you think?
a sarcastic reply to someone who utters a statement that is obvious or that goes without saying.
gf: "maybe we should just go with the's cheaper than the Cadillac SUV.
bf: "...ummm....ya think??"
by mace May 23, 2005
you thought
sym. for sike
This person came up to me and asked me for money and i was like "you thought!"
by Kathrine12345 August 31, 2008
怎么可能呢,华人(移民、难民)的后代中盛产会弹琴拉琴的工程师,医生,精算师, 源源不断向这个社会提供精英。最近几年,更是积极参政议政,在整个社会迷茫时,以移民和难民的身份,挺身而出,和“拉么特”肩并肩地高举起反政治正确的大旗,毫不利己,专门利人。这样的“模范”不成社会的“宠儿”,不能啊。呵呵。再有,用个不恰当的比喻:
It’s not joking!