珍惜生命, 远离U. Waterloo(CS高才生自杀)

Waterloo这么难读,出来的牛人都干些啥呀?我看我们公司里那些Waterloo毕业的同事,也就是普通码工,超nerd, 跟OU,CU出来的码工没啥区别。就是玩密室逃脱的时候,解码解得超快的大拿是Waterloo毕业的。但是我们一个学艺术的同事,在另外一组,解得比他还快。
我参加过waterloo的毕业典礼,他们工学院的那个亚裔女院长台上亲口说的,it is hard to get in here, even harder to get out :buttrock:
听Waterloo毕业的同事说Engineering比Science更难些。SE, CE和CS到底那个更难读,那个就业前景更好。据我所知,SE比CS学费更贵,入学要求更高。哪位懂的给介绍一下。

Computer Science 跟 Software Engineering 的关系, 相当于欧几里德几何和木工的关系。

欧几里德不一定能做好木器, 木匠也不一定完全懂欧几里德。但是, 论高大上, 欧几里德高出木匠几个数量级。

哎, RIP。 Waterloo大学 administration 的确应该加强给学生 mental health services. 我在那上学时每年都会有一两个这样的悲剧发生。 事发后校方基本能cover up 就 cover up, 很不人道.
你真能吹牛。这也能cover up,校长不想当了。还每年一两个。
Computer Science 跟 Software Engineering 的关系, 相当于欧几里德几何和木工的关系。

欧几里德几何数学家不一定能做好木器, 木工也不一定完全懂欧几里德。
但是, 论高达上, 欧几里德高出木工几个数量级。
你真能吹牛。这也能cover up,校长不想当了。还每年一两个。
你真能吹牛。这也能cover up,校长不想当了。还每年一两个。
你不知情不怪你,Waterloo是最近才开始make public statement regarding student suicides. 以前只有学生圈里传,校方一声不吭, 为的是保持学校的声誉。学校自己承认从2012年算,已经10个了。我是2007-2012,每年都有, 没必要吹。


WATERLOO — In light of a second death by suicide in three months, the University of Waterloo is creating an advisory committee on mental health.

UW president Feridun Hamdullahpur said in a statement released Monday that he will create an advisory committee that will seek input on mental health from students, staff, faculty, as well as the community at large and other institutions.

Hamdullahpur said the focus will be on youth mental health and how students can access help if they need it.

The call for help follows the second suicide on campus of a student since January.

A 19-year-old first-year student took his life at a student residence on March 20.

Waterloo Regional Police were called to Beck Hall just before 6:30 a.m. when a maintenance worker found the student. The teen was not from the region.

In January, an 18-year-old female student died from suicide at a student residence. Police and firefighters, including members of the hazardous materials unit, were called to the building to deal with chemical exposure. The building was evacuated.

In an effort to have a frank and open discussion on suicide — a topic often stigmatized and only talked about behind closed doors — the school released numbers of deaths from suicide.

Since 2012, there have been 10 deaths by suicide of university students, said university spokesperson Matthew Grant. That equals five deaths per 100,000 people.

The majority of the deaths occurred off campus, he said.

According to Statistics Canada, the suicide rate across all age groups is 11.5 per 100,000 people. For youth 15 to 19, the suicide rate is 7.7 per 100,000, while young people 20 to 24 have a suicide rate of 11 per 100,000 people.

Hamdullahpur said he was moved by the many phone calls, emails and messages he received, some of support and others inquiring about help on campus to assistance those struggling with mental health.

A second-year UW student also started a petition last week seeking more help for mental health and received more than 14,000 signatures. The petition was presented to the associate provost of students on Monday morning, Grant said.

"As recent events elsewhere in Canada confirm, we are not alone in confronting the issues of mental health and suicide," he said.

"For those that may struggle with mental health issues, know that there are many of us who want to reach out to you, to tell you that we support you, and that we are committed to working together to ensure that help is available where and when you need it," Hamdullahpur said.

The university will also hold three open houses in which students and staff can seek out help and find out what services are available on campus.

The advisory committee will gather the information and produce a report that will be released in the fall.


Twitter: @MonteiroRecord
你不知情不怪你,Waterloo是最近才开始make public statement regarding student suicides. 以前只有学生圈里传,校方一声不吭, 为的是保持学校的声誉。学校自己承认从2012年算,已经10个了。我是2007-2012,每年都有, 没必要吹。


WATERLOO — In light of a second death by suicide in three months, the University of Waterloo is creating an advisory committee on mental health.

