Muslim population growth refers to the topic of population growth of the global Muslim community. In 2006, countries with a Muslim majority had an average population growth rate of 1.8% per year (when weighted by percentage Muslim and population size).[1] This compares with a world population growth rate of 1.12% per year.[2] As of 2011, it is predicted that the world's Muslim population will grow twice as fast as non-Muslims over the next 20 years. By 2030, Muslims will make up more than a quarter of the global population.[3][4] However newer reports show the Muslim population will level off and slow down.[4]
当然,我提出这些东西都是难以量化证实的。迄今为止本楼还没有一个真正的技术贴, 因为大家都认为这些鸟东西都是胡说八道,不值得一看(?)这是现实,很正常
Galileo-Kepler Correspondence, 1597
[Galileo to Kepler, 1597]
....Like you, I accepted the Copernicun position several years ago and discovered from thence the causes of many natural effects which are doubtless inexplicable by the current theories. I have written up many of my reasons and refutations on the subject, but I have not dared until now to bring them into the open, being warned by the fortunes of Copernicus himself, our master, who procured immortal fame among a few but stepped down among the great crowd (for the foolish are numerous), only to be derided and dishonored. I would dare publish my thoughts if there were many like you; but, since there are not, I shall forebear....
[Kepler to Galileo, 1597]
....I could only have wished that you, who have so profound an insight, would choose another way. You advise us, by your personal example, and in discreetly veiled fashion, to retreat before the general ignorance and not to expose ourselves or heedlessly to oppose the violent attacks of the mob of scholars (and in this you follow Plato and Pythagoras, our true perceptors). But after a tremendous task has been begun in our time, first by Copernicus and then by many very learned mathematicians, and when the assertion that the Earth moves can no longer be considered something new, would it not be much better to pull the wagon to its goal by our joint efforts, now that we have got it under way, and gradually, with powerful voices, to shout down the common herd, which really does not weigh the arguments very carefully? Thus perhaps by cleverness we may bring it to a knowledge of the truth. With your arguments you would at the same time help your comrades who endure so many unjust judgments, for they would obtain either comfort from your agreement or protection from your influential position. It is not only your Italians who cannot believe that they move if they do not feel it, but we in Germany also do not by any means endear ourselves with this idea. Yet there are ways by which we protect ourselves against these difficulties....
Be of good cheer, Galileo, and come out publicly. If I judge correctly, there are only a few of the distinguished mathematicians of Europe who would part company with us, so great is the power of truth. If Italy seems a less favorable place for your publication, and if you look for difficulties there, perhaps Germany will allow us this freedom.
Source: Giorgio de Santillana, The Crime of Galileo (1955).
I'm 100% sure YOU can NOT proof it. Neither chris88. That's it. Class is over. You are dismissed.
[FONT=宋体]先不论有没有遗漏其它认知领域,[/FONT]“[FONT=宋体]没有万能的上帝,只有本身就是万能的宇宙存在[/FONT]”[FONT=宋体]这句话的性质,当拐到科学上去,用审视科学理论的标准来看,小朋友提问的[/FONT]"[FONT=宋体]这万能宇宙,或者万能的上帝的理论,有没有可能被事实推翻[/FONT]?"[FONT=宋体]这句话,违反了审视科学理论的标准了吗[/FONT]? [FONT=宋体]。。。有的话,请指出。[/FONT][FONT=宋体]如果没有提出异议,小朋友需要提出的是,我这一刀,也只有这一刀,其目的是说明科学理论对于不可能存在以事实推翻的东东,是无能为力的,这是科学理论的边界所在。[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]现在,您说[/FONT] "[FONT=宋体]你自己[/FONT][[FONT=宋体]我[/FONT]][FONT=宋体]那句话,同样也是难以按照[/FONT]'[FONT=宋体]科学标准[/FONT]'[FONT=宋体]证实或证伪的[/FONT]"[FONT=宋体],是吗[/FONT]?![FONT=宋体]其实这已经是第二次问[/FONT][FONT=宋体]您同一个问题的了,谁在避重就轻[/FONT]? [FONT=宋体]是[/FONT][FONT=宋体]哲家家[/FONT][FONT=宋体]您[/FONT][FONT=宋体]想高升大当[/FONT]"[FONT=宋体]家[/FONT]"[FONT=宋体]啊。[/FONT]
[FONT=宋体]白字黑字,请问是谁说自己是反宗教立场的[/FONT]? [FONT=宋体]是谁一再强调对对错错的[/FONT]?[FONT=宋体]不是[/FONT][FONT=宋体]您的思意吗[/FONT]? [FONT=宋体]没有误解[/FONT][FONT=宋体]您的话吧[/FONT]?![FONT=宋体]而小朋友以为,宗教与科学是不是存在对错是不重要的,重要的是人们更关心各自的局限在哪,各自的边界在哪。否则科学无限延伸,破坏环境,践踏别人的权利是必然的了。若宗教无限地扩大,就会扼杀科学,实质是在谋取自身的利益。[/FONT]"[FONT=宋体]离不开基本概念逻辑思维[/FONT]"[FONT=宋体]的对错,本质上,还是要人在宗教与科学,这类涉及面如此广泛的问题上,选个非此即彼的立场吗[/FONT]? [FONT=宋体]尽管宗教与科学存在着争论,但是,为什么不能让科学自己审定科学,宗教自己以宗教信仰审查自己呢[/FONT]? [FONT=宋体]为什么非此即彼的选个对错的立场,会是唯一的选项呢[/FONT]? [FONT=宋体]有啥好处吗[/FONT]?