighting in the center of City as the Fury of Obeidi tribe unleashed after watching Corpse of abd fatah younis.看到尤尼斯的尸体后,愤怒的Obeidi部落在班加西城市中心发动了激烈的战斗。
Obeidi Tribe has Attacked NTC Rebels Main headquarters and has burned parts of it. over 200 rebels were killed. Obeidi部落袭击了NTC总部,部分被烧毁,超过 200反对派被打死。
Benghazi Callers say No food and NO medicine and NO salaries Paid. Only Rebels are walking street and randomly killing and Jailing.班加西民众致电,班加西没有食品和药品,也并没有支付工资,有的只是满街的反对派,还有他们随意的枪杀和监禁。
Tripoli 的黎波里 :
NATO Mercenaries start fighting each other near Tripoli.的黎波里附近的北约雇佣军开始自相残杀。
libya Heavy fighting in tripoli and outer regions of tripoli much rebel forces have been killed.的黎波里城内和城外都发生了激烈的战斗,多名反对派士兵死亡。
Misrata 米苏拉塔:
Green resistance reinforcements have entered parts of Misrata causing great Shock to Misrata Brigades near sirte. 绿色抵抗进入米苏拉塔,给苏尔特附近的米苏拉塔旅构成极大打击。
Bani walid 拜尼沃利德:
30 rebels killed in ground and in bani walid.r反对派30人在拜尼沃利德被杀死。
Huge number of libyans in bani walid are preparing the battle for the liberation of tripoli.大量在拜尼沃利德的利比亚人开始为解放的黎波里做准备。
Zawiyah 扎维亚:
Rebels send large convoy to Zawiyah To fight with Green resistance.many Rebels Retreated outside of city waiting for reinforcements. 反对派增派了大量车队前往扎维亚与绿色抵抗战斗,反对派士兵多退到城外等待增援。
Ras lanuf 拉斯拉努夫:
A large plane with special forces inside from 82 airbone was destroyed yesterday in Ras lanuf by the libyan army.一架载有82名特种部队成员的飞机在拉斯拉努夫被利比亚军队击毁。
Others 其他:
Saadi Al-Gaddafi:I deny allegations of corruption and intimidation,Interpol decision to put me on the equivalent of its most-wanted list is political.萨阿迪.卡扎菲:我否认贪污和恐吓的指控,国际刑警组织将我列于通辑明单是出于政治目的。
Hugo Chavez: The Libyans are resisting the invasion and aggression. I ask God to protect the life of our brother Muammar Gaddafi.They’re hunting him down to kill him.利比亚是在抵抗外敌入侵,我希望上帝保佑我的兄弟穆阿迈尔.卡扎菲,他们正在追捕想要杀害他。
Libyan Liberation Continues with Algerian Tribes Entering War。阿尔及利亚部落加入利比亚解放战斗。
NATO will try one last heavy bombing of Sirte this week before their meeting in Brussels to close the mission.北约将在布鲁塞尔举行停止利比亚行动会议前,对苏尔特展开最后的猛烈轰炸。
Judge Murad alrubi was assassinated,NTC Rep jamal mahmodi was assassinated,Gazal head of Benghazi NTC resigns.法官Murad alrubi被暗杀,NTC中有声望的jamal mahmodi被暗杀,班加西NTC领导人Gazal辞职。
News Confirmed The NTC rebels are firing on Red cross Cars. and Also Firing at civilians cars. 经确认NTC反对派向红十字会车开火,且向平民的车辆射击。
10.02.2011 Libya News 10月2日利比亚新闻战报
Submitted by admin on 2011, October 2, 2:28 PM
Sabkha塞卜哈 :
Rebels tried bribing Taurag Tribes and South tribes but it was rejected. Green resistance fought and forced rebels to flee.
Sabkha Has sent many of Volunteers to Baniwalid and sent 3000 Green resistance to Ghadames. 塞卜哈向拜尼沃利德派出大量的志愿者,3000名绿色抵抗战士进入古达米斯。
The Green resistance is fully in control of Sabkha. there was even Thousands of Tuarag reinforcements entered and arabs. 塞卜哈完全在绿色抵抗力量掌握之下,数千名图阿雷格增援者及阿拉伯人进入塞卜哈。
Bani walid 拜尼沃利德:
Green resistance of Bani walid made large counterattack and Traveled long distance to rebels fled even further away.拜尼沃利德的绿色抵抗向远征的反对派发动了大规模的反击。
Southern Tribes have Arrived in Bani walid in large numbers.bani walid and Zlitan and Others are moving to sirte and Tripoli.支持绿色抵抗的南方部落大量进入拜尼沃利德和兹利坦,其余苏尔特及的黎波里前进。
Tripoli的黎波里 :
fighting in Tajura and Suq al-jum'a and abu salim and bab al aziziyah and sidi khalifa neighborhoods across tripoli.的黎波里Tajura、Suq al-jum'a、abu salim、bab al aziziyah 、sidi khalifa等多个街区发生战斗。
2 helicopters were shot down by Green resistance. one Helicopter was shot down at Outskirts of Tripoli. many volunteers move to Tripoli.2架直升机被绿色抵抗击落,直中一架击落于的黎波里郊区,大量的志愿者前往的黎波里。
Volunteers are heading towards sirte. as Thousands reported to be heading that direction to break siege and fight ALQAEDA and NATO.数千志愿者正前往苏尔特,以打破ALQAEDA和北约对苏尔特的围困。
One Apache Helicopter is shot down in Sirte.一架阿帕奇直升机被击落在苏尔特。
Innocent victim,6 years old Killed yesterday by NTC Rebels.昨天一名无辜的6岁儿童被反对派杀死。
People of Sirte have done a Counterattack and have pushed rebels back further 20 kilometers. 苏尔特人民的一次反击致反对派后退20公里。
More then 4000 rebels corpses are filling area of sirte. Smell of corpses fills the air of the city. 苏尔特布满了超过4000具反对派士兵尸体,整个城市都是尸体的气味。
RED CROSS admitted that Rebels are not letting water or food trough to the city and medical supplies are stopped. 红十字会证实反对派阻止水、食物进入城市,并停止医疗补给。
Green resistance is in control of Parts of port on western side. and in Control of parts of Military port recently. 绿色抵抗控制了西面的部分港口及部分军用港口。
Green resistance has arrested many rebels and Foreign fighters near Bab al aziziyah. 绿色抵抗逮捕了Bab al aziziyah附近的反对派及外国士兵。
NATO declares it will stop its mission next week. 北约宣布将于下周结束任务。
Flyers by NATO in Libya that demand people to surrender weapons,threatening to be massacred by bombs and missiles.北约向民众散发传单,要么交出武器,要么面临军事打击。
Rebel commanders have refused to join NTC army bcz they want control army itself or never join.部份反对派指挥官拒绝加入NTC军队,他们意图自行控制军队。
Khamis al-Gaddafi: We will win or die! 哈米斯.卡扎菲:不胜利毋宁死
Submitted by admin on 2011, October 2, 10:55 AM
In a telephone conversation with his classmate on the Academy. Frunze operating officer of the Russian army, Sergei, Khamis al-Gaddafi gave thanks to the people of Russia, which supports the struggle of the Libyan people against the invaders. “Argumenty.ru” quoted Khamis al-Gaddafi fully, removing only the full name of the classmate.
