E ENJOYCANADA 知名会员 注册 2011-07-31 消息 103 荣誉分数 3 声望点数 128 2011-10-17 #1 如题,刚搬的家,发现前房主的樱花抽油烟机油网下两个接油的小碗全没有了,一边做饭一边往下滴油。请问哪位知道哪里能配,或者应该怎么处理。先谢了!
Obiwan 开坛元勋 VIP 注册 2002-05-09 消息 9,900 荣誉分数 166 声望点数 223 所在地 Ottawa 2011-10-17 #2 http://www.cn411.ca/IE03.aspx?WebURL=www.oshawa-bc.com/ Oshawa International Ent Inc Toll Free: 1-877-668-6789 Tel: 604-271-2288 Hours of operation: 9am-5pm Monday-Friday (Western Time) Internet: www.oshawa-bc.com Email: info@oshawa-bc.com
http://www.cn411.ca/IE03.aspx?WebURL=www.oshawa-bc.com/ Oshawa International Ent Inc Toll Free: 1-877-668-6789 Tel: 604-271-2288 Hours of operation: 9am-5pm Monday-Friday (Western Time) Internet: www.oshawa-bc.com Email: info@oshawa-bc.com