
那么多人喜欢GAS STOVE呀,是不是你们的大房子特别费气呀。我个人特别反对用GAS的。不如用电的安全,又严重影响空气质量(尤其加拿大这地方房间不能开门窗的时间很长),对做饭的人健康危害也大些。而且你们孩子不下厨房吗,小的不说,象我老大够高了以后自己会下厨房给自己做点吃的,我有时也会让孩子们看看我做饭,学点厨房的活什么的,用GAS终归安全隐患大些。
1: This House is not comply ENERGY STAR standard. energy star focus on energy saving. if house comply ENERGY STAR , you apps, maybe your life style shall comply ENERGY STAR .....but I don't want change any more. After I decided using GAS STOVE(not ENERGY STAR life style :D) and HOOD(900cfm), builder pointed issue out and try to sale something to me, also MY LD involved. I had to require low cost and recoverable solution. This solution looks funny, but it is cheap and recoverable. recover cost also is low. I consider it as a backup air intake ...DONE.
1: This House is not comply ENERGY STAR standard. energy star focus on energy saving. if house comply ENERGY STAR , you apps, maybe your life style shall comply ENERGY STAR .....but I don't want change any more. After I decided using GAS STOVE(not ENERGY STAR life style :D) and HOOD(900cfm), builder pointed issue out and try to sale something to me, also MY LD involved. I had to require low cost and recoverable solution. This solution looks funny, but it is cheap and recoverable. recover cost also is low. I consider it as a backup air intake ...DONE.

我的小厨房builder不小心多打了个洞,我也没让他们封上,我在洞里塞了很多破布,可冬天的小风还是嗖嗖的。你这insulated pipe可以把纯正的冷风引到房子中间去。:D:D:D

不是Energy Star的房子,将来试一下窗户周围的电源插座旁,屋顶的灯座,门周围的baseboard啥的,总能找到风源。:D
issue was solved and related works were completed by builder yesterday.SOLUTION: added 6" air intake pipe with insulation....:D:D:D:D...



[FONT=TimesNewRoman,Bold][FONT=TimesNewRoman,Bold] Make-up Air[/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=TimesNewRoman,Bold][FONT=TimesNewRoman,Bold](1) [/FONT][/FONT]In ventilating systems that exhaust air to the outdoors, provision shall be made for the admission of a supply of make-up air in sufficient quantity so that the operation of the exhaust system and other exhaust equipment or combustion equipment is not adversely affected.

[FONT=TimesNewRoman,Bold][FONT=TimesNewRoman,Bold](2) [/FONT][/FONT]Make-up air facilities required by Sentence (1) shall be interlocked with the exhaust devices they serve so that both operate together.

[FONT=TimesNewRoman,Bold][FONT=TimesNewRoman,Bold](3) [/FONT][/FONT]Where make-up air facilities are intended to introduce air directly from the outdoors to occupied parts of the [FONT=TimesNewRoman,Italic][FONT=TimesNewRoman,Italic]building [/FONT][/FONT]in winter, they shall incorporate means of tempering that air to maintain the indoor design temperature.
越南人用的普通的HOOD FAN),现在想换台三阳的抽油烟机,可是管道却是老式的HRV甚至有四寸的,现在的抽油烟机都是6寸的了。除了要阔大管道的尺寸(可能BUILT不给改)那有没有6寸转4寸的管子呢?请人做要大概要多少钱呢。谢谢
越南人用的普通的HOOD FAN),现在想换台三阳的抽油烟机,可是管道却是老式的HRV甚至有四寸的,现在的抽油烟机都是6寸的了。除了要阔大管道的尺寸(可能BUILT不给改)那有没有6寸转4寸的管子呢?请人做要大概要多少钱呢。谢谢

越南人用的普通的HOOD FAN),现在想换台三阳的抽油烟机,可是管道却是老式的HRV甚至有四寸的,现在的抽油烟机都是6寸的了。除了要阔大管道的尺寸(可能BUILT不给改)那有没有6寸转4寸的管子呢?请人做要大概要多少钱呢。谢谢

6'' 转 4'' 的转接口。。。$5


借这个老帖子问一下,如果是新房子,我自己把油烟机升级到超过300cfm但又没有装make up air 系统,会影响warranty吗?例如builder warranty或Tarion seven-year warranty?