三年级的在这,describe how invisible differences (性倾向) make each person unique, and identify ways of showing respect for differences in others. 不是说灌输给孩子自由选择性取向的观点
C1.3 Healthy relationships
C1.4 Physical and emotional development
C3.3 Visible, invisible differences, respect
C1.3 identify the characteristics of healthy relationships (e.g., accepting differences, being inclusive, communicating openly, listening, showing mutual respect and caring, being honest) and describe ways of overcoming challenges (e.g., bullying, exclusion, peer pressure, abuse) in a relationship
C1.4 identify factors (e.g., sleep, food, physical activity, heredity, environment, support from a caring adult, sense of belonging, peer influence) that affect physical development (e.g., of hair, skin, teeth, body size and shape) and/or emotional development (e.g., of self-awareness, adaptive skills, social skills)
C3.3 describe how visible differences (e.g., skin, hair, and eye colour, facial features, body size and shape,
physical aids or different physical abilities, clothing, possessions) and invisible differences (e.g., learning abilities, skills and talents, personal or cultural values and beliefs, gender identity, sexual orientation, family background, personal preferences, allergies and sensitivities) make each person unique, and identify ways of showing respect for differences in others