哈米斯.卡扎菲在与俄罗斯伏龙芝军事学院的同学Sergei的电话交谈中,感谢支持利比亚人民抵抗侵略斗争的俄罗斯人民。“Argumenty.ru” 网站完整的引用哈米斯.卡扎菲的谈话,只是隐去了其同学的全名。
“Thank you to all our classmates and teachers who could give me a little bit of the spirit of your people-winner, and taught to adequately assess the combat situation, gave valuable combat experience and skills. I am proud that I had such a teacher, I deserve them – time will tell .
Thanks to all those who support us being in Russia, Ukraine and other former Soviet republics. And especially – those brave souls of your people who were with us shoulder to shoulder to defend my country against aggression. We will win or die, give up or run no one is going. To die fighting side by side with warriors – a dream for any defender of his country. In any case, to have friends in the Russian people – an honor for the Libyan, and it’s already been written on the pages of the history of Libya, Allah witness. In the words of your Russian song – “This land will be ours if we do not die in battle!” But Libya will always be ours, even if we perish!
感谢所有俄罗斯、乌克兰及前苏联国家的支持者。你们国家那些伟大的英灵将伴我们并肩战斗,抵抗侵略。我们将取得胜利或是死亡,但没有人会选择投降或逃跑。与战士们并肩在战斗中死去,这是国家保卫者的梦想。无论如何,能有俄罗斯人民这样的朋友,是利比亚的荣幸。真主见证,这已经写入利比亚的历史。你们俄罗斯歌曲中有这样一句 “这片土地是属于我们的,只要我们没有死在战场上!”但是,利比亚将永远是我们的,即便我们死去!
Much has now changed in the world. Who would have thought that all that will turn out. But do you remember – that’s what we prepared and studied. And this trial we endure it with valor. Not to say the UK (the French) and American newspapers and TV – most of the population supports us. And we will not abandon them, will not allow looting and massacre. Maybe we made a mistake, long rastsenivaya the conflict as a conflict vnutriliviysky. So it is. But our enemies are traitors carried him outside Libya, sells to the capitalist-colonialists. I ordered through any media to inform the international community about NATO and their crimes the rebels, to spread the information after each raid on civilian targets and civilians, after each battle or massacre of ordinary Libyans and foreigners. I want to be sure that Libya is now a river flowing blood is not for nothing that the world finally sees what a UN and the so-called “civilized West.”
