火 火星叔叔马丁 知名会员 注册 2010-11-23 消息 123 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 128 2013-02-08 #2 try princessauto.ca http://www.princessauto.com/pal/sea...h=+&_DARGS=/pal/include/header.jsp.searchForm
try princessauto.ca http://www.princessauto.com/pal/sea...h=+&_DARGS=/pal/include/header.jsp.searchForm
walk2000 新手上路 注册 2006-11-11 消息 186 荣誉分数 4 声望点数 28 2013-02-09 #3 看看能不能在这个网站找到,我是在这个网站买的电子元件。http://www.futureelectronics.com/en/Pages/index.aspx?OL=CA&Language=en-CA
中 中国公民 知名会员 注册 2009-02-10 消息 833 荣誉分数 26 声望点数 138 2013-02-10 #5 ccc 说: 这都能诊断出来,厉害! 点击展开... 该电容器有一号电池大,发现烧了直径有1厘米的一个黑洞,谁都看得出来,不厉害。 多谢各位,给大家拜年啦。
ygzhao 资深人士 注册 2002-06-17 消息 1,302 荣誉分数 93 声望点数 208 2013-02-11 #7 I have one about the same size, take it for free if it meets your requirement CBB60 10uF 450VAC 40/70/21 If not, you may try on ebay (sorry, it is very hard to type Chinese in Playbook)
I have one about the same size, take it for free if it meets your requirement CBB60 10uF 450VAC 40/70/21 If not, you may try on ebay (sorry, it is very hard to type Chinese in Playbook)