精华 2016-2017 高中排名出炉

这就叫身在福中不知福啊, 新移民,如果一下子空投到没老中的区域还真不是啥好事。这些在卡屯的新移民孩子英文肯定能追上来没问题。在异国他乡有这么一个融合中西文化的好区是可遇不可求啊。要珍惜啊。
这就叫身在福中不知福啊, 新移民,如果一下子空投到没老中的区域还真不是啥好事。这些在卡屯的新移民孩子英文肯定能追上来没问题。在异国他乡有这么一个融合中西文化的好区是可遇不可求啊。要珍惜啊。
这里IB/EOM的数理化可不容易,是很难,不比中国差。EOM AP课能上90的很少。




To visit the AP Student Community and learn more about being an Advanced Placement student, visit ExploreAP at apstudent.collegeboard.org/exploreap

What is Advanced Placement?
The College Board's Advanced Placement Program offers capable and motivated students the opportunity to study university-level content within the secondary school setting. This successful program has been in existence since 1955. This is the ultimate in student acceleration.
Students who score well on the May examinations are granted credit by most universities in North America. Examinations are graded in the United States on a five-point scale. Specialist teachers at Earl of March provide AP as an educational value-added service.
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Why Take Advanced Placement Courses?
Would you like your motivated and capable child to accumulate 1, 2, or even 3 university credits while in high school?
Earl of March offers nine AP courses - more than any other school in eastern Ontario. In addition, over many years, our experienced AP teachers have developed successful teaching strategies and winning evaluation methods that prepare students for the AP examinations. Our Specialist AP teachers also provide extensive additional AP exam parparation in the period leading up to the external AP exams in May.

Former Earl of March AP Students Say:
"The learning environment is more serious. More material is covered; therefore, it provides a real academic challenge."
-Sharon Choy, class of 2005
"The AP courses at Earl of March offer students unparalleled preparation for post-secondary education. The advanced placement classes that I took at Earl enriched my studies and exposed me to subjects and ideas that other students never covered. The study habits and writing skills that I developed in the AP stream made my transition from high school to university far less daunting than it was for many of my peers."
-Benet Gladwin, class of 2012
"My three AP credits have allowed me to limit my schedule to four classes for the final three semesters of my degree, which lets me focus on fewer courses while having more time for extra-curricular activities."
-Benet Gladwin, class of 2012

Earl of March is a Leading AP School
Providing students with the opportunity for academic enrichment, Advanced Placement (AP) continues the tradition of excellence at Earl of March Secondary School.
In 1997, the teachers at EOM embraced AP as a great fit with the school's strong academic tradition, and we have been reaching new milestones ever since. EOM offers one of the most extensive AP programs in Ontario and its AP program is unrivalled in its breadth in the Ottawa area.

尽快让小孩英语过关,然后跳出ESL,转到home school。。听说那里的的情况应该远比孩子扎堆说中文要严重。。
尽快让小孩英语过关,然后跳出ESL,转到home school。。听说那里的的情况应该远比孩子扎堆说中文要严重。。
尽快让小孩英语过关,然后跳出ESL,转到home school。。听说那里的的情况应该远比孩子扎堆说中文要严重。。
你理解错了,地主说的意思是尽快在ESL学校学好英文过关,再转回EOM 这样的home school。
听说EOM去年没有一个去Waterloo 计算机相关专业的 不知是否属实?Waterloo的3个与计算机相关专业应该是加拿大大学录取要求最高的
听说EOM去年没有一个去Waterloo 计算机相关专业的 不知是否属实?Waterloo的3个与计算机相关专业应该是加拿大大学录取要求最高的
听说EOM去年没有一个去Waterloo 计算机相关专业的 不知是否属实?Waterloo的3个与计算机相关专业应该是加拿大大学录取要求最高的

毕竟华人孩子想学计算机比例较高 如果100多毕业生每一个想学就奇怪了
你理解错了,地主说的意思是尽快在ESL学校学好英文过关,再转回EOM 这样的home school。