N newer 资深人士 注册 2002-08-06 消息 3,631 荣誉分数 385 声望点数 243 2014-12-03 #256 Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them.
N newer 资深人士 注册 2002-08-06 消息 3,631 荣誉分数 385 声望点数 243 2014-12-03 #257 Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you’re scared to death.
N newer 资深人士 注册 2002-08-06 消息 3,631 荣誉分数 385 声望点数 243 2014-12-06 #258 Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A world of optimism and hope. A ‘you can do it’ when things are tough.
Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A world of optimism and hope. A ‘you can do it’ when things are tough.
N newer 资深人士 注册 2002-08-06 消息 3,631 荣誉分数 385 声望点数 243 2014-12-06 #259 Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it.
耶书仑 世事洞明皆学问 注册 2008-09-27 消息 10,576 荣誉分数 6,814 声望点数 393 2014-12-06 #260 The greatest gift you ever give is your honest self. — Fred Rogers
耶书仑 世事洞明皆学问 注册 2008-09-27 消息 10,576 荣誉分数 6,814 声望点数 393 2014-12-07 #261 True friends won't grow apart even if they don't talk everyday.
耶书仑 世事洞明皆学问 注册 2008-09-27 消息 10,576 荣誉分数 6,814 声望点数 393 2014-12-07 #262 The world today is complicated and I think people are just hungry for some simplicity.
耶书仑 世事洞明皆学问 注册 2008-09-27 消息 10,576 荣誉分数 6,814 声望点数 393 2014-12-08 #263 读书是讲求缘分的,这跟交朋友一样;能够让自己无比快乐,能帮助自己更好地认识世界、认识自己,心领神会并心意相通,这样才应该引为知音;如果仅仅因为某本书名声大而逼自己硬着头皮读,那阅读也便失去了动力和意义。
N newer 资深人士 注册 2002-08-06 消息 3,631 荣誉分数 385 声望点数 243 2014-12-09 #264 Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the known to the unknown.
N newer 资深人士 注册 2002-08-06 消息 3,631 荣誉分数 385 声望点数 243 2014-12-09 #265 It takes nothing away from a human to be kind to an animal.
uglyducking 从前有座山 VIP 注册 2003-09-30 消息 79,689 荣誉分数 23,512 声望点数 1,373 2014-12-09 #266 newer 说: It takes nothing away from a human to be kind to an animal. 点击展开... what about to be kind to another human being? BTW it takes a leg away from a pig to be nice to a human.
newer 说: It takes nothing away from a human to be kind to an animal. 点击展开... what about to be kind to another human being? BTW it takes a leg away from a pig to be nice to a human.
耶书仑 世事洞明皆学问 注册 2008-09-27 消息 10,576 荣誉分数 6,814 声望点数 393 2014-12-09 #267 每個人都是一本書,封面是父母給的,不能改變, 所要做的就是盡力寫好裡面的內容。 為自己增添外在的風采,更要豐富內在的世界。
耶书仑 世事洞明皆学问 注册 2008-09-27 消息 10,576 荣誉分数 6,814 声望点数 393 2014-12-09 #268 愛的 L O V E 「L」代表Listen(傾聽) 「O」代表Obligate(感恩) 「V」代表Valued(尊重)... 「E」代表Excuse(寬恕) 傾聽對方 感謝對方 尊重對方 寬恕對方
耶书仑 世事洞明皆学问 注册 2008-09-27 消息 10,576 荣誉分数 6,814 声望点数 393 2014-12-10 #270 我不以一個人爬得多高來衡量他的成功, 而是看他跌到谷底能如何反彈。 I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom.
我不以一個人爬得多高來衡量他的成功, 而是看他跌到谷底能如何反彈。 I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom.