有谁知道Minto Acadia那边(Scotia bank place北)新房的地基是否会有沉降问题?


我不知道这是不是一种foam,sales说这个foam有3’ (1m)厚,而且他说到了让我去看EQ homes(在terry fox北)正在建设的condo工地,说他们正在铺这种form。我开车路过,发现路边摆着的foam,没有1m也有60cm厚。难道这是不一样的东西。难道我是被sale误导了,或许sale自己也不是很明白。希望我的哦问题没有越来越离谱。

And I do not think the Minto soil consultant fully understands why the Foam is provided only under the slab of garage and porch. it is not because it can replace the heavy granular fill materials. it is because these areas are not heated areas, the foam is used to stop frost heave applied to the slab in these unheated area. the picture as shown is standard detail for the slab on grade in unheated area, you can see from there that the granular fill will be provided right underneath of 3" foam. they act for different purpose.
hope this is useful.
我觉得我这里讨论的优点是极限的情况。foundation仁兄也说了,drainage的设计是基于50年一遇的洪水,所有的关于地基的讨论都是为了避免或者减小“万一”遇到这个50年一遇的情况的时候(就像今年的北京),“有可能”出现的问题。我只是真心想搞清楚风险到底有多大,以及worst case是不是我能接受的。这些天我经常在网上研究,看一些geotech和foundation的“101教程”。我学理工科的对技术问题的兴趣比较大,而且可能对这个问题太较真了。

下面是我进一步问Minto project manager和soil consultant的问题:
1. Is there an upgrade option available to the buyer on the foundation to reduce the possibility of the uneven foundation settlement? e.g. placing gravel underneath of all footing wall to reduce risk of the accumulation of water in case of very heavy rain fall, to prevent the possible deformation of foundation due to frost heave in the winter?

2. If the uneven foundation settlement and the foundation wall damage does happen after the owner's occupation of the house. What kind of warranty Minto will offer?


这贴子再看下去, 心脏真有点受不了. 我们是pre-Sales时看了眼, 一开盘就签约了, 啥垃圾山/鲤鱼河的都没考虑过, 觉得这么大的builder, 质量应该会有保证. 退一步说, 这小区要造几年, 即使房子有问题, 随时可找builder修理, 工地上一直有人, 不用等啊约啊浪费时间. 当初如果做了这么些功课的话, 可能也不会在这里买房了.

留心这块地有几年了, 进出高速方便, 又将建outlet, 将来还有商业楼, 挺方便挺热闹的. 以后老人来了, 白天可以溜商店, 不会太寂寞. 自己最好在家门口的办公楼里找份工作, 天天走着上班, 既健康又环保, 还省了养车的开销.

说到学区, 我们基本定位在HWY417北面, 既可以去Leacok, 又可以去Earl of March, 新区那个教会高中也不错. 我是上周末刚知道小区里要造小学, 销售说是proposal, 我估计不会这么快建起来, 其他新区一般建到50%以上才会有学校, 否则哪里来这么多孩子上学. 我家孩子上EFI, English Public School对我们影响不大. 而EFI的学区, 实在很难说, 一直在变, HWY 417北面小学总体质量还行, 应该不用太担心.

请问,也就是说要把你说的这块区域全都划分到新的school boundary里面去?那这个新的boundary除了现在kanata estates的catholic school elementary和以后在Acadia建的English public elementary,Kanata Estates对面的All Saints catholic high school还有没有什么别的学校呢?

还有请问这个是内部信息么?我也去问过school board,他们说“不知道以后会怎么样,一起都没定”。


谢谢楼主做了这么多研究, 如果可以upgrade地基, 我也打算做, 但地下室9尺决定不做了, 不怕一万就怕万一啊.

请问,也就是说要把你说的这块区域全都划分到新的school boundary里面去?那这个新的boundary除了现在kanata estates的catholic school elementary和以后在Acadia建的English public elementary,Kanata Estates对面的All Saints catholic high school还有没有什么别的学校呢?