Our blood is not cheap.None of the traitor and indifferent will not sleep until the end of my days, I swear by God and honored the Libyan Army officers.我们的血不会白流,没有一个叛徒可以安然入睡除非我死去,我对神灵和光荣的利比亚军人发誓。
Take care of yourself, your family and your country. Once again, our friendship, Sergei, an honor for me. “
10.01.2011 Libya News 10月1日利比亚新闻战报
Submitted by admin on 2011, October 1, 7:49 PM
Dr. Ibrahim Moussa is safe and sound,that Rebels lied about Arresting Moussa Ibrahim. "Our correspondent at the front of Sirte assured us that he was not arrested," said Ali Gliwan of the Misrata Military Council.穆萨易卜拉欣被逮捕的新闻,纯属谎言,此消息经利反对派米苏拉塔革命委员会证实,法新社报导。
A Qatari airplane carried more than 100 wounded rebels to Jordan.Jordanian authorities refused to let the rebels in.卡塔尔飞机载一百多名反对派伤员前往约旦治疗,约旦拒绝其进入。
With the arrival of the Touaregs in the Bani Walid,NATO and rebels are in full retreat .随着图阿雷格志愿者的到来,拜尼沃利德外的北约和反对派全部撤退。美遭重创 利突然发现383具美军特种兵尸体
俄《真理报 2011-10-09 22:28:38
俄罗斯《真理报》2011年10月6日发表班克拉夫特-辛切依(Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey)的文章,尖锐地批评北约及雇佣军对利比亚的侵略。文章披露:383具美国82空降师特种兵的尸体在利比亚被发现。
送交者: 赤松子5 2011年10月10日07:09:25 于 [世界军事论坛] 发送悄悄话
【Only this week 383 bodies of US Special Forces and Airmen were recovered by the Libyan Authorities from Ras Lanuf where the 82nd Airbourne Division suffered a tremendous and humiliating defeat, complete with Hercules aircraft blown up full of those who were sent to kill。】
【是否有人还记得我前几天说有82名美国空降兵在利比亚的RAS LANUF被打死。刚才看的这个消息更猛,其实不是82名,82是指美国82空降师的番号。下面是我截的图,说本周有383具美国特种兵的尸体在RAS LANUF被发现,82空降师遭受惨重失败,塞满了送死士兵的大力神运输机被爆。可怜这些美国士兵的家属都不知道奥巴马把他们的亲人送到利比亚去送死了。
10.08.2011 Libya War News 10月8日利比亚新闻战报
Submitted by admin on 2011, October 8, 10:09 PM
Sirte 苏尔特:
Reuters admits that todays attack failed again. 路透社承认反对派今天的进攻再次失败。
Clashes from Behind the rebels frontlines at "South of sirte" as some of the Green resistance reinforcements arrive. 绿色抵抗武装在苏尔特南部从后方攻击了反对派,同时一些绿色抵抗武装增援到达苏尔特。
Report alarabia: Rebels are at outskirts of city. they tried incursions but many died. alarabia播报:反对派在苏尔特城郊,他们试图进入,但多人死亡。
Benghazi 班加西:
200 bodies arrive in Benghazi from Friday fighting at Sirte in Libya. bodies belong 2 eastern rebel brigades. 200具尸体运抵班加西,这些尸体是从周五苏尔特的战斗开始后东部战线的反对派士兵。
Zawiyah 扎维亚:
Green resistance of Baniwalid has Arrived and pushed rebels back and killed many and freed zawiyah. 拜尼沃利德的绿色抵抗武装到达扎维亚,反对派撤退,许多反对派士兵被击毙,扎维亚解放。
Tripoli 的黎波里:
Tripoli report:Continued fighting in gurji and near abu salim. clashes also at hai al Damasque. gurji和abu salim附近的战斗在持续,hai al Damasque同样发生了冲突。
Live TV Rebel commander asks "NATO to do more or we cant push further."电视直播反对派指挥官要求“北约应多做一些工作,否则我们难以进一步推进。”
12 bel haj fighters executed by Zintan brigade near dahra. Qatar is trying to Bribe Zintan brigade in doha talks.12名BEL HAJ士兵在Dahra附近被Zintan旅处决,卡塔尔正试图在多哈谈叛上贿赂Zintan旅。
10.07.2011 Libya War News 10月7日利比亚新闻战报
Submitted by admin on 2011, October 8, 2:27 PM
Sirte 苏尔特:
Rebels suffered over 700 injured on all Fronts of sirte combined have been flown to Benghazi the hospitals of misrata are too full. 苏尔特各条战线反对派已有超过700人受伤,已用飞机送往班加西,米苏拉塔的医院已满。
100 NTC ALQAEDA have been killed and the ALQAEDA commander Al-Asad Al-Liby.一百名反对派ALQAEDA旅的士兵被击毙,包括ALQAEDA旅的指挥官。
Green resistance let in 120 rebel into the city. then they trapped them and shot them from all directions all died.绿色抵抗武装让120名反对派进入城市,然后将他们包围并从四面射击,他们全被击毙。
alarabia Live report "26 dead and 134 injured at another Field hospital front" in another field hospital he reported 22 dead tens injured.半岛台现场报导一野战医院26死、134伤,另一野战医院22死、数十人受伤。
libya caller from Inside sirte "Helicopter and jets have bombed and killed many civilians and people could not save people due to bombing" 苏尔特城内来电“直升机和喷气式飞机轰炸和杀死许多平民,因轰炸的持续很多人得不到及时的救助”
NTC ALQAEDA are using Children as human shields as a tactic against snipers. NTC反对派ALQAEDA旅使用儿童作人盾应对狙击手。
An iraqi doctor has been killed in the hospital of Sirte as Rebels use with the help of NATO heavy artillery , destroyed many houses.一名伊拉克医生在苏尔特医院被杀害,反对派在北约的帮助下用重炮摧毁了很多房屋。
all mosques and hospitals and all Public places have been closed. as NATO targets. all buildings in the city.NATO genocide continues.所有清真寺、医院以及所有公共场所都已关闭。城市中所有的建筑,都是北约轰炸目标,北约在继续种族灭绝。
NTC rebels have hit civilian house with Grad rocket on sirte. and killed 7 civilians and 6 civilians. 反对派用火箭弹袭击苏尔特民居,分别造成7名和6名平民死亡。
Report Sirte caller "many rebels have been killed in heavy fighting. But civilians are being slaughtered by NATO warplanes" 苏尔特内来电“许多反对派在激烈的战斗中丧生,同时平民也被北约战机屠宰。”
libya on frontlines caller "there are many people among "NTC ALQAEDA" that cannot even speak arabic and many more are egyptians".利比亚前线来电“反对派ALQAEDA旅中很多不会讲阿拉伯语,很多是埃及人。”
in Jumail area caller said "refugees return to Libya and fight we have with small number defeated larger number of rebels" 利比亚Jumail地区的民众来电,难民重返利比亚参与战斗,并击败了人数众多的反对派。
Bani walid 拜尼沃利德:
Report Baniwalid : large clashes far in the desert area. as 3 brigades approach to the direction of Baniwalid. Green resistance attack them.反对派3个旅向拜尼沃利德方位前进,在沙漠中遭到绿色抵抗武装的攻击。
Tripoli 的黎波里:
the Green resistance has saved many Political prisoners and resistance volunteers from AL jadeeda Prison in Tripoli。绿色抵抗武装从的黎波里的AL jadeeda监狱中救出了许多的政治犯和抵抗志愿者。
Huge Numbers Of Tripoli Population Unite for Friday Prayers Against NATO Bombing In Libya.众多的黎波里民众在周五礼拜共同抗议北约轰炸利比亚.
