

PUBLISHED: 13:42 GMT, 19 December 2014

点击:'She had found God and was trying to turn her life around': Uncle of eight children stabbed to death spoke to their mother a day before the massacre, when she preached about religion

  • Horrifying massacre at a Cairns home just six days before Christmas
  • The children were four girls - aged 14, 12, 11 and two - and four boys aged nine, eight, six and five
  • Police have spoken to five men who were fathers of the eight children
  • A 37-year-old woman, believed to be Mersane Warria - also known as Raina Thaiday, has been arrested for murder
  • She is the mother to seven of the eight children who were found dead
  • She is under police guard at Cairns Hospital with chest and neck wounds
  • The children's bodies have been removed from the house and autopsies are being conducted Saturday

An uncle has revealed the final moment he saw his eight nieces and nephews before they were found stabbed to death at a Cairns home on Friday.

He told Daily Mail Australia the children were in the front yard of the Manoora property when he spoke to their mother, believed to be Mersane Warria - also known as Raina Thaiday, just a day before the tragedy.

The man claims his sister-in-law had 'found God and was changing her life around'.

His statement comes as police revealed on Saturday that four of the children were girls - aged 14, 12, 11 and two - and the remaining four were boys aged nine, eight, six and five. Police have informed five fathers they have lost children in the massacre.

A 37-year-old woman, confirmed as the mother of seven of the children and aunt of the eighth, has been arrested for murder and remains under police guard at Cairns Hospital.
PUBLISHED: 13:42 GMT, 19 December 2014

点击:'She had found God and was trying to turn her life around': Uncle of eight children stabbed to death spoke to their mother a day before the massacre, when she preached about religion

  • Horrifying massacre at a Cairns home just six days before Christmas
  • The children were four girls - aged 14, 12, 11 and two - and four boys aged nine, eight, six and five
  • Police have spoken to five men who were fathers of the eight children
  • A 37-year-old woman, believed to be Mersane Warria - also known as Raina Thaiday, has been arrested for murder
  • She is the mother to seven of the eight children who were found dead
  • She is under police guard at Cairns Hospital with chest and neck wounds
  • The children's bodies have been removed from the house and autopsies are being conducted Saturday

An uncle has revealed the final moment he saw his eight nieces and nephews before they were found stabbed to death at a Cairns home on Friday.

He told Daily Mail Australia the children were in the front yard of the Manoora property when he spoke to their mother, believed to be Mersane Warria - also known as Raina Thaiday, just a day before the tragedy.

The man claims his sister-in-law had 'found God and was changing her life around'.

His statement comes as police revealed on Saturday that four of the children were girls - aged 14, 12, 11 and two - and the remaining four were boys aged nine, eight, six and five. Police have informed five fathers they have lost children in the massacre.

A 37-year-old woman, confirmed as the mother of seven of the children and aunt of the eighth, has been arrested for murder and remains under police guard at Cairns Hospital.
@CHRIS88 一定会说这是devil不是god
when god talks to you and you believe heave is a better place ,what's what happens. too many similar tragedies, just far too many.
PUBLISHED: 13:42 GMT, 19 December 2014

点击:'She had found God and was trying to turn her life around': Uncle of eight children stabbed to death spoke to their mother a day before the massacre, when she preached about religion

  • Horrifying massacre at a Cairns home just six days before Christmas
  • The children were four girls - aged 14, 12, 11 and two - and four boys aged nine, eight, six and five
  • Police have spoken to five men who were fathers of the eight children
  • A 37-year-old woman, believed to be Mersane Warria - also known as Raina Thaiday, has been arrested for murder
  • She is the mother to seven of the eight children who were found dead
  • She is under police guard at Cairns Hospital with chest and neck wounds
  • The children's bodies have been removed from the house and autopsies are being conducted Saturday

An uncle has revealed the final moment he saw his eight nieces and nephews before they were found stabbed to death at a Cairns home on Friday.

He told Daily Mail Australia the children were in the front yard of the Manoora property when he spoke to their mother, believed to be Mersane Warria - also known as Raina Thaiday, just a day before the tragedy.

The man claims his sister-in-law had 'found God and was changing her life around'.

His statement comes as police revealed on Saturday that four of the children were girls - aged 14, 12, 11 and two - and the remaining four were boys aged nine, eight, six and five. Police have informed five fathers they have lost children in the massacre.

