Such a wild week!!


本周真是一个疯狂的一周,当周二收盘结束时,大盘趋于完美,众多股票出现非常好的 set up pattern ,好多人包括职业 traders 都多仓回家,可是周三一个30多点的低开简直不给人任何机会,不得不stop out 斩掉多仓,traders 开始反手做空,谁知道事情并不是那么容易,周四周五的两天上涨几乎又将周三的大跌收复。如果说周二是trap long 的话,那么周三又将short traped.
Not easy guys,Not easy...
下周是月 option 结束,volatility 也会很大,通常庄家为了将高价卖给散户的call(或put) 以底价买回或者干脆 wipe out,就会杀跌(或拉高)股票达到目的,所以往往会出现 option 结束周和前一周行情相反的情况。
本周真是一个疯狂的一周,当周二收盘结束时,大盘趋于完美,众多股票出现非常好的 set up pattern ,好多人包括职业 traders 都多仓回家,可是周三一个30多点的低开简直不给人任何机会,不得不stop out 斩掉多仓,traders 开始反手做空,谁知道事情并不是那么容易,周四周五的两天上涨几乎又将周三的大跌收复。如果说周二是trap long 的话,那么周三又将short traped.
Not easy guys,Not easy...
下周是月 option 结束,volatility 也会很大,通常庄家为了将高价卖给散户的call(或put) 以底价买回或者干脆 wipe out,就会杀跌(或拉高)股票达到目的,所以往往会出现 option 结束周和前一周行情相反的情况。

I guess this shows TA is as good as predicting what happened yesterday and backward :-).

One important area of investing is personal psychology. Looking at chart is effortless, very neat and mathematically easy to understand.

The appearance of charts remind people of rigorous scientific approach and thus provides something serious.

This is a very powerful recipe to calm down a speculator's anxiety and assurance about uncertainties that are central to stock market.

This is essentially the psychological foundation why so many people like to look at stock charts to do investment.

There is huge amount of academic study that points to the random nature in short-term behavior of stock market. The most outstanding one is probably in A Random Walk on the Street. Nevertheless, academic and main street are generally disconnected.

People probably know Meriweather from former Solomon Brothers and Long-term capital. These are the chartists in their purist forms ...

Again, it is pretty difficult to figure out capital requirement of a barrel of oil in tar sand, the reason behind huge differentials between WTI and Bent oil price etc etc ... However, it takes a few minutes to look at the chart and be convinced the direction of the market.

And then direct capital based on that convincing piece of evidence...