政府工Supplementary Death Benefit

言重了, 媒体和募捐是我们做的, 目的是为了减轻家属的痛苦。请不要怪罪家属, 让他们受二次伤害。

如果您捐过款, 请电话我613-225-4526,我会安排退还。

看本贴讨论为我的未来担忧啊, 既没有政府的好福利, 也没有私企的福利和保险,以后有啥突发事件可咋办?
自己买life insurance。找轮蹲理财。
Survivor Benefit
The following information is intended to provide you, the Employer, with information regarding Survivor Benefits when the death of an active plan member occurs.
Reference to Compensation Advisor in the following text is the equivalent of an Employer representative.
You may want to know...
The Government of Canada Pension Centre (Pension Centre) is now responsible for providing pension benefit counseling and information to the survivor, beneficiary or estate representative of a deceased public service pension plan member. This includes any lump sum or ongoing pension benefit and the one-time Supplementary Death Benefit (SDB) payment (if eligible).
When the employing department is advised of the death in service of a plan member, the Compensation Advisor refers the survivor or representative to "Your Public Service Pension and Benefits" Web portal for general information on survivor benefits and advises him to contact the Pension Centre. Please provide a copy of the "Contact Us - Your Public Service Pension and Benefits" information sheet to survivors or representatives without access to the Web.
The Compensation Advisors are responsible for ensuring that the Pension Centre is aware of the plan member's date of death and to input the Struck-Off-Strength (SOS) transaction. Compensation Advisors will also have to complete and forward to the Pension Centre the Termination/Retirement Information form PWGSC-TPSGC 2386 and the Notification of Death in Service form PWGSC-TPSGC 2014 as soon as they are notified that the member has passed away.
Survivor Benefit Entitlements
A Death in Service (DIS) occurs when the plan member dies while still employed in the public service. A survivor benefit may be payable to the eligible survivor and/or children.
A survivor refers to the person who, at the time of the plan member's death, was legally married to the plan member or was cohabitating with the plan member in a relationship of a conjugal nature (includes common-law and same sex partners) for at least one year prior to the date of death. A divorced spouse is not entitled to a survivor's pension, but a separated spouse usually retains entitlement to a survivor's pension.
A child can be a plan member's natural child, stepchild, or adopted child, who at the time of the plan member's death was dependent on him for support. To be eligible for a child's allowance, a child must be:
  • less than 18 years of age, or
  • between 18 and 25 years of age and attending school or university full time, substantially without interruption, since reaching age 18 or since the plan member died, whichever occurred later.
When a plan member, who has less than two years of pensionable service, dies while employed in the public service, the survivor and/or children are entitled jointly to a Return of Contributions (ROC) plus interest.
When a plan member, who has two years or more of pensionable service, dies while employed in the public service, a survivor's and/or child's allowance is payable.
Survivor Benefits
The table below outlines the different survivor benefits available under various circumstances where the plan member had 2 years or more of pensionable service.
Survivor onlySurvivor's allowance
(1 % X average salary X years of pensionable service)
Survivor and childrenSurvivor's allowance
Child's allowance for each child (one-fifth of the survivor's allowance up to a maximum of four fifths.)
Children only (no survivor)Child's allowance for each child
(two-fifths of the survivor's allowance up to a maximum of eight fifths.)
No eligible survivor or childrenGreater of a ROC plus interest or amount equal to five years' basic pension (Guaranteed Five Year Minimum).
Amounts are paid either to a beneficiary named under the SDB Plan or to the estate.
这个是很复杂, 但是渥太华华人更尊重生命是肯定的。

不久前发生在蒙特利尔, 一个20多岁的华人在一个小卖部打工, 因为他父母跟这个店主的生意纠纷被打死, 罪犯逃走了, 后面才募捐到2000多加币。也不知道他们家是怎么安葬他的。可怜啊!




正式排球比赛,应该有first aid的人在场边,带上AED...







这次踊跃给古巴遇难家属募捐体现大家的爱心和凝聚力,CFC 的作用也可圈可点。可是看到这股募捐风愈演愈烈,不由得产生一些疑问。

1. 募捐本意是救急不救穷。多少才够应有个度。现在这些够了?如果够了为何还要接着造势?

2. 遇难家政府双职工,可COVER TRAVEL OUTSIDE CANADA 运尸体费每人3000,因为互相COVER,就是6000. 每个小孩每月有SURVIVAL BENEFITS。可是发起人(据说也是政府工)有意无意光强调死者无保险及多缺钱。但是真实情况的确如此吗?就算无旅游意外保险,政府固有的保险是不是保险?

3. 其实这个难属妈妈的收入可能已经高于加拿大家庭平均收入拉。一家5人去古巴一次也要万儿八千的吧。其实,这个意外和其他经常车祸意外没什么本质不同 也就是个uncontrollable natural force造成的意外。每个灾难后面都有一个悲惨的故事。


5.看看CTV NEWS,家属说不知道家里有多少钱,是不知道。接下来的政客一开口就是WE一天就幕了多少钱。

6.一开始所谓的保护家属的准则,隐藏掉小孩脸部特征啥的,经过某些人的媒体炒做之后,成了全家人相貌,包括无辜小孩的相貌一览无余!! 而且镜头花大量时间在每个人照片上扫。我们想问那位拉媒体来的先生是否在大量出镜之余用其足以当PM的英文去告诉CTV的人保护可怜的死者家属的隐私?


去世的人令人惋惜,家属值得同期,爱心募捐本来是好事,有同情心的人们表达一下意思,点到为止也罢了。但是,诸多事实和事情发展让有良知的, 和信息不对称的人们不禁要问:本次募捐何去何从?有多少比例的善良人们会在一哄而上善心,善举之后反思甚至后悔,尤其是通过media看到落难人的真实条件只后?
