有谁知道Minto Acadia那边(Scotia bank place北)新房的地基是否会有沉降问题?

好象不是一回事儿,9尺是层高吧,地基就是水泥高点儿吧,我没做地基现在后悔呢,因为1尺3000千吧我们BUILDING 报价。
SUM PUMP那个东西是地下室一口井,里面有PUMP把UNDER GROUND WATER抽走。我当时叫他们弄了2个PUMP,因为我家如果停电就没水了,如果下雨又没电必须保证一个充电的PUMP工作,不然地下室就进水了。
KANATA再地势低也没我家低,我在KANATA住了很长时间了,没见有房子需要SUM PUMP的。
如果关心KANATA WEST(包括ACADIA)的地势是否能抵挡几十年不遇的大雨。。有些非官方组织的网站可能会提供一些数字(see link below for example)。。


如果关心KANATA WEST(包括ACADIA)的地势是否能抵挡几十年不遇的大雨。。有些非官方组织的网站可能会提供一些数字(see link below for example)。。



update,builder给了回信关于我之前问道的地基沉降的问题。回信的人自称是Construction Project Manager for the community。

1. Is there an upgrade option available to the buyer on the foundation to reduce the possibility of the uneven foundation settlement? e.g. placing gravel underneath of all footing wall to reduce risk of the accumulation of water in case of very heavy rain fall, to prevent the possible deformation of foundation due to frost heave in the winter?

[After excavation, footings are formed and poured on undisturbed soil or if required on the HI60 light weight fill (foam) that Carlos mentioned. The footings themselves are designed (width etc.) to conform with the load bearing capacity of the soil in that specific location. Prior to pouring the concrete, the footing layout and soils are inspected by both a qualified soils engineer and by the City's own building inspector. Weeping tile (a perforated tube) is laid around the perimeter of the footings in order to direct water away from the house and avoid any accumulation of water. Once the remainder of the foundation has been poured, earth is backfilled and frost is no longer an issue for the footings as they remain below the frost line. Minto does not offer an upgrade concerning footings.]

2. If the uneven foundation settlement and the foundation wall damage does happen after the owner's occupation of the house. What kind of warranty Minto will offer?

[All new homes in Ontario are covered under the TARION New Home Warranty Act. You can view the Tarion Corporation website at www.tarion.com. Issues regarding structural integrity of the home are covered by a 7 year warranty that begins on the day of occupancy. You can view the specifics at http://www.tarion.com/Warranty-Protection/Warranty-Coverage/Pages/Seven-Year-Warranty.aspx ]

如果关心KANATA WEST(包括ACADIA)的地势是否能抵挡几十年不遇的大雨。。有些非官方组织的网站可能会提供一些数字(see link below for example)。。


好奇一下, 楼主后来决定买了房子吗?
第一期5块地还剩一个, city已经勘测过, 这几周就开挖.