还有请问这个是内部信息么?我也去问过school board,他们说“不知道以后会怎么样,一起都没定”。

天主教学校的SCHOOL BOUNDARY划分不是很清楚。。学区的事情一两句也说不清。。。你还是暂时关注地基的问题吧。。:)

总之OCDSB在KANATA LAKES一而再,再而三地放弃建学校的机会。。最后导致现今把一个本应建在TERRY FOX以东/
OK, forget it. it seems you really do not have sense for the load calcuation. instead, I can tell you the bearing capacity of soil will not be problem.

5ton/sqm is the bearing capacity of soil. the weight of house should be compared with bouyancy that will be equal to ρvg (remember this foumular? this is what we learned in middle school)



重量大约是20(roof)x2000 + 40(foor) x (2000+2000+1650) +10(siding)x2000=286000lbs=129.7ton


您之前曾说过,I would suggest, you pay for what you get. The less money you pay, the less satisfaction you get. For me, I will put this concern into my first priority when I choose the house; especially there were so many floods in the world during the last several years.

OK, forget it. it seems you really do not have sense for the load calcuation. instead, I can tell you the bearing capacity of soil will not be problem.

5ton/sqm is the bearing capacity of soil. the weight of house should be compared with bouyancy that will be equal to ρvg (remember this foumular? this is what we learned in middle school)
1) For the most of residential houses, because the basement is about 8’ high (2.4m) and it is more than 1.5-1.8 meters below the ground, there is no frost heave underneath of footing no matter the water contents is high or not there. So there is no deferential settlement along the footing due to frost heave. Gravel underneath of the footing is only used when the subgrade is not stiff enough, drainage is not one of the reasons to use gravel under the footing. So do not ask for that.

2) Because the footing is far below the 1.5-1.8 meters, there is no frost heave. Even if there is uneven settlement happened in future, it will not be caused by frost heave. And once the uneven settlement happens, the foundation wall will be cracked; the water underground will be coming through. So the builder will not have warranty for the different settlement, but they will have warranty for the crack of the foundation wall. So you simply ask them if they have warranty for different settlement, I would say they will say NO.


我觉得我这里讨论的优点是极限的情况。foundation仁兄也说了,drainage的设计是基于50年一遇的洪水,所有的关于地基的讨论都是为了避免或者减小“万一”遇到这个50年一遇的情况的时候(就像今年的北京),“有可能”出现的问题。我只是真心想搞清楚风险到底有多大,以及worst case是不是我能接受的。这些天我经常在网上研究,看一些geotech和foundation的“101教程”。我学理工科的对技术问题的兴趣比较大,而且可能对这个问题太较真了。

下面是我进一步问Minto project manager和soil consultant的问题:

1. Is there an upgrade option available to the buyer on the foundation to reduce the possibility of the uneven foundation settlement? e.g. placing gravel underneath of all footing wall to reduce risk of the accumulation of water in case of very heavy rain fall, to prevent the possible deformation of foundation due to frost heave in the winter?

2. If the uneven foundation settlement and the foundation wall damage does happen after the owner's occupation of the house. What kind of warranty Minto will offer?

i totally agree.


您之前曾说过,I would suggest, you pay for what you get. The less money you pay, the less satisfaction you get. For me, I will put this concern into my first priority when I choose the house; especially there were so many floods in the world during the last several years.

天主教学校的SCHOOL BOUNDARY划分不是很清楚。。学区的事情一两句也说不清。。。你还是暂时关注地基的问题吧。。:)

总之OCDSB在KANATA LAKES一而再,再而三地放弃建学校的机会。。最后导致现今把一个本应建在TERRY FOX以东/
我也相信这里面一定有很复杂的因素,就像上面我搞不懂foundation兄的计算公式一样,但是总之结论就是这两篇新的小区,以后上Katimavic, WEJ,Stephen Leacock,Earl of March这几个好学校的可能性都不大。是么?



我听说PHASE 1 LUX 系列就三块地,已经卖完了也。
我听说PHASE 1 LUX 系列就三块地,已经卖完了也。
不是,我考虑的是Riverbend,Acadia phase1一共是5块44x101的地和在corner的一块更宽的地,现在似乎已经签了三家,我这不是还在犹豫呢么。。。