Zuwara 祖瓦那:
Green resistance volunteers from Ragdaline went to Zuwara and killed 30 rebel and rebel commander. 绿色抵抗武装志愿者从Ragdaline前往祖瓦那共击毙30反对派,还有反对派指挥官。
Jufrah 朱夫拉:
confirmed reports that entire jufrah region is under green resistance control.they can move to sirte.绿色抵抗武装已经解放了整个朱夫拉JUFRAH省, 他们会前往苏尔特。
Tarhuna 塔尔胡纳:
confirmed report that Tarhuna is now under full control of Green resistance.and Reports of Volunteers heading to sirte. 经确认消息塔尔胡纳现在完全控制在绿色抵抗武装之下,志愿者正前往苏尔特。
Others 其他:
Thousands of Arabs and africans have passed border and entered libya to support libyan people fighting NTC ALQAEDA.数以千计的阿拉伯人和非洲人已经越过边境进入利比亚,帮助利比亚人民与NTC反对派ALQAEDA战斗。
5 cars of NATO rats were bombed, the cars were filled with weapons.北约反对派5辆装满武器的汽车被炸毁。
Deputy of Military council has resigned.军事委员会代表辞职。
Mahmoud jibril arrived in IRAQ to search for Security company "further supporting reports of attempted assassination on him" .he has called for Assassination of jumhuri of ARRAITV and For CLosing of Syrian based channel.马哈茂德.贾布里勒抵达伊拉克寻求保安公司进一步调查暗杀他的事件,且意图暗杀ARRAITV的老板jumhuri,以达到关闭叙利亚电视台ARRAITV的目的。
NATO 北约:
French paper reveals Libyan rebels promise French firm 36% of oil fields.法国报纸揭示利比亚反对派承诺给法国公司36%的油田。
383 bodies of US Special Forces & Airmen were recovered by the Libyan Authorities from Ras Lanuf where the 82nd Airbourne。383具美国82空降师特种兵的尸体在RAS LANUF被发现。
Muammar Al Gaddafi speech 10.06.2011 卡扎菲10月6日的讲话
Submitted by admin on 2011, October 7, 11:49 AM
"4 tribes of Bani Walled, Surt, Warshfana tribe and Nawhi are well armed and they will never be defeated because honorable people can not be subjected.拜尼沃利德的四个部落、苏尔特、Warshfana部落和Nawhi都已经武装起来,他们永远不会被打败,光荣的人民不能被奴役。
All the people in LIBYA and true Libyans will not agree with the invasions and colonization.所有在利比亚的人民和真正的利比亚人都不会同意侵略和殖民统治。
We will fight for our freedom and ready for more sacrifices, the traitors, colonizers and as well as NATO will be going to defeated soon.我们将为我们的自由而战,并做好了更多牺牲的准备,叛徒、殖民者、北约都将被击败。
They all lost the confidence between each other and their masters as well, the traitors are unable to continue because they are basically vulnerable.他们相互间,同他们的主人之间都失去了信任。叛徒是无法继续的,因为他们本质上是脆弱的。
If the power of their fleets give legitimacy, then let the rulers in the Third World be ready.如果他们的军事打击具合法性,那么第三世界国家领导人要做好准备。
To those who recognize this council, be ready for the creation of transitional councils imposed by the power of fleets to replace you one by one from now on.那些承认这个委员会的国家,现在开始,他们将强行使用军事打击,建过渡委员会一个个取代你们。
I urge all Libyan people to go out and march in their millions in all the squares, in all the cities and villages and oases. Go peacefully ... be courageous, rise up, go to the streets, raise our green flags to the skies.我鼓励所有利比亚人民走出去,到数百万所有的广场、城市、村庄、绿洲游行示威。勇敢的反抗,走向大街,让我们的绿旗在空中飘扬。
How did it (NTC) get its legitimacy? Did the Libyan people elect them? Did the Libyan people appoint them? NTC的合法性从何而来?是由利比亚人民选举?还是由利比亚人民委任?
If you did not hear my voice , do not stop fighting." 即使你没有听到我的声音,也不要停止战斗。“
10.06.2011 Libya War News 10月6日利比亚新闻战报
Submitted by admin on 2011, October 7, 12:52 AM
Sirte 苏尔特:
Red Cross succeed to enter 2 large trucks of food in Sirte.红十字会成功向苏尔特送入2大卡车食物。
Green resistance from Baniwalid and Sabha other areas of libya are making their way to Sirte.拜尼沃利德和塞卜哈及其他地区的绿色抵抗武装正向苏尔特前进。
Sirte Sources:Rebel on all frontlines made full retreat. 各条战线上的反对派全面撤退。
Report from aljazeera admitted "battle of for sirte will not be 2 days but a very long time. defenses and fighting is very heavy,rebels move in and out.and cannot hold any position." 亲反对派半岛电视台报导,苏尔特战事不可能两天内结束,而是需要很长一段时间,战斗非常激烈,反对派进进出出,但不能控制任何区域。
There were a total of 5 fronts around Sirte. 2 Fronts have been destroyed. Now 3 fronts remain. 苏尔特周围共5条战线,2条已经被消灭掉,还有3条战线继续。
ARRAITV confirmed that Caller inside sirte said : Mautassim Gaddafi and General hassan are bothon Frontlines fighting.ARRAITV经苏尔特内来电证实:穆塔西姆.卡扎菲和哈桑将军都在前线战斗。
all elderly are in frontlines they cannot walk. they told us we want to die by bullets instead of youth.所有老人在前线战斗,他们不能走。他们告诉我们,我们想替年轻人挡子弹,代他们死。
Shelling of sirte continuing throughout the night.北约对苏尔特的炮击持续整晚。
Tripoli 的黎波里 :
Rebel speaker Confirmed : khamis Gaddafi is in Tripoli and that he is planning operations to take back all of tripoli.反对派发言人证实:哈米斯.卡扎菲在的黎波里,他正在计划夺回的黎波里.
