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- 2011-03-23
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I am not trying to take a side but If you use the bible as an excuse towards being anti-gay, don't forget that:

学习摆布经不能僵化。 要领会精神。不要拘泥纠结于表面的文字。 要理解。 至于怎么理解, 就看你自己了。I am not trying to take a side but If you use the bible as an excuse towards being anti-gay, don't forget that:
有人从中悟到了自由市场, 有人从中悟到了残酷斗争无情打击,有人从中悟到了爱情。。。。。。yes, my understanding is that bible is a load of self-contradicting worthless shitty bull.
Former Wynne adviser Ben Levin faces new child-porn charges
61岁的多伦多大学教授, 前安省自由党教育厅副厅长Benjamin Levin因为收藏儿童色情图片今天被警方拘捕,他被控多项与儿童色情图片相关的罪名。
Benjamin Levin是多大教育学院的教授,曾经在2004年至2009年期间担任麦坚迪政府的安省教育厅副厅长,他还是现任省长韦恩竞选时过渡团队的成员。
Wynne was appointed parliamentary assistant to Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities Mary Anne Chambers in October 2003. In October 2004, she was appointed parliamentary assistant to Minister of Education Gerard Kennedy ...
On September 18, 2006, she was promoted to Minister of Education in a cabinet shuffle occasioned by the resignation of Joe Cordiano from the Legislature. She was the province's first openly lesbian cabinet minister, and only the second openly LGBT cabinet minister after Deputy Premier George Smitherman.[16] On January 18, 2010, she was moved to Minister of Transportation and in 2011 she was appointed Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and Aboriginal Affairs.
同志们口味都很重, 请谅解!Former Wynne adviser Ben Levin faces new child-porn charges
61岁的多伦多大学教授, 前安省自由党教育厅副厅长Benjamin Levin因为收藏儿童色情图片今天被警方拘捕,他被控多项与儿童色情图片相关的罪名。
Benjamin Levin是多大教育学院的教授,曾经在2004年至2009年期间担任麦坚迪政府的安省教育厅副厅长,他还是现任省长韦恩竞选时过渡团队的成员。
很奇怪自由党为什么会把教育厅交给这些人掌管。Former Wynne adviser Ben Levin faces new child-porn charges
61岁的多伦多大学教授, 前安省自由党教育厅副厅长Benjamin Levin因为收藏儿童色情图片今天被警方拘捕,他被控多项与儿童色情图片相关的罪名。
Benjamin Levin是多大教育学院的教授,曾经在2004年至2009年期间担任麦坚迪政府的安省教育厅副厅长,他还是现任省长韦恩竞选时过渡团队的成员。
是啊,无知太可怕了。 就从这篇文章里, 我怎么也没看出这个教授是同性恋,或者玩弄男童拍porn之类的话。恋童和同志根本就是2回事,无知。
同志们眼睛被后门弄瞎了, 没看见。是啊,无知太可怕了。 就从这篇文章里, 我怎么也没看出这个教授是同性恋,或者玩弄男童拍porn之类的话。