
我不去调戏他, 除非他是她, 而且是绝色惊艳的那种。
有事不怕事, 但没事也别找事嘛! :crazy:
但是一定会扯上God, 这就是西方的文化。 倒不是说真的是洪秀全的哥哥指使的。
但是一定会扯上God, 这就是西方的文化。 倒不是说真的是洪秀全的哥哥指使的。
我不是不信, 当然也不敢说就信了。
问题是, 当事人那么虔诚的信的那个对象到底是谁?这事情谁也说不清楚, 因为洋人的文化关系, 他们就知道一个词“God”。

中国, 哪怕邪教, 也知道佛祖跟弥勒跟无生老母,跟上帝, 跟玉皇大帝,跟真武上帝。。。 都是不一样的。 可洋人是不分的。 一股脑都叫God, 所以, 你就分不清到底这个傻蛋信了谁了。
Better to know what kind of God you believe, and what kind of God you don't believe. God means so different among people. Therefore talking about God without any specification becomes meaningless. One's God is another's devil. We could argue forever that God is real or fake. Pure athesist has no God, so some of them just don't care; and others attack any Gods, good or bad.

The God mentioned above (who leads people to kill kids), is not my God.

Perhaps, everyone should ask himself/herself: what kind of God you believe, and what kind of God you don't believe (or just don't like)? Let us accept different views of God.
这就是个精神病, God只不过被拉来当遮羞布的。
Better to know what kind of God you believe, and what kind of God you don't believe. God means so different among people. Therefore talking about God without any specification becomes meaningless. One's God is another's devil. We could argue forever that God is real or fake. Pure athesist has no God, so some of them just don't care; and others attack any Gods, good or bad.

The God mentioned above (who leads people to kill kids), is not my God.

Perhaps, everyone should ask himself/herself: what kind of God you believe, and what kind of God you don't believe (or just don't like)? Let us accept different views of God.
Better to know what kind of God you believe, and what kind of God you don't believe. God means so different among people. Therefore talking about God without any specification becomes meaningless. One's God is another's devil. We could argue forever that God is real or fake. Pure athesist has no God, so some of them just don't care; and others attack any Gods, good or bad.

The God mentioned above (who leads people to kill kids), is not my God.

Perhaps, everyone should ask himself/herself: what kind of God you believe, and what kind of God you don't believe (or just don't like)? Let us accept different views of God.
不需要弄那么清楚, 无非就是个神仙鬼怪而已, 弄那么清楚干啥?
表面的尊重还是需要的, 无论是什么神仙, 都会拜拜。 但是也没必要盯着一个去全身心投入的信。
你就看喽, 哪个神的哪条神谕对你的口味, 你就采信, 否则, 祂说祂的, 你做你的呗。