refugees from Sirte 1000 of them have arrived in Tripoli and went to Gaddafi controlled neighborhoods.1000名苏尔特难民抵达的黎波里,他们将前往卡扎菲控制的街区。
Benghazi 班加西:
Green resistance made attack on Checkpoints in Benghazi and also attacked Hotel controlled by rebels. 绿色抵抗武装攻击了班加西的检查站,同时还袭击了反对派控制的酒店。
Clashes between rebels in Benghazi. More 10 dead rebels. 班加西的反对派发生冲突,超过10名反对派士兵死亡。
Confirmation from that city of Yufra is now under green resistance control.Yufra市现在绿色抵抗武装控制之下。
Sabha 塞卜哈:
ArraiTV confirms that Sabha Green resistance has shoot down a Transport plane with 200 rebels in middle of desert. ArraiTV证实塞卜哈绿色抵抗力量在沙漠中击落了一架载有200反对派的运输机。
NTC's Zintan brigade issues arrest warrant for Tripoli Military Council leader Belhaj.NTC的Zintan旅正式向的黎波里军事委员会领导人Belhaj发出逮捕令。
NATO 北约:
NATO spokesmen says : "we will make large decision on Libya operation on 10th of October or 15 October"北约发言人称:"我们在10月10日或15日对利比亚行动上做出一个决定"。
10.05.2011 Libya News 10月5日利比亚新闻战报
Submitted by admin on 2011, October 5, 6:53 PM
Sirte 苏尔特:
NTC rebel Fire mortars into Sirte but the mortars landed on their own Brigades in East sirte outskirts. NTC反对派向苏尔特发射迫击炮,但迫击炮落在苏尔特东郊他们自己的旅。
Latest reports show that hundreds of NATO rats are being evacuated from southern Sirte as they faced a devastating trap. 最新报告因遭遇一个大陷阱,数百名北约反对派正从苏尔特南部撤离。
Green resistance lured rebels into Low residential area east Sirte on outskirts and now killing many from higher level.绿色抵抗引诱反对派进入苏尔特东郊的低矮住宅区,并从高处击毙了很多反对派。
With NATO help NTC rebels moved in areas at Outskirts but were quickly pushed out including Hotel by green resistance.在北约的帮助下NTC反对派在郊区推进,但很快被绿色抵抗武力赶出去,酒店也已夺回。
NTC rebels lost hundreds to reach a Hotel.but quickly hotel was quickly retaken by Green resistance after nato bombing. NTC反对派损失数百人后推进至酒店,但在北约轰炸后,酒店很快又被绿色抵抗夺回。
Sirte civilians suffer starvation even eating cats. 苏尔特平民因饥饿甚至开始吃猫肉。
Benghazi 班加西:
Mahmoud jibril has survived a Assassination attempt by Misrata Brigade. 7 Body guards of jibril have died in attack.贾布利勒逃过一次米苏拉塔旅的暗杀,他的7个保镖在袭击事件中身亡。
Tripoli 的黎波里 :
Libya confirmed that Khamis brigade has captured Tripoli CIA headquarters and arrested 8 CIA agents and took many documents and files. 经证实哈米斯旅占领了CIA的黎波里总部,并逮捕了8名CIA特工,获得很多文件和档案。
Big fights at the Old tripoli Airport magapga 3 brigades attack Abdelhakim bel haj Group. After Bel haj told Brigade to disarm earlier.的黎波里旧机场发生激烈战斗,在Abdelhakim bel haj要其他的旅近快解武装后,NTC反对派的另3个旅攻击了Abdelhakim bel haj旅。
Tripoli used to have 3 small jails... Now NTC rebels have 27 jails near port and People screams are heard from jail constantly.以前的黎波里只有3座小监狱,现在反对派控制的港口附近就有27座监狱,而且经常听到人们的叫声。
Misrata 米苏拉塔:
Report Misrata: 7 large explosions and many civilians die as market place was turned into a Battlefield was once again by rebel infighting. 米苏拉塔发生了7次大爆炸,反对派的再次内讧,一度让市场变成了战场,许多平民死亡。
Baydah 拜达哈:
East of libya the city of Baydah has Made tribal meeting and has officially Rejected the NTC rebels as "corrupt". 利比亚东部城市Baydah拜达哈召开了部落会议,且正式拒绝NTC反对派的贿赂。
tripoli the rebels are making "shows" now and Pretending "army" is being created. Top NTC rebel himself stated "NTC army" is a media PR.的黎波里的反对派开始做秀,假装军队正在建立,NTC反对派高层自身宣称 "NTC军队"是一场媒体公关。
10.04.2011 Libya News 10月4日利比亚新闻战报
Submitted by admin on 2011, October 4, 7:53 PM
Sirte 苏尔特:
sirte the Rebels were Defeated at Outskirts and never made it inside,many weapons captured on EAST sirte. 反对派在苏尔特郊区被击败,并且在苏尔特东部缴获大量武器,反对派从未能进城。
ARRAITV confirm that NTC rebels are fighting at Outskirts.Sirte 100% under green resistance. ARRAITV证实反对派均在郊区交战,苏尔特百分百控制在绿色抵抗组织之下。
NTC fighters keep push against conference center today they advance on foot but had to stop after many mortars targeted them。北约战机今天不断轰炸苏尔特会议中心,反对派徒步火力推进,但被绿色抵抗以迫击炮还击阻止。
NATO is bombing Sirte 24/7 none stop and NATO helicopters shoot everything that moves. 100 children have died in few days in Sirte. 北约对苏尔特的轰炸从未停止过,北约直升机对一切移动物体射击,近日已有100名儿童死亡。