UW president Feridun Hamdullahpur said in a statement released Monday that he will create an advisory committee that will seek input on mental health from students, staff, faculty, as well as the community at large and other institutions.

Hamdullahpur said the focus will be on youth mental health and how students can access help if they need it.

The call for help follows the second suicide on campus of a student since January.

A 19-year-old first-year student took his life at a student residence on March 20.

Waterloo Regional Police were called to Beck Hall just before 6:30 a.m. when a maintenance worker found the student. The teen was not from the region.

In January, an 18-year-old female student died from suicide at a student residence. Police and firefighters, including members of the hazardous materials unit, were called to the building to deal with chemical exposure. The building was evacuated.

In an effort to have a frank and open discussion on suicide — a topic often stigmatized and only talked about behind closed doors — the school released numbers of deaths from suicide.

Since 2012, there have been 10 deaths by suicide of university students, said university spokesperson Matthew Grant. That equals five deaths per 100,000 people.

The majority of the deaths occurred off campus, he said.

According to Statistics Canada, the suicide rate across all age groups is 11.5 per 100,000 people. For youth 15 to 19, the suicide rate is 7.7 per 100,000, while young people 20 to 24 have a suicide rate of 11 per 100,000 people.

Hamdullahpur said he was moved by the many phone calls, emails and messages he received, some of support and others inquiring about help on campus to assistance those struggling with mental health.

A second-year UW student also started a petition last week seeking more help for mental health and received more than 14,000 signatures. The petition was presented to the associate provost of students on Monday morning, Grant said.

"As recent events elsewhere in Canada confirm, we are not alone in confronting the issues of mental health and suicide," he said.

"For those that may struggle with mental health issues, know that there are many of us who want to reach out to you, to tell you that we support you, and that we are committed to working together to ensure that help is available where and when you need it," Hamdullahpur said.

The university will also hold three open houses in which students and staff can seek out help and find out what services are available on campus.

The advisory committee will gather the information and produce a report that will be released in the fall.


Twitter: @MonteiroRecord
我参加过waterloo的毕业典礼,他们工学院的那个亚裔女院长台上亲口说的,it is hard to get in here, even harder to get out :buttrock:
你不知情不怪你,Waterloo是最近才开始make public statement regarding student suicides. 以前只有学生圈里传,校方一声不吭, 为的是保持学校的声誉。学校自己承认从2012年算,已经10个了。我是2007-2012,每年都有, 没必要吹。


WATERLOO — In light of a second death by suicide in three months, the University of Waterloo is creating an advisory committee on mental health.

UW president Feridun Hamdullahpur said in a statement released Monday that he will create an advisory committee that will seek input on mental health from students, staff, faculty, as well as the community at large and other institutions.

Hamdullahpur said the focus will be on youth mental health and how students can access help if they need it.

The call for help follows the second suicide on campus of a student since January.

A 19-year-old first-year student took his life at a student residence on March 20.

Waterloo Regional Police were called to Beck Hall just before 6:30 a.m. when a maintenance worker found the student. The teen was not from the region.

In January, an 18-year-old female student died from suicide at a student residence. Police and firefighters, including members of the hazardous materials unit, were called to the building to deal with chemical exposure. The building was evacuated.

In an effort to have a frank and open discussion on suicide — a topic often stigmatized and only talked about behind closed doors — the school released numbers of deaths from suicide.

Since 2012, there have been 10 deaths by suicide of university students, said university spokesperson Matthew Grant. That equals five deaths per 100,000 people.

The majority of the deaths occurred off campus, he said.

According to Statistics Canada, the suicide rate across all age groups is 11.5 per 100,000 people. For youth 15 to 19, the suicide rate is 7.7 per 100,000, while young people 20 to 24 have a suicide rate of 11 per 100,000 people.

Hamdullahpur said he was moved by the many phone calls, emails and messages he received, some of support and others inquiring about help on campus to assistance those struggling with mental health.

A second-year UW student also started a petition last week seeking more help for mental health and received more than 14,000 signatures. The petition was presented to the associate provost of students on Monday morning, Grant said.

"As recent events elsewhere in Canada confirm, we are not alone in confronting the issues of mental health and suicide," he said.

"For those that may struggle with mental health issues, know that there are many of us who want to reach out to you, to tell you that we support you, and that we are committed to working together to ensure that help is available where and when you need it," Hamdullahpur said.

The university will also hold three open houses in which students and staff can seek out help and find out what services are available on campus.

The advisory committee will gather the information and produce a report that will be released in the fall.


Twitter: @MonteiroRecord