

在这场辩论开始之前,他的辩论对手,一位勇敢的进化论学者生物学教授 Dr. Waggoner 承认他在准备这场辩论的过程中认真研究了Kent在其网站上所出示的证据,并因此而改变了他以前对进化论坚信不疑的态度。他向他的学生道歉并向听众高度推荐Kent的有关创造论的证据和网站。

说 Dr. Waggoner 是一位勇敢的学者是因为他那样的表态无疑会使他在进化论学者中难以立足 - 此事关乎他的事业前途。
说 Dr. Waggoner 是一位勇敢的学者是因为他那样的表态无疑会使他在进化论学者中难以立足 - 此事关乎他的事业前途。


Kent Hovind vs. Ben Waggoner

Okay, this one's the best creation vs evolution debate I've ever seen. You'll love this!

Hovind's interesting, but in this case, Dr. Ben Waggoner is just as—perhaps more—interesting. Don't be fooled by Waggoner's introduction! Think of it as a snake coiling.

In fact, at the 1 hour, 26 minute mark, I noticed that Dr. Waggoner had gotten Hovind's goat. It's really the first time I've ever seen the remarkably calm Kent Hovind get irritated in a creation vs evolution debate.

You'll also notice that the video's not unbiased. Only Hovind's slides are shown .


科学盲 -- 头脑里仅有很少的科学知识,所以俺假设自己没有能力去直接判断一个“科学结论”。更加准确一点讲,作为科学盲,俺对科学理论有能够说服自己的判断力,但不会直接将自己的判断作为和别人讨论的依据

证明进化论是一个信仰,不是事实 -- 通过列举真正的科学家的观点,“证明”同源进化极不成熟,对关键证据存在巨大的分歧。整体可能处于猜想阶段,但是科学界却认为它“不可置疑”,所以是基于偏见上的信仰




Kent Hovind vs. Ben Waggoner

Okay, this one's the best creation vs evolution debate I've ever seen. You'll love this!

Hovind's interesting, but in this case, Dr. Ben Waggoner is just as—perhaps more—interesting. Don't be fooled by Waggoner's introduction! Think of it as a snake coiling.

In fact, at the 1 hour, 26 minute mark, I noticed that Dr. Waggoner had gotten Hovind's goat. It's really the first time I've ever seen the remarkably calm Kent Hovind get irritated in a creation vs evolution debate.

You'll also notice that the video's not unbiased. Only Hovind's slides are shown .

I am not sure if you watched any part of the video yourself or not. I would like to suggest you or any other friends who are interested in the matter but don't have time for a lengthy presentation to watch the following sections:
1) 0:01 to 0:08 (Dr. Waggoner's opening where he made a genuine confession, which was applauded by the friendly audience)
2) 1:18 to 1:30 (I saw a confident Kent presenting the best part of his argument in this period)
3) 1:59 to 2:18 (Dr. Waggoner's closing plus some interesting and heated exchanges between the two).

If you watch the whole video, you will find Dr. Waggoner's points were presented without any interruption.

Wow! This courageous statement of yours makes me speechless. :)
Wow! This courageous statement of yours makes me speechless. :)

声明一下,俺除了不愿意谈“神学”部分,此楼对进化论的讨论俺不会回避任何问题。没有回答是以为同源进化的定义没有任何歧义。用进化论大本营Talk Origin的定义:

Universal common descent is the hypothesis that all known living, terrestrial organisms are genealogically related. All existing species originated gradually by biological, reproductive processes on a geological timescale. Modern organisms are the genetic descendants of one ancient, original species (broadly defined as a communal population of organisms exchanging genetic material).

加上2005年38位诺奖得主信中的定义:evolution is understood to be the result of an unguided, unplanned process of random variation and natural selection






不预定立场、从下往上, 也是你自己搞的“科学原则”,许多科学理论是要有前提条件,科学是从上往下结合从下往上,没有哪个服从哪个。



Please do feel free to say whatever you like.:)
Please do feel free to say whatever you like.:)

I like the other guy's 传福音 the other day in another thread. 宗教就说宗教的事儿,在人们还没搞清灵魂、生命的根本之前,就别和科学掺糊了。越搅越糊
宗教就说宗教的事儿,...... 就别和科学掺糊了。越搅越糊

That's exactly the point of KH. Evolution Theory is a religion and public money should not be used to sponsor it. It is as simple as that. :)
Please do feel free to say whatever you like.:)

白泽为,你那位DrKH说,圣经里说过一句"the circle of earth"证明圣经明确指出过地球是圆的。以前人们说地球是平的那是对圣经的理解不够透彻。

That's exactly the point of KH. Evolution Theory is a religion and public money should not be used to sponsor it. It is as simple as that. :)

That's bs:) he can refuse to pay tax if that's his only purpose (seems that idea gave him some trouble wasn't it?:p)

and you know behind the curtain, it is NOT as simple as that.
白泽为,你那位DrKH说,圣经里说过一句"the circle of earth"证明圣经明确指出过地球是圆的。以前人们说地球是平的那是对圣经的理解不够透彻。

That's quite convincing to me.


The Bible is not about the creature (i.e., the nature) but about the relationship between the Creator and His creatures.
That's bs:) he can refuse to pay tax if that's his only purpose (seems that idea gave him some trouble wasn't it?:p)

and you know behind the curtain, it is NOT as simple as that.

Of course he wants more. He wants to help the public weed out false science and therefore prevent atheists from brainwashing our kids with their religion using public money.

I don't have a full understanding to his legal problems but that's irrelevant anyways.