Thought of the day

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Laughter is wine for the soul,
laughter soft, or loud and deep,
tinged through with seriousness,
the hilarious declaration made by man
that life is worth living.
If you spend your whole life waiting for the storm,
you’ll never enjoy the sunshine.
It isn’t your position that makes you happy or unhappy, it’s your disposition.
It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken the joy in creative expression and knowledge
Let nothing dim the light that shines from within.
You are the only person on earth who can use your ability.
吃素菜,彼此相愛,強如吃肥牛,彼此相恨。 ~箴言 15:17
Better a small serving of vegetables with love than a fattened calf with hatred. ~Proverbs 15:17
有请楼主改标题:thoughts of the days
应该是一天一个,想多了也累。我看多了就多发几个。英文是 thought of the day. Better to keep it.
有请楼主改标题:thoughts of the days
NEWER, you are the final decision maker. Others could provide suggestions.
"That gives the rose, hand stay lingering fragrance. "Don't talk to smile to others, don't be stingy in sharing with others, a single spark can start a prairie fire, minor love can change the world.
Attention is the rarest and purest form of generosity. — Simone Weil

人大概到最後才會懂得,重要的不是要什麼,而是不要什麼。─ 蔣勳