车的方向盘打到底, 会有咯噔咯噔的声音, 有高手知道啥原因不?


咣当一下是打到底太狠了 :D:D:D:D
是咯噔, 有时候倒车打方向盘的时候也有一下这个声音,
Your CV Jiont damaged

Your car CV Jiont was damaged, need to be replaced. about $400 (regular price) for each side, depends on your car's year and modle.
Your car CV Jiont was damaged, need to be replaced. about $400 (regular price) for each side, depends on your car's year and modle.


8过suspension的零件很多,不见得一定是cv, 虽然可能性很大
2005 Civic, 这么贵, 不换有啥影响没? 安全上的,
我年初才在 ming auto那里换的2个front suspension,
2005 Civic, 这么贵, 不换有啥影响没? 安全上的,

If it's your CV joint, recommending replace it A.S.A.P due to CV joint is considered to be a safety item. Replacing CV joint is about 2hr to 2.5hr in labor plus parts.
However, personally, I don't think it's from CV joint due to noise from CV joint will usually occur during acceleration. Damaged CV joint will also causing Vibration in most cases. A good way to check if it's CV joint is to inspect the CV boots. If boots are damaged and grease in boot has leaked out, CV joint will most likely damaged. If boots not damaged, CV joint could still be damaged - but the chances is slim.
If you have some mechanic knowledge, check all mounts in front end. If the noise happens going over bumps, common things to check are bushing in front end. I.E. control arm bushings, struts mounts. Otherwise, steering Rack is another possibility.
好像是这个东东 struts mounts, 在Ming 那里换suspension之前没啥声音, 换过之后就有, 后来有找他, 重新给我装了2次, 还是有一些声音。