Many Callers from benghazi Tell ARRAITV there are many People supporting Gaddafi from Benghazi,they call Gaddafi the new Omar mokhtar and say NTC only in Hotels. 众多班加西民众致电ARRAITV,他们大多支持卡扎菲,并称他为新的奥马尔.莫赫塔尔拉,NTC反对派只有呆在酒店里。
Benghazi Callers confirm that AJA and AJE and BBC CNN are reporting from BENGHAZI near the HOTEL and claiming its TRIPOLI. 班加西的来电确认,AJA、AJE、BBC、CNN等媒体均在班加西附近的酒店,却声称其在的黎波里播报新闻。
Younis assassination report:Alokla Several of his fingers had been cut off, one eye gouged out, his stomach cut open and his body burned. 尤尼斯暗杀报告:他的手指被切断,挖出一只眼,他的肚子剖开,尸体被烧毁。
Tripoli 的黎波里 :
NTC fighters having trouble moving their armored trucks in Tripoli in the floods. Now things are even, all small arms. 因洪水原因,的黎波里的反对派不能移动装甲车,只能使用轻武器作战。
Green resistance in TRIPOLI has killed NTC representative and ALQAEDA third in charge of Abdelhakim bel haj brigade. his car was hit by Rpg. 绿色抵抗在的黎波里的击毙了NTC代表和ALQAEDA基地旅的三号人物,他的车被RPG袭击。
caller from TRIPOLI says his Green resistance group have killed 50 rebels in 2 days and Confiscated 4 pick up trucks with AA Guns. 的黎波里来电,绿色抵抗组织最近2天杀死了50名反对派,并缴获4卡车AA枪。
Caller from Inside Tripoli said Souq al Juma is not controlled by Rebels. Rebels pass sometimes highway.its in Green resistance. 的黎波里市内民众来电:朱马巿场区不在反对派控制之下,而是属于绿色抵抗力量,反对派偶尔从公路经过。
Baydah 拜达哈:
People of baydah are furious and are fighting at City center with NTC rebels. after Rebels confirmed the mass graves of their Sons. 在反对派确认了集体墓葬的是他们的儿子后,Baydah民众在城市中心与反对派开战。
DERNA 德尔纳 :
People of Derna have captured a large Supply of Food that was heading to Rebels fighting at Frontlines of Tobruk. 德尔纳民众截获了反对派运往图卜鲁格前线的大量食物。
Ajelat 阿杰拉特 :
The Town of Ajelat has Captured a NTC representative and Destroyed his convoy killing many rebels. 阿杰拉特市内的NTC的代表被逮捕,并摧毁了他们的车队,击毙许多叛军。
Fighting inside of Tobruk. The rebels have entered some areas. but People of Tobruk Green resistance are fighting the NTC in big clashes. 图卜鲁格正在交战,反对派进入部分区域,图卜鲁格民众和绿色抵抗力量与NTC反对派在冲突中交战。
Bani walid 拜尼沃利德:
That High Ranking Rebel Commander has Surrendered With 50 men after clash near Bani walid.反对派高级指挥官在拜尼沃利德交火后率50士兵投降。
Others 其他:
Top sheik of Libya made meeting Declared. They Support Gaddafi and They stated "NTC" creates bloodshed and Civil war.利比亚酋长开会宣称,他们支持卡扎菲。他们表示NTC制造了流血冲突和内战。
Partisans, heroic warriors from Arab countries,Russia,Serbia and USA (some ex-soldiers) are entering Libya to help people against NATO。一批英勇的来自阿拉伯、俄罗斯、塞尔维亚、美国的游击战士,进入利比亚,帮助利比亚人民同北约战斗,他们中一部分曾是士兵。
Libya's NTC has finalised a new cabinet that includes Mahmoud Jibril and Ali Tarhouni. Salem Joha, a Misratan, will be defence minister.利比亚NTC组成新内阁,成员包括哈茂德.贾布里勒、阿里.塔尔霍尼。Salem Joha将出任国防部长。
10.03.2011 Libya News 10月3日利比亚新闻战报
Submitted by admin on 2011, October 3, 7:15 PM
Sirte 苏尔特:
There used to be 5 frontlines. The Brave people of sirte have defeated 3 frontlines.Now only East and West are frontlines.最初的5条战线,勇敢的苏尔特人民在3条战线取得胜利,现仅有东、西2线战斗持续。
NATO UAE QATAR bomb with F16 etc #Sirte farm and City killing tens of civilians and injuring many. 北约、阿联酋、卡塔尔用 F16对苏尔特的城市和农场进行了轰炸,数十平民死亡,多人受伤。
Civilians Were told leave sirte from East gate or west Gate but were shot at By Rebels using Rockets and Snipers.反对派告知平民可以从苏尔特东门或西门离开,但当他们离开时却遭到反对派火箭和狙击手的射杀。
An Apache helicopter belonging to UAE shot down over Sirte while it bombed civilian areas.一架来自阿联酋的阿帕奇直升机在苏尔特被击落,他们轰炸了平民区。
benghazi,very very heavy fighting in the center of City as the Fury of Obeidi tribe unleashed after watching Corpse of abd fatah younis.看到尤尼斯的尸体后,愤怒的Obeidi部落在班加西城市中心发动了激烈的战斗。
Obeidi Tribe has Attacked NTC Rebels Main headquarters and has burned parts of it. over 200 rebels were killed. Obeidi部落袭击了NTC总部,部分被烧毁,超过 200反对派被打死。
Benghazi Callers say No food and NO medicine and NO salaries Paid. Only Rebels are walking street and randomly killing and Jailing.班加西民众致电,班加西没有食品和药品,也并没有支付工资,有的只是满街的反对派,还有他们随意的枪杀和监禁。
Tripoli 的黎波里 :
NATO Mercenaries start fighting each other near Tripoli.的黎波里附近的北约雇佣军开始自相残杀。
libya Heavy fighting in tripoli and outer regions of tripoli much rebel forces have been killed.的黎波里城内和城外都发生了激烈的战斗,多名反对派士兵死亡。
