
最好的办法是把它们选下去。自己搬? 不久对不起自由当了妈


教孩子同性恋,唯一负责的方法是:性取向平等+男同超高风险 一起教。

安省,性病课程是在In Grade 7, the plan was to teach kids how to prevent unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. 却要孩子们在3年级学什么同性恋。

Dear xx,

Thank you for signing the Petition to "Stop Graphic Revisions to Ontario's Sex Education Curriculum".

It is so helpful to the cause to see so many names, to know we're not alone, to know others want to stand up and be counted.

Like many of the petition supporters, I am a parent (a mom of four kids). I never thought I'd be so involved in politics or helping organize people to oppose my government.

A few years ago, it occurred to me that enough is enough: I must do something for the future of my children, family and country. The government is over-stepping its authority and unless I do something, the people who are supposed to be 'public servants' will instead be replacing me as leader of my children's education and upbringing.

So I started Parents As First Educators (PAFE) to stand up for parents' rights at the school boards against the provincial government and trustees who were not being accountable, transparent or faithful to their roles of keeping the province from politicizing my childrens' education.

Your signature means a lot to me: maybe you don't ever feel this way, but occasionally as I read what is going on not just in Ontario, but across the country and around the world, I think: "Am I the only person who believes in basic things people used to take for granted? Such as, parents have the ultimate authority over their children's education?"

Since getting involved and meeting many like-minded people, and especially now seeing these 10,000 signatures, I realize that I'm not alone, there are many, many people who believe as I do, and it's time we roll up our sleeves and get to work.

So, I need your help. I'm working on new things we can do in our local communities to fight the good fight to preserve the innocence of our children. I'll have more to say in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, can you please help gather people and grow our numbers on the petition to show the resolve of the people of Ontario?

It would really help if you could consider doing these three things:

A) please send this link to your friends and family.

Please take 5-10 minutes and go through your email contact list to make sure you don't miss anyone.

Link to petition: http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/stop-graphic-revisions-to-ontarios-sex-education-curriculum.html

B) please also paste the link to the petition into Facebook, Twitter and other social media.

C) please consider sending a donation to cover the costs of long distance phone calls, our internet connection, and modest office space so PAFE's many excellent volunteers and I can continue to organize and put up a fight to defend the rights of parents.

If everyone on this list just sent $5, we could focus on the fight and less on the fundraising to keep the doors open.

Together, we can make a difference!

Best regards,

Teresa Pierre, PhD, President

Parents as First Educators (PAFE)

PS: if you've already written to your friends more than 3-4 days ago, then please consider emailing them again! We all need reminders! : )
这个混蛋“女人”自己没有后代 ?把所有人都改造成她那样?感觉她很evil!


教科书上告诉孩子人类一共有6种性别,把属于精神病领域的性变态的那些类别都包括进去了,如果用此标准,把性变态(恋童,兽交,性虐等等)的全列进去60种都不止,这不是胡说八道吗?很多内容应该归入反歧视而不是把所有的非正常(心理/病理)的社会化表现都列为一种性别吗? 那公共场所是不是要建6种厕所了,否则就是没有人权的体现了?荒唐透顶,它们就是为了证明自己不病态,是常态。但是哪个父母亲生孩子第一个动机就是想到要把孩子培养成同性恋呢? 小孩大了你当然可以尊重接受他们的个人选择成为同性恋,但是你开始孕育孩子时的第一动机是希望看到他们今后成为同性恋而不是一脉相承繁衍后代吗,如果是你象这些王八蛋一样希望小孩也和自己一样成为同性恋,那我真的无语了。


大家仔细琢磨一下,家里如果孩子大了的家长别以为就和你没关系了,如果你把这片土地当成自己家园的话,你难道希望你的子孙后代都为性而困惑,或者“时髦”地成为同性恋者吗? 觉醒吧家长们,反对大纲,保护孩子,保护家庭观念,别让孩子成为性错乱者的同类或牺牲者吧。

签名要签,更重要的是站出来发声,不建议用模板copy paste 发邮件,即使英语差,邮件短没关系都是民意表达,一味copypaste容易被认为Spam或者舞弊而失去影响力。




教科书上告诉孩子人类一共有6种性别,把属于精神病领域的性变态的那些类别都包括进去了,如果用此标准,把性变态(恋童,兽交,性虐等等)的全列进去60种都不止,这不是胡说八道吗?很多内容应该归入反歧视而不是把所有的非正常(心理/病理)的社会化表现都列为一种性别吗? 那公共场所是不是要建6种厕所了,否则就是没有人权的体现了?荒唐透顶,它们就是为了证明自己不病态,是常态。但是哪个父母亲生孩子第一个动机就是想到要把孩子培养成同性恋呢? 小孩大了你当然可以尊重接受他们的个人选择成为同性恋,但是你开始孕育孩子时的第一动机是希望看到他们今后成为同性恋而不是一脉相承繁衍后代吗,如果是你象这些王八蛋一样希望小孩也和自己一样成为同性恋,那我真的无语了。


大家仔细琢磨一下,家里如果孩子大了的家长别以为就和你没关系了,如果你把这片土地当成自己家园的话,你难道希望你的子孙后代都为性而困惑,或者“时髦”地成为同性恋者吗? 觉醒吧家长们,反对大纲,保护孩子,保护家庭观念,别让孩子成为性错乱者的同类或牺牲者吧。

签名要签,更重要的是站出来发声,不建议用模板copy paste 发邮件,即使英语差,邮件短没关系都是民意表达,一味copypaste容易被认为Spam或者舞弊而失去影响力。