A 37-year-old woman, confirmed as the mother of seven of the children and aunt of the eighth, has been arrested for murder and remains under police guard at Cairns Hospital.
btw when I saw the name of that woman, hehe, hehehe. hehehehe
@CHRIS88 一定会说这是devil不是god
when god talks to you ,what's what happens. too many similar tragedies, just too many.
第一, 这一定是devil无疑了, 不管是以God的面目出现, 还是什么别的面目。
第二, 这也就是洋人这方面的文化太薄弱, 所以, 才动不动就说什么 'found God and was changing her life around'. 这是因为他们的语言里头, 就知道有God, 没别的了, 好的, 坏的, 一股脑都往God身上靠。

这要是在别的地方, 比如,天朝, 如果发生这种事情, 那found的可就多了去了, 可以是佛祖, 可以是广成子, 可以是上八洞神仙, 下八洞神仙。。。可以是无生老母, 可以是南极仙翁, 甚至山鬼、树妖、马克思、列宁。。。。 可以引诱人做出种种不理智的行为的神仙鬼怪多了去了。

但是在洋人文化里, 就一个干巴巴的“God”, 没别的了。
第一, 这一定是devil无疑了, 不管是以God的面目出现, 还是什么别的面目。
第二, 这也就是洋人这方面的文化太薄弱, 所以, 才动不动就说什么 'found God and was changing her life around'. 这是因为他们的语言里头, 就知道有God, 没别的了, 好的, 坏的, 一股脑都往God身上靠。

这要是在别的地方, 比如,天朝, 如果发生这种事情, 那found的可就多了去了, 可以是佛祖, 可以是广成子, 可以是上八洞神仙, 下八洞神仙。。。可以是无生老母, 可以是南极仙翁, 甚至山鬼、树妖、马克思、列宁。。。。 可以引诱人做出种种不理智的行为的神仙鬼怪多了去了。

但是在洋人文化里, 就一个干巴巴的“God”, 没别的了。
我是在回复ID Search Fail的帖子, 当然要提到Devil, 因为她的帖子里已经提到Devil了。

Devil不Devil其实对于中国人来说没有意义, 就跟你看英文/法文写的香艳小说, 一点反应都没有, 完全没有香艳的感觉, 反而会觉得很烦躁, 因为不停的要查字典。

Satan也一样, 这名字, 尼玛, 一看就是基督徒们故意给人家起的外号:就算是个头上长角,口吐烈火的家伙, 也没那个喜欢把自己叫做傻蛋的。而且更别提还是故意给了个平舌音, 尼玛, 感觉就是个有点口吃的傻蛋, 多加一个h,改成Shadan难道会死啊?!
第一, 这一定是devil无疑了, 不管是以God的面目出现, 还是什么别的面目。
第二, 这也就是洋人这方面的文化太薄弱, 所以, 才动不动就说什么 'found God and was changing her life around'. 这是因为他们的语言里头, 就知道有God, 没别的了, 好的, 坏的, 一股脑都往God身上靠。

这要是在别的地方, 比如,天朝, 如果发生这种事情, 那found的可就多了去了, 可以是佛祖, 可以是广成子, 可以是上八洞神仙, 下八洞神仙。。。可以是无生老母, 可以是南极仙翁, 甚至山鬼、树妖、马克思、列宁。。。。 可以引诱人做出种种不理智的行为的神仙鬼怪多了去了。

但是在洋人文化里, 就一个干巴巴的“God”, 没别的了。
西方是一神论。你要说有其他神,那个chris神父跟你急。克克,是不是? @CHRIS88
西方是一神论。你要说有其他神,那个chris神父跟你急。克克,是不是? @CHRIS88
中国也有一神论的, 可你架不住别人有多神论啊。 这有什么好急的。
再说, 即便神只有一个, 那还有别的什么精啊、 灵啊、 鬼啊、妖啊、仙啊、怪啊。。。。 多了去了, 哪个没有蛊惑人心的本事?

以前看笑林广记还是别的什么, 里头还提到了 门槛精和笤帚怪, 你想, 尼玛门槛、笤帚墩布之类的都能成精,什么一神论能挡得住?
中国也有一神论的, 可你架不住别人有多神论啊。 这有什么好急的。
再说, 即便神只有一个, 那还有别的什么精啊、 灵啊、 鬼啊、妖啊、仙啊、怪啊。。。。 多了去了, 哪个没有蛊惑人心的本事?

以前看笑林广记还是别的什么, 里头还提到了 门槛精和笤帚怪, 你想, 尼玛门槛、笤帚墩布之类的都能成精,什么一神论能挡得住?