Misrata 米苏拉塔:
Green resistance reinforcements have entered parts of Misrata causing great Shock to Misrata Brigades near sirte. 绿色抵抗进入米苏拉塔,给苏尔特附近的米苏拉塔旅构成极大打击。
Bani walid 拜尼沃利德:
30 rebels killed in ground and in bani walid.r反对派30人在拜尼沃利德被杀死。
Huge number of libyans in bani walid are preparing the battle for the liberation of tripoli.大量在拜尼沃利德的利比亚人开始为解放的黎波里做准备。
Zawiyah 扎维亚:
Rebels send large convoy to Zawiyah To fight with Green resistance.many Rebels Retreated outside of city waiting for reinforcements. 反对派增派了大量车队前往扎维亚与绿色抵抗战斗,反对派士兵多退到城外等待增援。
Ras lanuf 拉斯拉努夫:
A large plane with special forces inside from 82 airbone was destroyed yesterday in Ras lanuf by the libyan army.一架载有82名特种部队成员的飞机在拉斯拉努夫被利比亚军队击毁。
Others 其他:
Saadi Al-Gaddafi:I deny allegations of corruption and intimidation,Interpol decision to put me on the equivalent of its most-wanted list is political.萨阿迪.卡扎菲:我否认贪污和恐吓的指控,国际刑警组织将我列于通辑明单是出于政治目的。
Hugo Chavez: The Libyans are resisting the invasion and aggression. I ask God to protect the life of our brother Muammar Gaddafi.They’re hunting him down to kill him.利比亚是在抵抗外敌入侵,我希望上帝保佑我的兄弟穆阿迈尔.卡扎菲,他们正在追捕想要杀害他。
Libyan Liberation Continues with Algerian Tribes Entering War。阿尔及利亚部落加入利比亚解放战斗。
NATO will try one last heavy bombing of Sirte this week before their meeting in Brussels to close the mission.北约将在布鲁塞尔举行停止利比亚行动会议前,对苏尔特展开最后的猛烈轰炸。
Judge Murad alrubi was assassinated,NTC Rep jamal mahmodi was assassinated,Gazal head of Benghazi NTC resigns.法官Murad alrubi被暗杀,NTC中有声望的jamal mahmodi被暗杀,班加西NTC领导人Gazal辞职。
News Confirmed The NTC rebels are firing on Red cross Cars. and Also Firing at civilians cars. 经确认NTC反对派向红十字会车开火,且向平民的车辆射击。
10.02.2011 Libya News 10月2日利比亚新闻战报
Submitted by admin on 2011, October 2, 2:28 PM
Sabkha塞卜哈 :
Rebels tried bribing Taurag Tribes and South tribes but it was rejected. Green resistance fought and forced rebels to flee.
Sabkha Has sent many of Volunteers to Baniwalid and sent 3000 Green resistance to Ghadames. 塞卜哈向拜尼沃利德派出大量的志愿者,3000名绿色抵抗战士进入古达米斯。
The Green resistance is fully in control of Sabkha. there was even Thousands of Tuarag reinforcements entered and arabs. 塞卜哈完全在绿色抵抗力量掌握之下,数千名图阿雷格增援者及阿拉伯人进入塞卜哈。
Bani walid 拜尼沃利德:
Green resistance of Bani walid made large counterattack and Traveled long distance to rebels fled even further away.拜尼沃利德的绿色抵抗向远征的反对派发动了大规模的反击。
Southern Tribes have Arrived in Bani walid in large numbers.bani walid and Zlitan and Others are moving to sirte and Tripoli.支持绿色抵抗的南方部落大量进入拜尼沃利德和兹利坦,其余苏尔特及的黎波里前进。
Tripoli的黎波里 :
fighting in Tajura and Suq al-jum'a and abu salim and bab al aziziyah and sidi khalifa neighborhoods across tripoli.的黎波里Tajura、Suq al-jum'a、abu salim、bab al aziziyah 、sidi khalifa等多个街区发生战斗。
2 helicopters were shot down by Green resistance. one Helicopter was shot down at Outskirts of Tripoli. many volunteers move to Tripoli.2架直升机被绿色抵抗击落,直中一架击落于的黎波里郊区,大量的志愿者前往的黎波里。
Volunteers are heading towards sirte. as Thousands reported to be heading that direction to break siege and fight ALQAEDA and NATO.数千志愿者正前往苏尔特,以打破ALQAEDA和北约对苏尔特的围困。
One Apache Helicopter is shot down in Sirte.一架阿帕奇直升机被击落在苏尔特。
Innocent victim,6 years old Killed yesterday by NTC Rebels.昨天一名无辜的6岁儿童被反对派杀死。
People of Sirte have done a Counterattack and have pushed rebels back further 20 kilometers. 苏尔特人民的一次反击致反对派后退20公里。
More then 4000 rebels corpses are filling area of sirte. Smell of corpses fills the air of the city. 苏尔特布满了超过4000具反对派士兵尸体,整个城市都是尸体的气味。
RED CROSS admitted that Rebels are not letting water or food trough to the city and medical supplies are stopped. 红十字会证实反对派阻止水、食物进入城市,并停止医疗补给。
Green resistance is in control of Parts of port on western side. and in Control of parts of Military port recently. 绿色抵抗控制了西面的部分港口及部分军用港口。
Green resistance has arrested many rebels and Foreign fighters near Bab al aziziyah. 绿色抵抗逮捕了Bab al aziziyah附近的反对派及外国士兵。
NATO declares it will stop its mission next week. 北约宣布将于下周结束任务。
Flyers by NATO in Libya that demand people to surrender weapons,threatening to be massacred by bombs and missiles.北约向民众散发传单,要么交出武器,要么面临军事打击。
Rebel commanders have refused to join NTC army bcz they want control army itself or never join.部份反对派指挥官拒绝加入NTC军队,他们意图自行控制军队。
Khamis al-Gaddafi: We will win or die! 哈米斯.卡扎菲:不胜利毋宁死
Submitted by admin on 2011, October 2, 10:55 AM
In a telephone conversation with his classmate on the Academy. Frunze operating officer of the Russian army, Sergei, Khamis al-Gaddafi gave thanks to the people of Russia, which supports the struggle of the Libyan people against the invaders. “Argumenty.ru” quoted Khamis al-Gaddafi fully, removing only the full name of the classmate.
哈米斯.卡扎菲在与俄罗斯伏龙芝军事学院的同学Sergei的电话交谈中,感谢支持利比亚人民抵抗侵略斗争的俄罗斯人民。“Argumenty.ru” 网站完整的引用哈米斯.卡扎菲的谈话,只是隐去了其同学的全名。
“Thank you to all our classmates and teachers who could give me a little bit of the spirit of your people-winner, and taught to adequately assess the combat situation, gave valuable combat experience and skills. I am proud that I had such a teacher, I deserve them – time will tell .
Thanks to all those who support us being in Russia, Ukraine and other former Soviet republics. And especially – those brave souls of your people who were with us shoulder to shoulder to defend my country against aggression. We will win or die, give up or run no one is going. To die fighting side by side with warriors – a dream for any defender of his country. In any case, to have friends in the Russian people – an honor for the Libyan, and it’s already been written on the pages of the history of Libya, Allah witness. In the words of your Russian song – “This land will be ours if we do not die in battle!” But Libya will always be ours, even if we perish!
感谢所有俄罗斯、乌克兰及前苏联国家的支持者。你们国家那些伟大的英灵将伴我们并肩战斗,抵抗侵略。我们将取得胜利或是死亡,但没有人会选择投降或逃跑。与战士们并肩在战斗中死去,这是国家保卫者的梦想。无论如何,能有俄罗斯人民这样的朋友,是利比亚的荣幸。真主见证,这已经写入利比亚的历史。你们俄罗斯歌曲中有这样一句 “这片土地是属于我们的,只要我们没有死在战场上!”但是,利比亚将永远是我们的,即便我们死去!
Much has now changed in the world. Who would have thought that all that will turn out. But do you remember – that’s what we prepared and studied. And this trial we endure it with valor. Not to say the UK (the French) and American newspapers and TV – most of the population supports us. And we will not abandon them, will not allow looting and massacre. Maybe we made a mistake, long rastsenivaya the conflict as a conflict vnutriliviysky. So it is. But our enemies are traitors carried him outside Libya, sells to the capitalist-colonialists. I ordered through any media to inform the international community about NATO and their crimes the rebels, to spread the information after each raid on civilian targets and civilians, after each battle or massacre of ordinary Libyans and foreigners. I want to be sure that Libya is now a river flowing blood is not for nothing that the world finally sees what a UN and the so-called “civilized West.”
Our blood is not cheap.None of the traitor and indifferent will not sleep until the end of my days, I swear by God and honored the Libyan Army officers.我们的血不会白流,没有一个叛徒可以安然入睡除非我死去,我对神灵和光荣的利比亚军人发誓。
Take care of yourself, your family and your country. Once again, our friendship, Sergei, an honor for me. “
10.01.2011 Libya News 10月1日利比亚新闻战报
Submitted by admin on 2011, October 1, 7:49 PM
Dr. Ibrahim Moussa is safe and sound,that Rebels lied about Arresting Moussa Ibrahim. "Our correspondent at the front of Sirte assured us that he was not arrested," said Ali Gliwan of the Misrata Military Council.穆萨易卜拉欣被逮捕的新闻,纯属谎言,此消息经利反对派米苏拉塔革命委员会证实,法新社报导。
A Qatari airplane carried more than 100 wounded rebels to Jordan.Jordanian authorities refused to let the rebels in.卡塔尔飞机载一百多名反对派伤员前往约旦治疗,约旦拒绝其进入。
With the arrival of the Touaregs in the Bani Walid,NATO and rebels are in full retreat .随着图阿雷格志愿者的到来,拜尼沃利德外的北约和反对派全部撤退。美遭重创 利突然发现383具美军特种兵尸体
俄《真理报 2011-10-09 22:28:38
俄罗斯《真理报》2011年10月6日发表班克拉夫特-辛切依(Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey)的文章,尖锐地批评北约及雇佣军对利比亚的侵略。文章披露:383具美国82空降师特种兵的尸体在利比亚被发现。