精华 [闲聊] Conceptual Art

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最初由 开喜 发布
有意思, 哪里有个题目, 哪里就有wuwei和兰婷在, 而且两人意见准不一致. 要不是你们两人距离十万八千里, 我真以为小女人爱上老男人 (或者老男人爱上小女人) le .
最初由 开喜 发布
兰MM, 这次我要同意wuwei的话,


正是因为在这点上我完全同意他的看法,才会说: “哎,不要逼我再累累地给你树杆儿好不? :smokin:”
When do you come to Ottawa?

最初由 wuwei 发布

En I had to read a few times and took the time to think about what you just said before I could respond to it.

I think the central theme in conceptual arts is the emphasis on idea rather than on the actual representation. It was certainly a switch of focus at the time, revolutionary if not more. And to simplify the understanding of this idea of "concept", Kosuth used a photograph of chair to demonstrate the TRANSITION from an actual chair to the dictioanry definition. The object is no longer the focus, but the idea behind it is.

Like anything else, art is a continuously evolving matter. Just as Dada came out because some artists got so sick of the bourgeoisie. Imagine the the shocking effect of Duchamp's Fontaine on the bourgeois at the time...hehe I thought it was brilliant, and really funny. Duchamp said it in 1912 that "La peinture est morte" (The painting is dead), and out came Dada, minimalism and conceptual arts.

About “美”, hmm I think I know where you are going with it, but just want to clarify it even further. “美” can be narrow and it can be generalized. We all know what “美” is in the narrow sense, but can you define what “美” is in the generalized sense? Is fresh air beautiful? Are babies beautiful? Can you not say that compassion is beautiful?

Wuwei said it, arts in its extreme case become the study of philosophy, but what isn't? Newton in his late years became very interested in studying spirituality; René Descartes was a mathematician but his philosophy had even greater impact on man-kind.

最初由 ann miao 发布

最初由 渐渐 发布
En I had to read a few times and took the time to think about what you just said before I could respond to it.

I think the central theme in conceptual arts is the emphasis on idea rather than on the actual representation. It was certainly a switch of focus at the time, revolutionary if not more. And to simplify the understanding of this idea of "concept", Kosuth used a photograph of chair to demonstrate the TRANSITION from an actual chair to the dictioanry definition. The object is no longer the focus, but the idea behind it is.

Like anything else, art is a continuously evolving matter. Just as Dada came out because some artists got so sick of the bourgeoisie. Imagine the the shocking effect of Duchamp's Fontaine on the bourgeois at the time...hehe I thought it was brilliant, and really funny. Duchamp said it in 1912 that "La peinture est morte" (The painting is dead), and out came Dada, minimalism and conceptual arts.

About “美”, hmm I think I know where you are going with it, but just want to clarify it even further. “美” can be narrow and it can be generalized. We all know what “美” is in the narrow sense, but can you define what “美” is in the generalized sense? Is fresh air beautiful? Are babies beautiful? Can you not say that compassion is beautiful?

Wuwei said it, arts in its extreme case become the study of philosophy, but what isn't? Newton in his late years became very interested in studying spirituality; René Descartes was a mathematician but his philosophy had even greater impact on man-kind.

那你肯定喜欢梵高了?他是个能一下子深入到你内心深处的画家,连签名都非常个人化 - Vincent,仅此而已。他也是我非常喜爱的画家。


前面我也说了,我认为形式还是重要的,但不可将重点放在形式上。形式不过是作者阐述自身思想的手段。没有思想,形式也就失去了存在的意义。所以Ansel Adams说:“没有比描述一个模糊概念的精彩绝伦的图片更糟糕的事了“。行行相通,皆因最终道理相通。
最初由 渐渐 发布
那你肯定喜欢梵高了?他是个能一下子深入到你内心深处的画家,连签名都非常个人化 - Vincent,仅此而已。他也是我非常喜爱的画家。


前面我也说了,我认为形式还是重要的,但不可将重点放在形式上。形式不过是作者阐述自身思想的手段。没有思想,形式也就失去了存在的意义。所以Ansel Adams说:“没有比描述一个模糊概念的精彩绝伦的图片更糟糕的事了“。行行相通,皆因最终道理相通。
最初由 渐渐 发布
When do you come to Ottawa?



记得64前北京有一个美展,我从杂志看到报道说整个美术馆贝黑布包起来,作品有猪仔身上印有人们看不懂文字的“天书”,柏林墙砖头,据说还有人开了枪。。。。美术馆外面有一个大大美展标志,是一个不许U turn的交通符号,觉得很有意思。

人们表达自己的想法有多种多样,比如一个人喜欢二手旧衣,说好听点叫vintage,一身artsy look来表达他的一点生活态度。

好像在这里有人说过干嘛不弄一本标准manual来作为总教科书,但正如Glenn Vilppu 说的,没有规则,只有工具。我们往往在自以为找到制胜法宝的时候栽跟斗。

最初由 渐渐 发布
那你肯定喜欢梵高了?他是个能一下子深入到你内心深处的画家,连签名都非常个人化 - Vincent,仅此而已。他也是我非常喜爱的画家。

Re: 你怎么知道这是我的最爱

最初由 我亦有亭 发布
wuwei: Don't be too modest, I'm always very impressed with your talent, and you have such a unique view angle.

我亦有亭: You humbled me. :blowzy: I actually don't know much about anything. What's great about this forum is that it offers a place to share ideas, sometimes even fuzzy ones, without getting laughed at. :)

兰婷: Is that Vincent (Starry Starry Night)? I can't listen to songs here, but will when I get home. Don McLean's Vincent was very very beautiful, I bought a whole CD just because of this one song.
最初由 渐渐 发布
兰婷: Is that Vincent (Starry Starry Night)? I can't listen to songs here, but will when I get home. Don McLean's Vincent was very very beautiful, I bought a whole CD just because of this one song.
Sure it is THE SONG. 自从从大学第一次听到,我就不可救药地爱上了它。。。:love: :love: :love:
我唱得还不错呢,就是不知道该怎么录音。。。:( :crying:
Re: 你怎么知道这是我的最爱

最初由 我亦有亭 发布
还不是因为我是你的贴心小马甲嘛。。。:kiss2: :smoke: