T Tommy 新手上路 注册 2002-03-07 消息 90 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2002-03-20 #1 Hi, Guys, I am not too professional on this. Has anyone ever installed DVD player on a P I MMX 233(64M RAM) computer? If yes, can you tell me how the performance is. Thanks a Bunch! Tommy
Hi, Guys, I am not too professional on this. Has anyone ever installed DVD player on a P I MMX 233(64M RAM) computer? If yes, can you tell me how the performance is. Thanks a Bunch! Tommy
大熊猫 Moderator 管理成员 VIP 注册 2002-01-16 消息 22,826 荣誉分数 127 声望点数 243 2002-03-21 #3 关键看你的显卡或解码器。但你的机器确实老点,有买DVD drive的钱不如升级机器了,估计你的显示器和声卡,音箱都是老的,用这样的电脑看DVD不是享受,是受罪。