谢谢你的回复。我去年在costco换的雪胎,换之前rim和轮胎是分开的,我想他们应该给我做了动平衡吧?这是必须要做的。但是去年冬天开车的时候倒是没注意车子抖不抖。今年在canadiantire 换的。换完了之后车开快了有点抖动。我就不明白了 动平衡怎么还要每年做一次?还是去年costco没给我做好?看了各位的回帖,我是魁省的车牌,看来还要换雪胎。谢谢大家。If you buy an extra set of rims, you don't need to balance your tires.
There is a store in Toronto which is specialized in tires, if you bring your tires on rim, they charge you 20 CAD.
Or you buy a whole at Costco (& rims), then changing is free.
If you don't want to, you have the choice having an Onatrio license plate, but you have to pay higher car insurance!!!
If you are driving a TRUCK, in Quebec, Truck tires have exemption. (My Quebecor co-worker told me).
Good luck....